The Three Women Of Durin - Signing Papers (4)
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Gandalf began speaking of how the group needed a burglar all the whilst sending Bilbo glances, unfortunately sweet, innocent, little Bilbo did not pick up on this.
“That’s why we need a burglar,” Ori said excitedly looking straight at Bilbo.
"Hmm, a good one to,” Bilbo said looking down at the map, “An expert I’d imagine.”
“And are you?” A voice spoke up. Bilbo looked up and being precious as he is, he looked behind him seeing if anyone was there.
“Am I what?” He asked blatantly not getting the drift.
“He said he’s an expert,” Oin said happily whilst Fili looked at Ori like the idiot he was. Bilbo finally caught on.
“Me, no no no I- I’m not a burglar,” he said with finality, “I’ve never stolen a thing in my life,” he obviously thought that this was the right thing to say.
“I’m afraid I have to agree with Mr Baggins,” Balin said, again dampening the situation at hand. “He’s hardly burglar material,” Balin continued. Even though what Balin just said should have been a bad thing Bilbo smiled and agreed with the Dwarf, it was evident that he did not want to go on this journey, if only the company wanted the girls like they wanted Bilbo.
“Aye, the wild is no place for gentle folk who can neither fight nor fend for themselves,” Dwalin said to Thorin, Rosie caught Thorin’s eyes flicker to the girls who stood on his left. Cece let out a giggle at the happy faces Bilbo was making as the dwarves basically told him he was weak, she also found how Bifur was angrily making hand gestures at no one particularly amusing. However, it was not amusing when Gandalf angrily stood up, once again towering over everyone in the room.
“Enough! If I say Bilbo Baggins is burglar, then a burglar he is. Hobbits are remarkably light on their feet, in fact, they can pass unseen by most if they choose, and while the dragon is accustomed to the smell of dwarf, the scent of a hobbit is all but unknown to him which gives us a distinct advantage.” He then turned to Thorin, “You asked me to find the fourteenth member of this company, and I have chosen mister Baggins, there’s a lot more to him than his appearance suggests and he’s got a great deal more to offer than any of you know, including himself,” He leant in close to Thorin, “You must trust me on this,”
“What? Like I should trust you with the women,” Thorin retorted, mockingly.
“Yes,” Gandalf replied, leaning back, “Just like that,” All eyes were on Thorin as he stared at the grey wizard.
“Very well,” he finally said, “We will do it your way, give him a contract,” Thorin said ignoring the ‘no’s which were escaping from Bilbo's lips, he once again glanced as where the girls stood.
“It’s just the usual…” Balin went into the explanation of the contract that Bilbo was expected to sign. The girls watched, un-amused, as Bilbo read over the contract whilst the dwarves tried to scare him.
“Incineration?” Bilbo squeaked at the dwarves, of course it was Bofur to speak up.
“Oh aye, he’ll melt the flesh of your bones in the blink of an eye,” He said, uncaring for the panic which was evidently rising in Bilbo. Bofur continued. “Think furnace, with wings, flash of light searing pain, then puff your nothing more than a pile of ash,”
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Cece spoke up, all eyes turned to her except for the pale hobbit.
“And why not lassie,” Bofur asked, sucking on his pipe.  
“Because he’s going to faint,” and if on cue Bilbo let out a little ‘no’ before collapsing on the floor. Eyes turned back to the girls in wonder.  
A dwarf carried Bilbo through into the opposite room where he was laid on the couch Frankie was unconscious not too long ago. The girls told the dwarves to go back and finish their meeting whilst they stayed with the hobbit, it also gave them some time alone. When everyone else was out of the room Cece seemed to explode.
“Ignorant, oblivious, stupid, reckless ass-hole!” Cece cried out, sitting down next to Bilbo with her head in her hands. Her two best friends sat on either side of her rubbing her back soothingly. “How can this supposed king be so infuriating,” She said, her body shaking.
“Well…he is being an ass-hole, not going to lie,” Frankie sighed, Frankie and Cece have been friend for years. They had been friends before Rosie came along and joined them, and it took a long time for them to view Rosie as the same.
“I’m still confused as to what happened. How can we crash a car to then wake up in a hobbits home?” Cece huffed.
