#( ʏ'ᴋɴᴏᴡ ; ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ᴀs ʙᴏʀɪɴɢ ᴀs ᴄʀʏɪɴɢ ᴋɪᴍ | .ooc )
wcsted-blog1 · 5 years
         not even gonna lie but ozuna’s song te soñe de nuevo is literally the definition of what crushing on someone is like we- on another note the song is BOMB so i’m dropping it here .
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wcsted-blog1 · 5 years
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imma take a quick shower , and work on replies once i’m back BUT - give this a LIKE for a starter maybe ??
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wcsted-blog1 · 6 years
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        this is a long and somewhat emotional follow forever , as i feel it’s genuinely the most MEANINGFUL one i have done so far ?? like genuinely i did tear up a little writing this shit so .  .  . i just want to thank you all not gonna lie , simply because you guys are the best , and i mean it with all of my heart , some of you quite literally STOPPED ME from giving up writing as a whole without even realising , because yeah , early january i did think of quitting , i was so close to , it would’ve taken a little push and i would’ve quite literally deleted this and all of my previous accounts , but i can tell you right now - i am SO GLAD that i did not. it’s all because of you !!
      to be fair this follow forever is just an excuse to be able to thank you guys publicly. some of you already know how much i appreciate you , with the random I LOVE YOU ALL’s in group chats or just me genuinely being an annoying cunt and bugging you 24/7 , some others i’m may be more shy about or i just simply admire you from afar , - and regardless of whether we talk or not , if you’re on here it just means you’ve somehow helped me , to not quit , stopped me from doing so as a whole , and have helped me to keep doing this thing i’ve been doing for almost five years now. i have to say it would’ve probably been one of my biggest mistakes to just QUIT , so i am here to T H A N K Y O U , for inspiring me , for helping me grow as a writer , for helping me with my english ( which you all do ) , for dealing with my ass , for everything in general.
i feel as if this is the longest follow forever i have done in my life but really it doesn’t matter. this is here to show how much i appreciate you guys , to just thank you for absolutely everything. i’ll stop here and move on to the little paragraphs some are more personal others are more general ones but , whatever the case is you guys warm my fucking heart seriously.
* // ⊰  @pcrscphonie . ⊱ to the titsiana to my cumriana .  .  .                      emily , E M I L Y - what the fuck would i do without your ass ?? like i’m serious ?? i swear talking to you gives me life - genuinely , you make me crack the fuck up on a fucking daily basis. i don’t think i’ve laughed so much in a long time really , so i owe you BIG TIME. not gonna lie i’m fucking glad i managed to drag your ass and get you to join discord , because what would we now do without the sexting gc , our daddy akshay and the bonetown / house party calls ?? ;)) i don’t know but whatever the case is i am WET writing this ( bc i’m tearing up , pls stop being so dirty minded i swear ) . thank you for talking to me after that shit episode i had on a night out , or dealing with my annoying ass on a daily basis , what can i say ?? i actually fucking love you LMAO , as i said you’re the titsiana to my cumriana on a side note i genuinely think that your writing BLOWS my fucking mind , like - lowkey you’re definitely a ) one of my favourite people to write AND talk with and b ) one of the nicest and most talented ones on this hell of a fucking site. so yeah , thank you , thank you and THANK YOU BEBÉ.
* // ⊰  @wavesborn​​​ . ⊱  la bestia a mi bebesita .  .  .                        yadira , Y A D I R A , hostia PUTA done coño empiezo ?? meeting you has been one of the highlights of my year so far , and i am lowkey SERIOUS. our calls ?? me staying up until 3 - 5 a.m sometimes just to be talking to you , is literally one of the BEST THINGS EVER , even if i am not even alive the next day. and yes i might be a full on nerd but you know you love it ;)) GRACIAS por todo chica , te lo juro de verdad, i mean it when i say that you’ve quite literally saved my ass , you’re one of the people that have resurrected my muse for roleplaying in general. you’re an angel , literal eres un ANGEL tia , y no cambiaria nuestra amistad por NADA EN EL MUNDO. you’re one of my favourite people on this site , whether it is to talk or write to. eres la mejor colega , y me cago en todo lo que se mueve por que va en serio , ERES UN ANGEL CHICA. thank you for being one of my best mates , i really fucking love you. like stefan adores you too , we both adore you for reals afiashdgaiosi QUE HARIA YO SIN TI TIA. you’ve been one of the MAIN reasons for me to not have given up on writing in early january. you’ve pushed me , inspired me , have made me think creatively in different ways , and have made my muse reach new limits , which is DOPE AS FUCK. GRACIAS POR TODO , LITERAL QUE TE AMO.
