#((There's enough bullshit in the RP community that comes from malice--I don't want to chip in with ignorance.))
(I’m not back to this blog yet--or any of my RP blogs, for that matter--because I’m not mentally prepared to tackle the community traffic again.  This year has been a difficult one for me, and I’m trying to take things slow.
However, you will notice that a set of headcanons that used to be here are gone.  They are staying gone, and they will not be referenced again in any way.  It was pointed out to me that they were poorly researched and traded in stereotypes, and the last thing I want is to scare people away from interacting with me because I was ignorant.  I’m continuing to educate myself on experiences I don’t share, and I need to be held accountable for when I mess up.  Thank you to that person for teaching me, and thank you all for understanding.)
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