#('sorry this took so long' she says while literally having 18 unanswered asks in her ask box)
nerdnag · 6 months
Sure, let's go! 🥑🍬🔪🦷🐝🧩?
Yayy!! And sorry this took so long! My adhd refused to let me answer it yesterday 😬
🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
@wild-moss-art without question. They always offer good advice and also they would probably most definitely know how to get rid of a body
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
Waah 🙈 I normally avoid this kind of question like the plague because it makes me so uncomfortable to expose myself to Potential Discourse, but I'll give it a shot!!
Since we're both in the AA fandom... I don't know how much of an unpopular opinion this is since I have seen others mention it, but. I much prefer AA4 Phoenix to his other versions, and I'm sort of disappointed he seemed to revert back to the old Phoenix in AA5. I think AA4 Phoenix is freaking awesome. My kinda guy. (I did read a sort of fan essay recently though about how Phoenix was actually always AA4 Phoenix in some manner, and always will be, and that a lot of the difference in AA4 comes from the fact that you are barely inside his brain/POV at all, which makes him look more mysterious and random and incredibly freaking cool when we all know deep down how he's mostly just very lucky, lol. And that did convince me somewhat that it wasn't just a one-off thing, but still. I think his secretive, will-do-whatever-is-necessary, smug-ass attitude was incredibly interesting to engage with and it's sadly absent in the other games.)
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
I'm running out of things to say to this question. XD Uhhh. Oh! I went deep into Brazilian favelas in 2016!
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
Alright, here's some personal wisdom courtesy of Sara von Nerdnag-Nuvelle!
I try to think of being wrong as something positive. So although I was very defensive when I was younger and still sometimes struggle not to be, I've managed to reprogram myself so that I usually instinctively respond by admitting to being wrong whenever I see a chance to do so. (I still struggle to do it in emotional situations though, it's easier when it's something more factual.)
And if it feels difficult to admit to being wrong, here are some reasons why being wrong is great, actually!
You get to learn new things and improve as a person.
Other people will view you as humble and tend to like you more.
Also related to the previous point: In the cases that you do not admit to being wrong, people will tend to take you more seriously since they know you're not just being obtusely defensive.
Each time you admit to being wrong and therefore learn something new, you get a cool new sword that you can then defeat other people with!! (Metaphorically speaking)
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
I've already tagged Nic and Eifie, who are the two biggest supporters for my writing, so I'll answer from the perspective of my art instead! And in that case, I'd say @wild-moss-art is likely my biggest supporter!! They found me on tumblr because they liked my Constance art, and I was so intimidated at first because oh my god artworld beyoncé. Their art - especially the Constance art - is so good!! And not only that, they turned out to be incredibly cool and helpful and thoughtful. They leave such nice comments on my art, and have helped me several times to fix anatomy or other stuff I wasn't getting right. Also they're really nice to talk to. 💕
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
Ooooh, hm. There are probably a few things, but if I'm choosing just one, I guess it would be that I see immediate signs of it being a little too badly/awkwardly written for me to be able to get through it. And... I'm not entirely sure what these signs are, but I know they are very instinctual and I can usually catch them within a few paragraphs at most.
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nightowlfandom · 5 years
Shoto Todoroki- Cold Feet, Hot Head
REQUEST FROM PROMPT LIST- RIGHT HERE! (Assuming you want something off the prompt list )
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As and ye shall receive and just to be cute I’ll have some cute nicknames for him.
So this might not be true to the plot or whatever to the anime or manga so literally just suspend your disbelief...please. Please remember if you request a character portrayed as a teenager, they will be written as being over the legal age limit (18 where I live) especially if you request something NSFW related.
I wanted to give this such a serious vibe.
“I want you to meet my mother.”
You looked up in shock at his words. Todo wanted you to...meet his mother?
“Me?..M-meet your mom? So soon?” you stammered. “A-are you sure?” 
Yes, you had heard his story, how he got that burn mark of his face and while it infuriated you to know end, you knew that he wouldn’t want you to be. Sure it happened so long ago but was no excuse for harm. Especially on a boy no older than five. (or at least that’s how you felt.)
If he could forgive her, you could too....you guessed.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” he said in his usual collected voice. “I think there’s no time like the present.” he smiled, though there was a wavering uneasiness in his voice. You didn’t pry but you could tell that he was having trouble trying to sound convincing.
“...Okay.” you nodded. “Y-yeah let’s do it.” you tried to smile for him, to show him you were on board. You grabbed his hand reassuringly. “I know how to charm anybody.”
“Much like you’ve charmed me, Y/N.” he smiled, gently lifting your hand to his lips and kissing your knuckles. “What have I done to get so lucky to have met you?”
“I bumped into you in a hallway, my notebook fell open and you saw a diary entry where it explained my really stupid and embarrassing crush on you and when I tried to run away you followed me and-” you began, only to be cut off by him pecking you on the lips. “that happened...What were we talking about?” you asked.
“That’s what I thought.” he laughed, or at least his version of a laugh.
Now you were nervous. You had all weekend to prepare but in a way you were betting that jumping off a skyscraper was less panicky than this. Todoroki clutched your hand, seeing nervous as well.