“Well, we didn’t automatically come to this house,” Rosie said tentativly. Her friends turned to her, slowly. So, Rosie explained to them both about her grand adventure of waking up in the forest, she told them of how she couldn’t find her way back to the main road when she was discovered by Bifur who, with actions, agreed to help her. She told them how he casually put them each on his shoulders and carried them the whole way to Hobbiton (Frankie and Cece both made promises to thank Bifur for his charitable means). She told them of how she realized where she was and what was happening, her conversation with the dwarves and Gandalf about where she was from. She told them everything she had been thinking in the last hour until it came to a point where she had nothing else to say. A silence settled for a few more seconds.
“Well Fili and Kili are certainly hotter than I expected,” Cece suddenly said causing her two friends to break out into grins.
“And what about Thorin’s voice,” Rosie joined in bringing her own voice quieter just in case someone was listening in, “I mean he’s an ass-hole yeah, but, damn,”
“What about Thorin’s muscles,” Frankie grinned at them and the girls began chatting away at the things they expected and the things they didn’t expect until again they had no more to say. It was strange how familiar this all felt even when the topic of conversation, certainly wasn’t.
“What are we gonna do?” Frankie wondered aloud.
“About what?” Cece asked, “We already kind of have a plan don’t we,”
“Yeah but…” Frankie trailed off “How about getting home, to where we belong, what about making it through the battles we all know we’re about to go through, I mean don’t get me wrong y’all are fierce but none of us really know how to use a sword,”
“What about Fili, Kili and Thorin?” Rosie asked, her heart squeezing at the thought of the three dwarves dying. She still needed a bit more warming up to Thorin but Fili and Kili had been nothing but nice-ish to her so far, she was sure they were going to get quite close over the journey with them being the youngest and all.
“What if we can’t go home?” Cece asked to no one in particular, her eyes glassy and illuminated by the roaring fire not too far away. The girls didn’t talk, just wrapped themselves around one another and held on, because... what if she was right?  
Bilbo was long gone before the girls had a final plan in action. They would not make any more 'prophecies' until they reached Rivendell, they would help the company with the things along the way depending on how well they were treated. They also decided to each think of a plan to save Thorin, Fili and Kili from the death they were supposed to suffer at the end of the story. Once they had their plan in action they grabbed their three bags and began to decide what they did and didn’t need, laying the contents of all the bags on the small table.
“Aw god damn, my phone smashed!" Cece groaned.
“Oh yes, because phones are going to be very useful in this situation,” Frankie said.
“What if I got a call from someone?” Cece continued causing Frankie to splutter.
“Because middle earth is known for its great service,”
“Okay girls, lets pick everything we think we’ll need then divide it up into the bags,” Rosie said. They didn’t have a lot on them but some of it could be useful. Here’s what each girl chose to be vital for the journey ahead.
Her phone and headphones (for music until it ran out of battery)
Lip balm
Waterproof Coat
Spare Jumper
Phone and headphones
UE BOOM speaker (it was light and didn’t take up much room)
Her coat
Water bottle
Baseball cap
Water bottle
Waterproof coat
Reading glasses
Her favorite mascara
When they got all their stuff ready they placed them in their bags and decided it was time to move back into the dining room to see the dwarves. Unfortunately, they were nowhere to be seen. Diving back into the halls the girls began peeking their head in every door that they would pass, searching for a dozen +1 dwarves. Eventually the girls found them gathering around the fire, smoking their pipes.
They shuffled silently into the room and settled on a couch near the back where they would not be seen by the dwarves. A hum started in the room, their voices low moved through the girls, filling the air with noise, thrumming your body with sound. Each girl eventually curled up, resting their heads and the small soft things they could find. They closed their eyes, the rumbling of the dwarf’s perfect harmony causing their own bodies to hum along.
As Rosie lay there staring through the round glass window and up at the soft gleaming lights in the sky, she thought of her family, she thought of her home, she thought of how and if she would get back. As the warm dwarves voices surrounded her. She then thought of the dwarves, willing to face and fight anything for the reclamation of their homeland, something which was taken from them. She may not know these dwarves strongly, but she could see their hope, their want, their fire. She would help each and every dwarf that stood in this home, help them on this journey, help them reclaim what once theirs, save their lives, give them back what they so truly deserved.
Because she could.
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