#( tldr; damn her dad fucked up big time and now she's gotta pick up the pieces )
followingfallout4 · 8 years
Companions reacting to a pregnant Sole going into labor in the middle of no where.
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AN: Oh I’ve got a thing for romanced companions ones :D Thank you for the request! Because of this I now know what to do if a woman (or me for that matter) is about to gonna give birth in the middle of nowhere or in a car or sth. I’m learning some life skills here! ;) PS: the first ones got a bit long I tried to kinda restrain myself after those to avoid tldr but man this ask is technically fanfic/oneshot material. Prologue: Sole’s eyes widened. “You’ve got to be kidding me.” She figured she could make it back to Diamond city in time to give birth to this kid and settle down there for a while... take it easy. Clearly she had been mistaken. This baby was coming and nothing was going to stop it. She looked over at her companion, who was still oblivious to what was happening, and pointed at a very, very shabby looking hut-like thing in the distance. “Let’s check that out.”  She figured that was exactly how far she was still going to get. As soon as they closed the door behind them she hunched over, stumbled over to the remnants of a bed and grabbed on to the upper arm of her companion. She looked him straight in the eye. “ Looks like this baby isn’t waiting around for the due date. I’m having this baby. Now. “ 
Codsworth “ Oh dear! Okay, it’s happening! Let’s... let’s get you comfortable, Mum!” Codsworth put on a brave face and tried his best to keep his cool but could not for the life of him hide his panic (or excitement, Sole wasn’t entirely sure) in the slightest. Sure, he wasn’t exactly programmed to help bringing children into the world but he was sure that they would manage, after all "it is a beautiful and natural part of life, mum". His peptalk, including those exact words, served more to soothe himself than to soothe Sole, “Codsworth I appreciate you wanting to make me feel better but let’s focus on this tiny human getting out safely rather than on peptalking me, please?” “ Certainly! Oh, it will be such a beautiful child! I bet it’ll have your eyes,Mum.”  “ Codsworth... I’m in a lot of pain.” “ Err... right. What should I do?”  “ Get out water, some clean cloth or clothing to wrap this kid in, anything helpful.” Another contraction hit her. “ Right. Now.”   Codsworth tried to hide that he felt at a loss considering he had no clue on how to proceed next. In between contractions, Sole just told him what to do next as he meticulously followed her every instruction. He hated that he couldn’t help her with the pain but it’d have to do. 
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Danse: Danse stayed remarkably calm and got out of his power armor. Sole kept his eyes on him. Sure, she hadn’t expected him to be the kind to go  frantic but he was far too calm... did he think she was kidding or something? “ I’m not joking.” “ I am aware of that. There is no need for concern. Breathe in, breathe out and relax.I won’t let anything happen to you or this baby.”  “Danse, I know for a fact that ‘how to be a midwife’ is not part of the Brotherhood’s training process.”  Danse smiled, she didn’t think she’d ever seen him more in love with her than in that moment. “  Ensuring that you are prepared for the mission you will embark on is part of the training. I made sure I was well-informed  and therefore know precisely what to do. Our only concern is potential complications.” Sole’s stomach turned at the idea of that being a possibility and regretted not listening when he had urged her to just lay low and stop travelling around sooner.  He took some clean cloth, water, a stim pack, a pipet... out of his backpack and took his top off. Sole’s tried to smile but the pain made it difficult.  “Danse... I appreciate the distraction but ...” “ We need to keep this child warm, body heat is ideal. I presumed you are in enough discomfort already however you can certainly opt to use your own body heat.” Sole grimaced. Yeah, she was in enough discomfort already indeed. “ No thanks. “ He got a blanked out and put it over her after helping her out of her pants, presumeably to keep her warm.  “  You might have to breastfeed the child as it will lessen the bleeding due to the hormones.” She smiled at Danse. “Thanks for having my back.”  Danse gave her a reassuring smile and brushed some hair out of her face as gently as possible. “ Thank you for being the love of my life and giving me a family. Hang in there Sole, you're going to be allright. Both of you. I will protect you, no matter what. Both you and our child. "
