#(( this is an open starter feel free to reply
ghostlyrps · 5 months
Ghost stretched with a yawn.
Their upper arms were high above their head, lower stretched in front of them. A tear pricked their eye, tongue lolling from their mouth before they shut it, smacking their lips before sticking their pink tongue out.
Normally they'd be dressed formally, always ready to be called into work or go in for a new interview. Always looking their best.
They couldn't be bothered today. The Blood Ball had taken a lot from them energy wise, their social battery was pretty much zero, so they'd called off work and put their phone on "Do Not Disturb", pulled out their largest, loosest, softest sweater- their personal favorite, a blue one with sharks on it- and had thrown on a pair of sweats. They even tied back their neck fur, braiding it to reveal their shoulders and collarbones- shown off by the too-large sweater. They hadn't even bothered with their binder- didn't give enough of a shit to.
Didn't really matter. What did matter was they were out for the day, despite not wanting to be. They were going to grab some stuff from the store- shit for dinner, some soda and maybe some sweets or snacks for later, get some food from the nearest fast food place and go home and relax the rest of the day.
Yep. Today was a day to just relax.
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parvum-draconis · 5 months
Blood Rose Masquerade Ball
Open Starter
Arriving and attending solo
Attire: The Cthonic Raven
accompanying his father Lucifer @helluva-hazbins
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Arrival: Fashionably late
Arriving with his father in a shower of gilded starlight and red lightning, the prince of Hell shone a different hue...if Hell's king was a gilded duck, his son was a Raven, shining in hues of deep purple, black, and silver. His mask bore the Wings of Victory, a nod to the wings that lay folded against his back for the moment, as he was worried he might harm someone with the gleaming hooks that shone atop them. Perhaps his confidence would grow as the nights wore on. He felt a ever so slight smirk rise on his lips at his father's theatrics, offering the onlookers a wave of his own, piercing green eyes looking out into the crowd curiously.
He followed his father like his own personal omen, alighting at his side, keenly watching the goings on. He's glad to see his father out and about more again, perhaps this outing would be good for them both. His tail looped around his leg so as to not be in the way as he watched the ball around him...this was shaping up to be a rather interesting span of days.
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the-haunted-office · 8 months
There's a faint crackle and a hum as the overhead speakers come on, but neither Narrator's voice comes out like it normally would to address the residents of the comings and goings of the Office. There's silence, except for that crackle and hum, for nearly ten seconds.
And then...
Then there's a voice...
It's very quiet, like it's standing far away, at the other end of the room from where the microphone would be and the person might be soft spoken to boot. They're whispering, and it's difficult to tell if it might be masculine of feminine. Even more difficult is to tell what they're saying. Actually, it's so difficult you can't tell at all, especially with that piano music playing over them.
"Music" is putting it generously. It sounds like someone is just mashing piano keys at random. Either that or someone has rolled a piano down the stairs and this is the song of its descent you are hearing. In any case, its discord is making it impossible to hear what the voice is saying.
You do manage to catch one word. No, two.
"Help me..."
The crackle, hum, piano, and voice continue on for a couple more seconds before suddenly stopping, the sound disappearing into the silence of the Office.
The speakers come on again barely a second later, and this time Cyrus speaks.
"...Did you hear that?" he asks. He sounds confused, and on top of that, concerned. Frightened, even.
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noah-atwood · 7 months
OPEN STARTER for @aurorabaystarter
“Oh, this?”
Noah steps back from the bulletin board in the library with various postings for events around the community. From yard sales to sales, his laminated paper is for as it says: 
Local D&D Players New & Experienced Looking for 4 - 6 people
And his discord information for contact along with silly graphics put around it to make it eye catching. He looks at the person, “It’s been something I’ve wanted to try, and I figured the library would have some people who would like this kind of thing. Might be stereotyping, but it's between this place and the comic shop.”
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lucidrims · 2 months
status: open to mutuals and non-mutuals connection: m / f / nb muse: sim hyunki⁰² ( more info ) plot: taken from here
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            " so, let me get this straight - you want me to go away on a weekend, a whole ass weekend with you and your family for your sister's wedding ? " hyunki laughs albeit sarcastically, " what's in it for me ? what am i actually getting from all of this ? and . . why couldn't you just come out and say we've been broken up for months now ? " leaning back on the chair of the cafe, waiting for the other party across them from the table to start explaining.