* // ⊰  @giaawritess​​​​ . ⊱  un angel pero de verdad colega .  .  .                        gia , G I A , look you’re genuinely i just don’t even know where to begin with , one of the BEST people i have ever met in my life. you’re an angel  ( YOU LITERALLY ARE THO YOUR VOICE ?? OMFG LIKE ACTUALLY KILL ME , YOU SAW IT YESTERDAY , ME AND STEFAN FULL ON FANGIRLING ABOUT YOUR VOICE MATE AHSFOASHDGOIAS ) one of the kindest people i have ever met. you genuinely blow my mind in so many ways , like i look up to you so fucking much ?? it’s crazy really. when i tell you that i wish i were in the USA i literally mean it because you’ve just done so much for me the past three months , *// i’m crying now i- // you’ve been there for me , you’ve made me laugh like an idiot , fangirl the fuck out of myself with your singing , but you’ve also genuinely been one of the best things that have happened to me this year. literal , i look up to you so much ?? you’re like a bigger sister to me , 100%. thank you for being here , for existing , for just being y o u. like for reals gia. i just want you to know that if you ever need ANYTHING i will be there , because i want to give back - you’re an angel i swear , like a r e a l angel. MUCHISIMAS GRACIAS POR TODO , GRACIAS POR SER TU. TE QUIERO TANTO.
* // ⊰  @fircytragcdy​​​​​ . ⊱  plz don’t put me in the box of shame for this i sWEAR i ain’t a mess ( okay i might be but fhasiodghoashdg ) .  .  .                       lucy , L U C Y , idk how you deal with my annoying ass but , i genuinely am thankful as fuck for being able to write with you ?? but there’s something else i have to thank you for as well which is TEMPTING ME to return to indie , like - actually come back , and it took you nothing to convince me ?? from you first hand experiencing my drunk texting in the morning to writing - like you probably think i am a mess let’s be real , which i am but y’know , .  .  . i’m just here to say that i appreciate you A LOT. your writing blows my fucking mind too , like guao is this talent ?? if you write a book please link me , bc i’ll defo buy AND read it mate. whatever the case is , you know you’ve got me here no matter what , if you need anything - imma be there !! you ARE one of the most talented people on this site , your writing is GENUINE quality , and i’m just blessed to be able to write and talk to you fam. i just wanna than u for everything like legit , my messy ass is thankful AF. thank you for writing with me but also for inspiring me , because literally you’ve also helped me regain my muse , and just been one of the ones that stopped me from giving up on writing. thank you mate , for reals. GRAZIE MILLE , 4 REALS , GRAZIE MILLE.
* // ⊰  @rosychvrms  ; @nightinqale ; @prcsopa ; @trcnscendant ; @svnflowcr-s ; @darlingstm ;  @hvneymoons ; @dvstedgold ; @emptygcds ; @vuotriste ; @alittlewickcd ; @antisopa ; @pcrscphonie ; @wavesborn ; @giaawritess , @fircytragcdy *ik if i forgot peeps on this section but anyways i can’t remember the urls rn i’m just a crying emotional mess rn tbfh . ⊱  this is a special thank you to y’all .  .  .                     we might’ve chatted , we might’ve written , done both or neither of these , it doesn’t matter. we all were a part of the same thing , the same universe for several months. it’s why you are on here , because someway or another , seeing you on my dash , or getting to write with you whenever i was logged onto @bloodcvrsed , you managed to inspire me and bring back the muse i was on the verge of losing ( and giving up ) . it’s why i gotta thank you all *and i’m definitely missing people but i can’t remember the urls , so if you see this it’s also aimed at you* because you just stopped me from quitting the one thing that i’ve been doing so many years , and really it would’ve been one of the biggest mistakes of my life. i just want to say thank you , THANK YOU FOR STOPPING ME , FOR INSPIRING ME AND FOR BEING THE ONE OF THE MOST TALENTED PEOPLE I HAVE ENCOUNTERED ON THIS SHIT HOLE THAT IS TUMBLR !! THANK YOU GUYS SM ; ILY.