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MacCready:  MacCready seemed to be lost in thought. “ Don’t just stand there, now what do we do?”  He sat down beside her. “ We don’t have time to get you to a doctor so we’re gonna have to make do with whatever we’ve got here. But hey, how hard can it be right?” “ You have no idea.” “ Right, sorry. Lucy made it very clear to me that it wasn’t easy when she had Duncan. The things she yelled at me, I thought I’d pull back a bloody stump considering how hard she squeezed my hand. I’ve only seen it and even I felt traumatised. I mean, damn what you women do is way more badass than anything that I...“ “ Yeah, real comforting there, MacCready.” “ *ahum* Anyway I think I’ve got this.” He grabbed a somewhat clean shirt from his duffel bag and started ripping it up after putting his coat underneath Sole. The house may have come with a bed but clean sheets were something else entirely.“ You’ve still got some purified water, right?” He looked through her stuff and lifted the bottle. ‘Found it!’ “ I appreciate you trying to stay calm but I doubt having watched it once makes you any more of a midwife than me.”  “ Someone once told me the second kid is easier though?” Sole groaned and shot him a vicious look. “Sure as hell doesn’t feel like it.” “ Okay, you’ve got this. I’ve got you. This baby is gonna be come out you’ll forget about all the bad stuff. Start with those puffy breathy things.” “ Puffy breathy things?” “ ‘C mon you know what I mean. "   MacCready focussed on her, showing to be much calmer than she was. However she noticed some tears welling up in his eyes.  “ You’re gonna be fine. “ He grabbed her hand while she was still puffing.  “ It’s always nice to see you this emotional, MacCready. “ She was expecting an excuse, from the dusty place to a full-blown twig in his eye. Perhaps onion-cutting ninja’s for the occasion. “  I’m about to see my second child. This ...  This is a big deal all right? You’ve done so much for me. You’ve given my son his life back, you’ve given me my life back and now you’re bringing another one into this world. And I get to raise them with you. Damnit Sole, I love you.” “ No cursing.” She squeezed his hand at another contraction.  “ Yeah you’re gonna have to let go cause I gotta get there now though.”
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“ Ohkay... well I used to be a nurse once upon a time, all the doctor’s fancied me... probably because of the blonde wig and my long legs. “ “ Deacon, this is really not the time.” “ I could be telling you the same thing.” She shot him the kind of look that made him count his lucky stars for her currently not being capable of fighting him because she would’ve handed him his ass. She hissed at him; “Look I know humor is your way of dealing with stressful situations and usually I am all for it. But not. Now.” Deacon couldn’t supress a wide grin. “Well I helped get it in there I suppose I can help gettin’ it out.” “ I swear if you’re gonna keep blurting out ‘funny’ shit you’re gonna make me a single mother.” Deacon was still smiling. “ That would be a crying shame, especially because you would be dealing with the crying. Actually, maybe that’s preferable, then I get some peace and quiet.’ “ Really, Deacon? That’s your reaction? Don’t you think it’s a bit early for bad dad jokes?”  “ No. Panic. I would say panic is my reaction. This is the scariest thing I’ve ever had to deal with. Feel better knowing that? What do you suggest we do?”  “ Get some things ready and please, please don’t do the fake being hurt thing when I yell insults at you because my sense of self-control is at an all-time low.” “ Gotcha, By the way, you’re doing great, keep up the pushing.”  Sole groaned. “Less peptalk more getting your kid out because just like their dad it loves to get me stressed out.”  “ Aww, they take after me already.” “ Deacon, shut the hell up and get my pants off.” He opened his mouth again when Sole yelled ‘NO innuendoes.”
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Gage: Gage’s eyes widened... “ Come again? This is some sort of bad joke right? Here?”  Sole shook their head. “ Not the kind of thing I joke about.” Sole doubled over, hand on her belly, at another contraction. “Some help’d be nice” He sighed and picked her up. “ Well shit boss, I’m not prepared for this.” “ Should’ve thought about that before you got me knocked up Gage.” He smiled a little." That’s what you get for always taking what you want I guess.”  “ Oh please, if you had taken anything without my say-so you wouldn’t be breathin’ anymore. For now you’re gonna have to take off that armour and make sure you get this kid out safely.” Gage sighed. “I didn’t sign up for the getting it out part.”  “ And I didn’t sign up for defeating your Overseer with a squirt gun, shit happens. We need to get this child out safely.” The look on Gage’s face shifted as he got out some clean water. Shit, what else did he need for this. Sole noticed. “ Wait... is that concern Gage?” “ I... No.” “ It actually easy, that I’d live the day to see this.” “ This is my kid too ya know. I don’t want it to have the kind of fucked up life I’ve had, but it’d be a good start if it comes out kicking and screaming. But cause someone refused to stay put I’ve gotta help you get my kid out." “  Say whatever you want, I’ve found a soft spot in that cold cold heart anyway.“ Sole winked before another contraction plastered a look of pain on her face again. “ I’ll guide ya through it Gage. But I can’t hold your hand through this cause  you’re gonna need them. So get something to put this baby on.” She decided that the last thing she had to do now is get insecure, wouldn’t help either of ‘em. “Damn boss, you’re somethin’ else. Fuck it, let’s do this.”