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vermaxs · 4 months
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" as long as i'm here, no one can hurt you ... "
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starsmuserainbow · 1 month
Sitting in front of a TV, Akari let out a long sigh.
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"That's so unfair. They make such a pretty sport, even in water, and all I can do is watch." Because no way would the humans just accept someone that turns into a mermaid as soon as they get into the water. Nor should she really give away that she's a mermaid, either.
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distortedkilling · 9 months
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PERMANENT STARTER CALL! Like this post if you'd like to receive one. !(•́⌄•́ )૭✧
This blog is NOT spoiler free nor are they tagged. Personals, if you want to reblog any of my musings please ask. I'm blocking the ability by default, though.
My navigation page exists for a reason so please feel free to abuse the open starters, memes and whatever other info is there that’s useful! Such as the About & Verses. Please read my Rules and feel free to blacklist my nsfw tags.
This is for mutuals & non-mutuals! Just shoot me an ask or message if you want to try writing together! Multi-muses please specify your muse in a comment on this post or send me privately your preference!! Thank you.
Also this blog is secondary to my main & OC blog. If you'd like to write together beyond here, just IM me. <3
If you want to use any of the icons I've made, they are here!
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deletreatualma · 2 days
Muse: Willow || Open to any
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"It's nice... y'know getting to spend the day doing nothing with you"
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Starter for @poeticphoenix​ || Genesis and Vincent Chaos
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It was that point in time of existence that Vincent expected would reach him occasionally...that time when a few decades passed since the greatest hells ran over this planet that he or his friends or both fought against....that time where he’d grown more distant for a multitude of reasons, and he couldn’t count the days since last he’d seen them, though he kept up with their well-being from a distance. But he didn’t need the...feeling, or the experience, of facing those living on, comfortably or in complications, while he still wandered in his seemingly frozen state.
He was perhaps past his sixties by now, though he still didn’t reflect any different age at all. He was wandering as he ever did, finding ways to provide some effort to this world and satiate his need for action or information. He needed to something to keep moving towards, or he knew he’d be inclined to find a corner to settle in for who knows how long.
But for some time now, there had been something prickling at his senses. It was the strange sense of world-wide instinct that he knew was connected to the WEAPON spliced into him, bound to him as force and host. He knew how it reacted to Sephiroth, to Jenova, to the Remnants, with apprehension, distaste, if not feral rage--they were not right, not meant to exist on this planet, not meant ot risk tainting the energy that belonged to his other, his partner, his opposite, his purpose--Omega. 
Then there is how it reacted to Deepground and Omega. Omega’s awakening was inviting, though Chaos seemed aware it was a violation, forced as it was, it was also their fate and he cared little for everything still living and existing. Deepground was a problem, specs, disrupting natural energy and paths, but they weren’t quite the same threat as the calamity and its spawns. 
Awareness of a shift in energy, in balance, implications of threats and disruptions, that is what he could sense, as well as greater threats to the planet itself, whether it be its corruption or it’s rapid impending death. And Vincent had learned to keep aware of it, and follow it when necessary.
But this sense...it was...different. It was an awareness, of an energy. An awareness akin to what the being Chaos would feel when considering, sensing, or feeling Omega, yet still different. There was a curiosity, too, as if he knew little of this energy. There was no true sense of threat, though there was unrest for the fact that he was uninformed. Vincent did his best for a time to ignore the sense, as it didn’t seem important enough to face, and he only assumed the planet was doing what it’s done before, forging defensing or mending what it could of itself.
But finally, the demon without could not be ignored any longer. Vincent had given in some months ago, and with Chaos’ sense of powerful energy traveling the planet, Vincent took to following, distantly and lazily at first, but soon he was committing full effort to it. However, he tried to keep discreet even so. For a time.
Pointless, really. If this...thing, this figure he was following was, as Chaos made it seem, like the demon in any way, he would have sensed them by now. So with Chaos’ eagerness brewing underneath, Vincent set to finally face the figure. He’d seen him from afar, seemingly humanoid. A vessel, like Vincent? Or something completely other...? He had yet to see any true harm or trouble being caused, so he would stand by his assumption this figure was no ill-intentioned threat. For now.
