#(((We're ignoring that part of my ongoing quest to make everything about found family)))
sophieswundergarten ยท 9 months
I know in traditional fairy tales people have to dramatically confess their love in order to break curses, but I think it'd be really funny if it just happened all of a sudden. No warning.
Because people aren't normally running an audible monologue of their thoughts, especially not such vulnerable ones
Also, it has SO MUCH MORE POTENTIAL as a non-romantic love thing:
The person is sitting and talking to whoever's cursed, and then suddenly they realize "Oh, you're not as much of a jerk as I initially thought" Boom. Curse broken
Two people are talking a walk, and one realizes "Oh, I want you to be in my life forever. I want to always be able to take care of you" Boom. Curse broken
One of them tells a really stupid joke, and they think "I love your laugh. I love when you're happy" Boom. Curse broken
The cursed person is sick or hurt or mildly inconvenienced (I get all squirmy during dramatic death scenes, sorry) and the other one thinks "I don't want you to be in pain" Boom. Curse broken
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