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" Looks like this kid takes after their dad, life’s to the fast and the rebellious. “ “ Yeah, high five it when it gets out but help me first.” Hancock looked rather happy until he noticed just how much pain Sole was in. “ You alright?" Sole looked at them. If looks could kill... “ And people say there are no stupid questions.” She folded double, grabbing at her abdomen. “ This hurts like hell.” He guided her to the bed and let her lay down on it.  “ I’d give ya some chems but that’d be bad for the baby.” “ No kidding, I’m not having any of that filth now regardless Hancock.” “ Guess we can’t make it to Diamond City anymore? I was looking forward to finding out whether they’d really let me in with you by my side, me being the father and all that.” “ Hancock, focus. No small talk. I could use some help getting my pants off.”  “ Ah, just what you said when we conceived the little one. Good times.” Hancock winked. Sole would laugh if the contractions weren’t hurting quite as much as they were. “ “ Alright... let’s fuck this shit up.” Sole slit her eyes. “Let’s fuck this shit up? Seriously? Look I know you’re a man and all but I speak from experience when I say this is not that easy.” “ You’ve been dating a me for a while now darling, in comparison this is gonna be a freakin’ breeze. You’re a fucking superhero and I love you. Now, lay back, push and let’s hope this baby gets their looks from mommy.” 
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Maxson: Maxson didn’t waste any time and picked her up. He put her down on the bed gently and seemed extremely calm.  “ Maxson, are you even processing what I just said?”  “ I know precisely what I am doing and  yes I have. We have this under control.” Sole groaned in pain. “ Speak for yourself ... the pain is getting worse.” Maxson got out a wide array of things he needed to deliver the baby . “ You do what I tell you what I tell you and there ought to be no issues.” Sole scoffed. “Sure, cause you know all about babies. Maxson, with all do respect, this is not exactly the same as commanding an army.”    Sole clenched her teeth and dug her nails into what was left of the matress on the bed before screaming out. Maxson rushed over and for a moment his facade cracked, he was worried about her, brushing some hair out of her face.  “ Are you alright?”  Sole grimaced. “ Hardly. What happened to having everything under control?”  “ Our child will be safe, it’s you I am concerned about.” “ What makes you so sure Maxson?”  “ I asked Cade what I would need to help you deliver this child if he wasn’t nearby. I have prepared for this potentially happening and have all the required equipment at the ready.” Sole screamed again, he grabbed her hand.  “ I swear I will protect you and this child. I will send a message to the Brotherhood after this and they will come pick us up in a ventibird. And then you will rest.” Sole grinned. “Never listened before.” “ I’ll lock you up if I have to, I care more about your safety than about some missions.” “ You mean you love me more than the Brotherhood? That’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever said to me.” She screamed again and grabbed his hand, he didn’t even flinch as she squeezed as hard as she could. “ I love you and this child more than anything. Now focus on doing this. You are my goddamn Sentinel for a damn good reason, you can do anything. That includes this. Just... whatever you do stay with me.” 
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Kent:  “I really don’t think this is the time. I mean...” Sole grimaced. “ I don’t think this kid cares about whether it’s the time for it.” Kent supported Sole and put her on the bed.  “ Are you sure we can’t make it to Diamond City?” “ On the list of things not even the Silver Shroud can do: delaying childbirth.”  Kent looked around nervously. “Okay... okay. What should I do.” “ Stop looking so panicked for starters? Just do as I say and this will be fine.”