He found the figure atop a hill overlooking a town below, Vincent not entirely focused on where he’d ended up at this point, or why this figure could be here. Instead, he simply marched his way to the edge of the hill, making his presence known as best he could without clearing his throat. Still standing a distance away, he stopped his march and observed the figure and his unique garb. It was...familiar, however chaotic and seemingly torn or perhaps it was designed that way. Long hair, he seemed to stand with a strange body language the raven-haired male couldn’t help trying to read into.
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“...I’ve been following you for quite a few months now... Four, five now is it...? I have to asked... Why haven’t you faced me yet?” he spoke then, standing steady his reasonable distance away, as he felt Chaos’ focus solely on the other figure, trying to feel him, sense him, assess him through Vincent’s own senses.
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lennonleigh · 7 months
open starter to: all ! ( @starteroaks ) location: comet see it movie theater.
it's more than a little humiliating that her tinder date has stood her up on two dollar tuesday. a meek apology was sent via text message to lennon twenty minutes before the screening was due to begin, a declaration that insisted 'you're great, i'm just not ready to date yet. so sorry.' after talking to the guy for two weeks, she immediately uninstalls the tinder app from her phone, deleting her profile along with it, not bothering to answer her date. she was too busy for this shit anyway, too focused on her work to get wrapped up in the perils of online matchmaking. all she wanted was to have fun with someone, maybe some casual sex, it wasn't like she'd asked for their hand in marriage. before walking toward the exit, a familiar voice calls out to lennon and she turns around to greet them, forcing a smile, hoping they won't be able to notice her wounded ego.
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burningfeathersx · 3 months
Pride Party
Lucifer wasn't the most overtly social sort, but he did try to mingle when he could get himself to. It was easier here, at least, in this Hell. He most wanted to support Vox and his cohorts.
He'd get around to seeing them. For now he simply made himself available to talk to curious party-goers. Doing his best not to seem too much like a storm cloud. Interested in meeting new people. Merely not one to often force himself into other people's business to do it.
Vox kept good whiskey and he would appreciate in the meantime while occupying a seat at a nice enough table close to a wall. At the very least, he'd always enjoyed people watching.
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captivemuses · 1 month
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Don't mind him, he's in the market pondering yet another chunk of allowance spent on another sword.
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"Hm, I'm only about thirty Strale short. Maybe if I do some extra chores taking care of Mimi the General will give me extra allowance and I can get it sooner without having to wait another week...."
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sourtimcs · 2 months
open to: anyone! ( m / f / nb, etc. ) muse: holly ashford. 25. she/her. bisexual. personal assistant. sabrina carpenter fc. connection/plot: in the source below!
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"It's the fact that you would literally be so lost without me," Holly let out an amused laugh, playfully prodding her boss. "I don't even want to imagine how chaotic your life was before you met me."
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attroxx · 1 year
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄 𝐈𝐒 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐋𝐘 𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐓. after hours a light flickers on, causing the blushes to rustle. the foliage comes alive as soon as there's activity inside. the figure moves through the living room and into the kitchen, probably attempting to make dinner. it's nearing eight . . . and after hours of no activity it's about time the stranger eats. dark eyes follow the stranger, watching as they wash their hands, tossing a kitchen towel onto the counter before grabbing a pot from the cabinet.
the phone rings. odd. it's getting late . . . who would be calling now ? most are at home as well, eating dinner or watching tv, winding down from the long monday. lips spread into a grin as the stranger picks up their phone, giving a kind but confused ' hello ' ?
❛ hello this is bryan from the ad . . . calling about the job position. ❜ brows furrow on the other side of the phone. they must have the wrong number. the stranger informs them of the unfortunate news and the male's voice apologizes, a few times actually. but the call doesn't end there. the voice is charming, laid back and seemingly willing to speak even after being told it'd been the wrong number. finally, the voice asks a question.
❛ hey, what's your name ? ❜ why would a stranger need their name ? so odd. there's no harm in asking . . . so they do.
❛ so i know who i'm looking at. ❜
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vienrose · 1 year
-open starter from Dongwook, open for f/m-
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“It’s not a goodbye.  It’s an I’ll see you again.  Promise me we’ll see each other again.”
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