#((Derek's DLC is what I'm least familiar with (still in the middle of his Step 4 and never had any intention to go for a romance route)))
In Derek's DLC, when he remembers the marriage pact, what different responses can determine how the DLC is? Because I thought I picked a response that make it one big slowburn but we stayed only friends throughout the whole thing.
I'm presuming that you accepted the marriage pact in Step 2 since otherwise Derek won't make mention of it? So I'll go with that.
There are technically three options for a confession in Derek's Step 4. Either you can confess at the very start, you can talk about the pact at the very start, or Derek can confess to you near the end.
(Also, goes without saying but of course you have to be at Crush/Love; agreeing to the marriage pact in Step 2 isn't enough. In addition, avoid any options that imply you don't want things to change or that you're happy where things are. Sounds obvious, but yeah, options like those lock you out of both you confessing and Derek confessing later because the game assumes that you don't want the relationship to change beyond being friends.)
If you choose not to remember the deal and don't press Derek to tell you about it, the MC has the option to confess ([At the very least you were certain you wanted to be with him...]), but not if you do press him to tell you.
If you choose to remember the deal instead, then you have multiple options to pursue:
Confess ([You wanted to be with him and it had nothing to do with that deal!])
Date by joking about the deal ([You joked about the whole thing.] followed by anything except ["We were crazy to make a deal like that!" you laughed.] will work, and then after the fact don't pick [You shook your head in amusement. He was being silly.] or ["Now that'd be really crazy."] either)
Be serious about the deal (anything except ["I'm really sorry. I can't go through with something like that."] will do, followed by anything except [The conversation was too nerve-wracking and you glanced away.] or ["I think it was a bad idea."])
The difference between confessing yourself and joking about/seriously discussing the deal is that the deal is treated more as a "dating test run," and then you can confirm that you want to continue being together for real at the end of Step 4 (anything except ["I think so too. We're better off as friends."] will suffice).
If you want Derek to confess to you instead though, you need to make sure that the game understands that you're interested. Any of the following will confirm that:
With either two options I listed to have the MC confess (not remembering the deal, not pressing Derek to tell you about it, then being certain that you wanted to be with him, or remembering the deal and wanting to be with him even without the deal), choose to back out instead of confessing with words or kissing him ([You did not want him to guess what you'd been thinking.]).
If you choose to remember the deal, you can then choose [You really, really hoped Derek wanted to be with you for reasons other than that deal.], or if you choose not to remember and don't press Derek to tell you, you can choose [You really hoped you were right and he did want to be with you.]
If you chose not to remember and didn't press Derek, you'll have to reaffirm your interest after he asks you to go to the water park with him ([You had been hoping that he might ask you on a real date...])
You'll know you did everything properly if, after the scene in the park when you're playing ball with Derek and he rants to you, but before he goes and retrieves the ball he sent off into the distance, he'll start to tell you something but will "Never mind" it away.
In addition, after you wake up from gaming late with Derek and have properly woken up (specifically after you've had breakfast), Derek will talk about today being big and how the two of you should do something you "couldn't do anywhere else."
If he mutters, "Wait..." afterwards, then something has gone wrong, but if he mutters, "The last chance..." instead, you're golden. Nothing can go wrong at that point besides the obvious of you rejecting him once he's confessed.
And that should be everything covered! Hopefully all goes well for you on your next try at Derek's Step 4. ;D
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