#((but also i'm 85% sure 'tough guy' is going to become a running joke sorry mike))
ladyseidr · 6 months
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@florietiae asked: ❝ non - verbal / action prompts. cold, sender places their jacket over receiver's shoulders. / mike @ charlie! 😌 ❞ ( actions speak louder than words )
The slow sinking of the sun in the sky coincided with the descending temperature. The casual walk through town with Michael hadn't seemed to warrant more than a t-shirt, but the gusts of wind now blowing down the mostly empty street drew a shiver from her, hands coming up to opposite arms. She felt the jacket envelop her before she even noticed that Michael had moved. Her first reaction was just to turn and blink at him. Then, a small puff of laughter escaped her. She hadn't expected it, that much was for sure.
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"Now you're just gonna be cold." Still, she gripped either side of his jacket and pulled it more firmly around her, savoring the warmth away from the bracing winds. "I'm not giving it back if you're complaining ten minutes from now." She was lying, simply poking fun at him. The humor in her smile reduced to something kinder, the sort that fit more naturally onto her face. "Thanks, tough guy. Now, what do you say we find something to do before we have to be home? You don't want to see what happens if my dad thinks you convinced me to break curfew." The mild scolding and immediate forgiveness might be unbearable.
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