#(( true bc 1. she's on the ace spectrum. 2. as she gets older it leaves her realm of possibility/'surely he's not interested'
prvtocol · 3 months
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i'll tell you when you get your soft, italicized, "oh."
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the unrelated moment
you tend to be more preoccupied with practical things, to the point where you've been blinded to matters of the heart. sure, you're close with this person. you like to be close with people. it is rewarding to know and be known in return. you leave realization no choice but to sneak up on you. they're not even in the room when it happens. someone or something else spells it out for you, an observant friend's passing comment or a particular sentence you were reading in a book, and suddenly it hits you, what it all means. the person your feelings have been building themselves around. Oh. it's them. it's time. it's them and you, here and now, and you have to decide what to do at this crossroads. luckily, you're practically-minded.
tagged by: @samuhelll (ty friend!) tagging: @badtrigger ; @cyberpawn ; @bellytochin (any!) ; @mindsmade (v!) ; @engrm ; @tahnisreu ; pls feel free to steal!
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