The last thing he wanted to hear was that he had chosen poorly, not that it mattered to him, but even now all these years later, his mother’s opinion would mean everything to him.
“Sho...are you okay?” you raised an eyebrow. “Don’t tell me you’re getting cold feet?” you held onto his hand making him look down at you. You two were sitting next to each other in a local cafe. He had been eyeing his knuckles intensely, ike he couldn’t muster up the wits to look at the door for any sign of his mother.
“I’m okay, I’m just-” he cut himself off.
“Nervous?” you asked, making him nod. Well that sucked, you couldn’t be nervous at the same time he was! That’s a double nervous and that wouldn’t end well!
“Hey! No need to be nervous. I know how to make any adult love me.” you winked, hoping it would lift his spirits. “Plus, even if she didn’t..would that really stop us from being together?” you raised an eyebrow.
“Of course not.” he replied. He wouldn’t say that he prayed before he fell asleep the night before that his mother loved you as much as he did, but he had hoped, that her approval of you relationship would take your bond to the next level.
“Is that her?” You pointed to a white haired woman walking through the doors, smiling at the barista as she passed. 
Shoto followed your eyes, his back becoming stiff as he mumbled a quick ‘yes.’
He got up and walked over to the woman and quite awkwardly gave her a hug. You pretended to be interested in a menu. You buried your nose in the menu, feeling your heart about to burst from your chest and scream “FREEEDOOMM”
You felt your boyfriend’s presence next to you, his arm wrapping around your shoulder.
“Um...Mother..This is the love of my life, Y/N.”
You lowered your menu and gazed into the silver haired woman’s eyes. You studied her face and couldn’t read it well. She didn’t speak for a bit but a smile spread on her face suddenly.
“I’ll be right back, I’ll go order for us.” 
That little sneak! You stared at him in horror, as if to ask what the hell he ahd up his sleeve. He got up and walked over to the counter, standing in line.
You turned towards his mother, there was a twinkle in her eyes.
“So you’re the lovely Y/N I’ve been hearing about?” she leaned her elbows on the table. “My Shoto said you were beautiful but I didn’t expect you to be so-” she stopped herself from speaking. “So stunning.”
“Really? He said that about me?” you asked, turned your head to see him staring intently at the menu.
“He’s told me many things about you, including his future plans.” she replied. “You make my son very happy, do you know that?”
“The feeling’s mutual. He makes me really happy too.” you smiled. “He’s made my life an adventure, that’s for sure.” you stared down at your fingers. 
“Do you love him?” she asked, making you look up. Her face had gone serious. “Because I’m sure that he loves you.”
“...If I were to name all the reasons I love your son, I think I’d bore you to sleep.” you chuckled. 
“Then I adore you already.” she grabbed your hand which you hadn’t realized was shaking. “I’m sure you’re the first to break that shell of his in a while.”
You didn’t know what to say, you didn’t want to say anything that could set apart the mood.
“Your silence tells me that you know what happened all those years ago? I was in a horrible place at that time.” she looked down. “I hated myself for doing what I did. I would never intentionally harm my son for any reason. I was broken and so deep in my own hatred of that monster that-”
“You snapped.” you finished, causing her to nod sadly. “I know the feeling.”
“How can you say that-”
“Your son and I have a lot more in common than you think.” you smiled sadly. “I won’t bore you with the details.”
“You know when he was walking with me to the table, he looked at you as if you were his word?” she commented. “As if he would give up anything and everything for you.”
“How do you-”
“I’m a mother...I know these things.” she giggled. You looked at your boyfriend who was now the front in line, ordering for all three of you.
“He’s my world too.” you finally said. “Thanks for...y’know approving of me Miss.-”
“Rei, call me Rei.” she cut you off. 
You were about to speak again when you saw a plate of your favorite food be set down in front of you. 
“Sorry it took so long.” he sat down with his and his mothers plates as well.
“We don’t mind, we were just talking.” Rei looked at her son. “You sure roped in a good one...I’d keep her if I were you.” she smiled. “I can tell she makes you happy.”
“Trust me..I plan of keeping her near me for as long as possible.”
“Good, I know you make her happy too..so you two better take care of eachother. The world needs to see what a beautiful couple you two make.”
Todoroki sighed with relief, knowing his mother has showed her approval made him happy.
“See, I told you this would go well, IcyHot.” you kissed his cheek.
“Must you call me that?” Todoroki turned red, looking embarrassed. “You know how i feel about that name.”
“Icyhot?” his mother repeated a smile teasing her face. “Is that some kind of nickname?”
“He hates when I call him that but that’s exactly why I do it.” you laughed. 
“Any other names I should know about?” Rei asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Freezer Burn.” you instantly said. “He hates that one too. Half and Half, red velvet cake, half old man...”
“Frost-Fire?” she suddenly said, making you burst out laughing.
“Oh that’s a good one! Can I use that one??”
Todoroki smiled as his two favorite women in the world laughed together even if ti was to make fun of him, it made him pat the tiny black box in his pocket with determination and anticipation. He knew he was ready now and he couldn’t wait to see your face when he asked you the question that’s been on his mind since he first told you he loved you.
(I feel like I left so many questions  unanswered...OH WELL *RUNS AWAY DABBING* )
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