#( was gonna do a comical response where SF was either like 'NU UH (lying)' or 'the fact tht u even have 2 ask me.....'
eievuimultimuse · 10 months
"Have I pissed you off in a way that's more than normal?" (07 @ 07 sf hehe)
     “ Y’KNOW, BELIEVE IT or not — though it sure as hell FEELS like it sometimes — you ain’t the only BASTARD I deal with out here, NIGHTWATCHER. “ The crime boss never refers to the vigilante by name in their fleeting and occasional exchanges, so the ANNOYANCE dripping off of it is highly apparent.  ( And yet, it doesn’t actually seem like it’s wholly directed at him…something about the way he says it, it sounds like he was already frustrated before the conversation started. )  “ This ain’t got NOTHIN’ t’ do with you, “ he adds sharply, because he KNOWS what the guy must be thinking. Must be thinking he’s waving the white flag, that he’s finally broken him. HE HASN’T.
     There is a noticeable HESITATION; a pensive lull in his words. He’s well within his right to HANG UP; there’s nothing between them that’s really worth discussing beyond this. They’re not FRIENDS. And yet…he can’t quite bring himself to not at least utter a word of WARNING to the guy.  ( Yeah, it’s THAT bad. )
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     “ Look, somethin’ WEIRD is goin’ on, and I ain’t a fan. I gotta look out for my OWN first, ya’ hear ? “  It’s the subtlest way he could phrase that he thinks it’s UNSAFE. Which, of course, poses the question: What the hell could there be that’d scare SUPERFLY of all people ?  “ I’d say I’d SUGGEST YOU DO THE SAME, but I know you ain’t gonna listen, so. You do you, but watch your step when ya’ do. “
     He doesn’t wait for a reply. The line’s dead as soon as he finishes his sentence.
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