#(( the linked is to blueeyesking's original post!))
sketchyonlooker · 3 months
< A camera feed comes into view.
Numerous monsters and dragons are seen through Domino City. Some of them are climbing buildings, others are blocking traffic. Nothing appears to be getting damaged, but given that some of these creatures are as tall as a building, their presence causes panic in the masses. Several men and women are running away from a purple two-headed dragon in the middle of the road. They're screaming in fear, some of them trampling over each other.. A white gecko-like creature is climbing the walls of a building, tongue flicking as if catching a bug. Several police cars are surrounding it with the policemen pointing their weapons at it. An officer with a megaphone seems to be demanding its surrender. Other scenes are playing out on the live stream as if the recorder is moving very fast from place to place. A window-in-window video can be seen in the bottom right corner of the stream.> ----- < A screen-in-screen video is currently playing. Seto Kaiba is in front of a podium with hundreds of reporters pointing their microphones at him. The camera that is observing Kaiba appears to be one of the few in front. There's a hint of unease in the air, and that unease seems to be fueling the many questions being fired now. Many of the questions are outright accusatory. There were so many questions being asked that it all just turned into noise. Nothing coherent could be heard. However, as soon as Kaiba opened his mouth, the media fell silent. "After these events, we've shut down our Solid Vision systems for extensive testing. However, during this time, the monsters were still appearing; therefore, these sightings are unrelated to KaibaCorp. Something else has to be causing this."
DMGBeloved (v): omg. Of course you're covering this Sketchy.
CardGamesSon (v): Guys guys! I was in the middle of a duel when my Duel Disk suddenly died. Did something happen at KaibaCorp?
CardGamesSon (v): Oh hey, Sketchy's back to covering Duel Monsters? I thought they were on a food tour around the world thing.
Capu4Life (v): i hate the fact that when something weird is happening in japan, my first thought was this channel.
Capu4Life (v): then again, clearly the alien has the most up to date news.
BlueEyesBlondeDragon (v): @/CardGamesSon : KC shut the Solid Vision down because Duel Monsters appeared all around Domino City. The fact that nothing happened despite the shutdown means that KC is not responsible. Which begets the question who is and why are they doing this.
ManDuckPig (v): Dude. It looks like someone developed Solid Vision like KC did. Except they did it better.
BlueEyesBlondeDragon (v): NONSENSE. KC could do the very same thing if they felt like it. It's just that they're not out to disrupt society like all this crap is doing.
BlueEyesBlondeDragon (v): Seriously, if this is some sort of publicity stunt for a new hologram system, they've gone about it the worst way. I heard that several accidents happened because they got scared of a duel monster suddenly appearing in the road. Each one of those is a lawsuit.
I'mYourDaddy (v): yeah. That's me. Curse of Dragon decided to divebomb me while I was in my Jetty, and I swerved right into a fire hydrant.
CardGamesSon (v): OMG. Are you okay?
DMGBeloved (v): You okay?
Capu4Life (v): of course he is. if he wasn't, he wouldn't be here. lol. of course, he is a card game playing nerd. they don't run on common sense.
I'mYourDaddy (v): Thanks for your words of care, especially Capu4Life :^). But yeah I'm okay. My poor Jetty, not so much. I think I totaled it.
BlueEyesBlondeDragon (v): Sounds like it's time to finally get a new car. The fact you still had that two decade old hunk of metal is a travesty.
I'mYourDaddy (v): Hey. Don't rag on my Jetty. It took a hydrant for me. :^(
BlueEyesBlondeDragon (v): ::marik_creepy_eye_roll.jpg::
I'mYourDaddy (v): :^)
DMGBeloved (v): All the Duel Monsters here are dragons and lizards in this part of town. Where's my Dark Magician Girl?
Capu4Life (v): maybe she got eaten by a dragon lol
DMGBeloved (v): I'll feed you to a dragon. ::kaiba_death_glare_at_lumis.jpg::
CardGamesSon (v): Anyone know how long Solid Vision will be down? We were having a small weekend tournament - and going back to the playmats is gonna be such a drag.
BlueEyesBlondeDragon (v): No. Probably not until this mess is unraveled. Geez. It's like a feeding frenzy on the news and social media.
BlueEyesBlondeDragon (v): Major news outlets are accusing KaibaCorp of lying about shutting down Solid Vision and that they actually can't turn it off. Or that terrorists hijacked the technology and are using it for nefarious ends.
BlueEyesBlondeDragon (v): Ugh. KC stock took a major hit just now. And it seems like the media is trying to hit them while they're down. Assholes.
Capu4Life (v): the smallest violin in the world is playing for you, rich boy.
BlueEyesBlondeDragon (v): Shut up.
BlueEyesBlondeDragon (v): Wait. This seems familiar.
Capu4Life (v): well yeah, it's a pretty common insult, 20-to-life.
I'mYourDaddy (v): How so?... Oh wait. I think I know what you're talking about. Yeah.
BlueEyesBlondeDragon (v): Remember Duelist Kingdom. And the media was constantly attacking KaibaCorp after Kaiba went supposedly comatose. And later on there were signs of an attempted hostile takeover because someone was buying up stocks while the prices were down from the scandal.
I'mYourDaddy (v): I remember that. Someone asked to buy my KC stocks at a premium, 50% more than it's worth in fact. I held onto it cause you told me to lol. Turned out the buyer was connected with I2.
BlueEyesBlondeDragon (v): And you made bank, right? I'm one of the best investors in the world after all. Anyway, doesn't this seem very similar? In any case, it's time to add more KC stock to my portfolio. I gotta protect my nest egg, even if it's just a little.
Capu4Life (v): i'm surprised you talk to BEBD outside of duel monsters, @/I'mYourDaddy. how do you deal with his general smarminess?
I'mYourDaddy (v): Ah well. What can I say? I'm good at getting along with people from all walks of life, even the crooked ones. :^)
BlueEyesBlondeDragon (v): Shut up. You both suck.
CardGamesSon (v): lol
I'mYourDaddy (v): lol
Capu4Life (v): lol
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