* // ⊰  @thefineartofbitchcraft , @serialqueen , @chrysalvsm , @artofbeingperfect , @wildtm . ⊱ to you who have stuck by my side for so many years .  .  .                            i have MISSED YOU ALL , so fucking much. i’ve missed writing with you , talking to you , just being here online. i almost made the mistake of quitting this thing , indie - which yes it’s a hell of a site and yes it’s quite literally full of drama *which is what almost drove me away* but to be fair , i am glad that i was able to see what i almost gave up on. it would’ve bee one of the BIGGEST mistakes i’d ever had made , quitting this - i’ve known you all for AT LEAST a year , with some of you guys i’ve been writing with since 2016 - that’s almost three years , considering i began writing mason in september of the same year - some of you i began writing with on this account , and whatever the case is - YOU ALL have inspired me , you all have made me fall in love with writing , back then , now - all over again really. being back and writing with you guys again made me realise just HOW MUCH i missed this , i missed you all , it made me realise why the past Y E A R i had been unhappy on here but also why my muse had been falling apart , because i wasn’t doing what i wanted , because i made a decision to please someone in fear of losing a friendship. i was unsure on how to turn back as soon as i realised , that i had made a mistake - and i am sorry for that , because - i know some of you missed mason as much as i missed writing him with you - i owe you this apology , and you need to hear it , that i missed this , that i missed it all. - so i am sorry. i’m here to say THANK YOU for having stuck with me for YEARS. i’m actually glad to have you all here i ain’t gonna fuckig lie.THANK YOU FOR GIVING ME LIFE , FOR JUST BEING SO SWEET AND GREAT AND ABSOLUTELY FUCKING TALENTED Y’ALL. i genuinely LOVE you all so fucking much it’s C R A Z Y.        you guys , i am so glad to be back - i am SO FUCKING GLAD TO BE BACK. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU AND THANK YOU.
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wcsted-blog1 · 5 years
so i have made a new indie . you guys may follow me over at @gicrdanc​ ! some of my muses have been kept , but i have decided to start over and introduce newer ones / keep the ones that i have always enjoyed writing the most . all my canon muses are now gone .
i feel as if it’s better for me just to start over on a new blog due to the mess that the tags are and just well... i just want a fresh start !
this blog is now an archive . follow me here @gicrdanc​ .
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wcsted-blog1 · 5 years
i will be reallocating on a new blog soon :)
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wcsted-blog1 · 5 years
yo guys i miss outlaws :(
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wcsted-blog1 · 5 years
FILL IN: i like to be called :  lorena, kim/mei . my favorite color is : black . gender : female . one thing you should know about me : i’m a soft mess who cares a lot about people . like i’d do anything for some peeps .  .  . like i’ve always been the kind of person to look out for others before looking out for myself . basically i just like making my mates happy and have them feel welcomed etc .  .  . i’ve developed a habit of creating the strangest combinations of foods now that i’m at uni ( some of you will know about my famous fruity pasta plate ) . i’m also really easy to talk to about anything !! i also tilt super quickly when i play league btw . one thing you should know about my muse : they’re all wild like a 100%. a lot of them have no chill , but then there’s some that are a mess or just too good for this world sksksk first language : spanish / german.   second language(s) : english , chinese , *beginners, french , italian ( last two basic lvl aye )
HIGHLIGHT : age range : under 13 | 14–17 | 18–22 | 23–25 | 26–29 | 30+ | 70+ am i okay with nsfw? : yes | no | sometimes | not for this muse my favorite/most common thing to rp is : angst | fluff | smut | crack | action | other oc friendly? : yes | no | depends | always | fuck yeah fam rp blog : does | doesn’t contain ooc posts
tagged by: myself.