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Preston: “ We’re having this baby now? Really?” Preston could hardly hide the happiness and excitement on his face when it dawned on him that the circumstances were hardly ideal for someone to give birth. He looked around. They were in a small shack in the middle of nowhere... panic crept up on him. He looked at Sole who seemed very busy with putting on a brave face but he knew when someone was scared. He picked her up, knowing he had to be the strong one. She had enough on her mind now. “ I got you. This baby is going to be fine.” He gently put her down on the bed in the hut.  “ I was hoping for better circumstances but at least it isn’t raining, right?”  He held her hand.  “ This is not the first time I’ve helped someone getting a baby out in the world by the way.” Sole laughed a little, very faintly because of the pain.  “ You mean you’ve got a bunch of kids running around?”  He laughed and brushed some hair out of her face and helped her take off her pants and get a little more comfortable. “ No, but we do a lot in the Commonwealth. There was once a pregnant lady among the people we saved. The stress made her go into labour sooner than expected. But the baby pulled through.” Knowing that he had done this kind of thing before soothed her  a little. “ I’m going to look for things we can use. Some clean cloth, water,... You’re going to have to take your top off too I’m afraid. Saved the mother. The child’s grandmother was with us and she told us it could stop the bleeding faster. I’ll get you a blanked though.” Sole nodded.  “ You’re going to be okay. I promise.”
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Nick: Nick immediately focused on getting Sole calm and comfortable on the cot in the hut. “ Listen to me, kid. You can do this. We’re going to get this baby out safely do you hear me?” Sole nodded, still biting down on her lower teeth. “ I guess it’s gonna have to come out somehow.” She smiled a little but still looked panicked. What if something went wrong? They first thought there were complications with Shaun’s birth as well but it quickly turned out to be a false alarm, she might not be as lucky this time. “ The first thing you need to do is slow your breathing, relax.” “ Easy for you to say.” The pain of the contractions wasn’t getting much better. He took off his coat and put it underneath Sole. “ That’s gonna be messed up if this kid when the baby comes out Nick. Blood doesn’t wash out easily.” “ Do you honestly think I give a damn? This is our child. I’m going to try to get you comfortable.” He did as much as he could to make Sole lay down in a comfortable position. “ It’s not my comfort I’m worried about.” Nick sat down next to her and grabbed her by the back of her neck until his forehead touched hers. “ First of all; I love you. Second; when I say push you’ll have to push. I will support the baby’s head and make sure they’re breathing, okay?” Sole nodded. Nick planted a kiss on her lips. “ Everything is going to be alright. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me, I will not lose you or this baby”
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Sturges; Sturges’ eyes widened. “Oh... okay, no need to panic we can do this.” Sole grimaced. “ I’m not so sure about that.”  “ Hey this is nature, you’ll be fine. I’m right here, I won’t let anything happen to you or to our baby.” He smiled at her in such a proud way that her heart melted a little.  “ This is not exactly how I wanted things to go down sturges.” “ Hey, look at me alright? You’ve got this. You’re a badass, I’ve seen you save so many people and survive against all odds, even if you can’t properly install a tap. This baby is going to conquer the world with a mom like you. Everything’s gonna be okay. I’m gonna get something to wrap the baby into, okay? Lay down and try that breathing thing.” He walked to his backpack but immediately walked back over to her and brushed some hair out of her face. “ I forgot to say one more thing... I love you.”
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X6-88: “ The nearest point we can transport to the Institute is 5 minutes away. I suggest we start moving.” “ I’m not gonna make it there.” “ You are.” He lifted Sole up and carried her to the place they were supposed to be. X6 seemed to be convinced he had it all under control although he looked more stressed than Sole had ever seen him. He barely managed to get Sole to a point where she could be transported to the Institute and once there started yelling orders at each and every doctor. As they frowned at him for presuming he, as a synth, had the audacity to doing so Sole yelled that he was officially her second and would be obeyed. Especially in these circumstances. He continued his orders and Sole noticed a hint of a smile. Someone stood beside her and urged her to calm her breathing to delay the birth a little. X6 soon sat beside her, holding her hand. “ I’d hardly considered you the sentimental type.”  “ I am aware of the fact that squeezing someone’s hand aids them in getting the focus off the pain to some extent.” With her next contraction she squeezed again, hard. Part of her didn’t give a damn but she looked at X6 regardless, trying to figure out if she hadn’t hurt him. “ I can take it. Do whatever you need to do.”
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