#((Vivi will still be active in her current threads atm but I won't be taking any more future threads for her until then!))
viviskull · 3 years
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 A long, agonizing silence overtook the empty Mystery Gang home.  Tensely sitting upwards upon the worn couch, Lewis had been absolutely rigid in his leaned over posture; idly running a thumb over his locket as it pounded beneath his numb touch.  He quietly kept his attention fixated upon it, anxiously keeping himself busy as he keenly listened to the news that chattered amongst the radio static.  There was still no update on his cyan beloved, not even after she left to join the Game of Honor.  There wasn’t even anything after the King’s announcement, either; nothing but radio static that hit deaf ears.
A nonexistent brow lowered itself upon his bleak features.  Although he shouldn’t have to be, he was utterly buzzing with an overwhelming skittish energy.  He was nervous alright.  He was nervous for his wife’s safety!  Of course, why wouldn’t he be?!
Yet this was different, somehow.  This nervousness wasn’t even his own.  His locket had been beating rapidly all morning, showing no signs of stopping either.  Was this a sign of his wife’s nervousness, subconsciously calling out to him in her time of need?  He wasn’t too sure, but.. this didn’t feel right either.  Whatever was going on in that spirit’s castle, he didn’t like it one bit. 
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