tagging: @pcrscphonie , @giaawritess , @wavesborn , @fircytragcdy , @rosychvrms , @wildtm , @artofbeingperfect , @thefineartofbitchcraft , @chrysalvsm , @anchorrs , @fearhermind , @serialqueen .
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wcsted-blog1 · 5 years
i’m alive and i wanted to pop in and say that y’all should pop in and join my rp over at
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wcsted-blog1 · 5 years
okay so my mood is still trash as per usual , but i’m actually here and imma work on memes / replies n stuff yeah
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wcsted-blog1 · 6 years
okay so , i’m warning y’all i’ll be running the queue to keep my account active as i’ve been doing the past two week.        basically i’m full on fucked with exams until thursday NEXT week. after that i’ll be heading home on saturday and will have finished uni already *// at least class wise. so yeah it’s just a heads up so y’all know why i’m taking SO LONG to get to things. i’m sorry but i hope y’all understand !! i’m stressed af & drowning in assignments. you can however reach me on d//scord over @  CUMRIANA#1836    just let me know who u r so i can add u back.
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wcsted-blog1 · 5 years
I KINDA GOT ADDICTED TO SIMS 2 LMAO THUS MY ABSENCE. and well me kinda going out more often than usual but anywayssss. i’m in the mood to play some dead by daylight bpiadsgiosa soooo does anyone wanna join my aSS ORRRR. hmu thru ims or discord
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wcsted-blog1 · 5 years
so i’m finally settled at home !! i’ve arrived safely && i’m about to update my muse list *which i should’ve done so AGES AGO LMFAO. as well as work on the memes and drafts in my inbox !!
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wcsted-blog1 · 5 years
so just an update on how things are going. i had my chinese oral speaking exam today , which went well btw. it’s currently 23:23 and i’m about to finally sit down and finish writing a paper. i’m catching a plane early in the a.m on saturday , and i’m spending that day w the fam as soon as i land , same w sunday probs. other than that my birthday is coming up on tuesday so i might be going out i dunno yet... BUT WHAT I MEAN IS. i’ll FINALLY be on spring break AKA i’ll have the time to sit down and speed through replies yes. i miss being on here y’all but these past few weeks have been hella stressful considering i had the great idea to grab a bus and get pissed in glasgow for a weekend when exams were like around the corner LMFAO. but yeah... WE GOOD I’M ALIVE WE GOOD.
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wcsted-blog1 · 5 years
y’all best wish me luck I’ve got my chinese written exam today like... pls pray for me or some shit ? Ty.
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wcsted-blog1 · 5 years
TAGGED BY: @giaawritess thanks !
We’re snooping on your playlist. Put your entire 🎶 library on shuffle and list the first ten songs, then choose ten victims. 
1. believe in love - marina 2. con altura - rosalía 3. obsesión - natti natasha 4. 7 rings - ariana grande 5. 1999 - charli xcx 6. girls like girls - hayley kiyoko 7. dead - madison beer 8. summertime sadness - lana del rey 9. the night we met - lord huron 10. hit and run - lana del rey
ᴛᴀɢɢɪɴɢ: @pcrscphonie , @fircytragcdy , @redeathed , @chrysalvsm + anyone else !
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wcsted-blog1 · 6 years
       bois and girls , it’s me here running on one hour ish of sleep , sipping on my redbull as i type this. i’m currently rushing through a assignment , and i will try my best to be on once i’ve got it done. i won’t be on tomorrow cause going out n shit ( two times in three days seems legit ) but i’ll definitely will ATTEMPT to queue some stuff for tomorrow *will try my best guys
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