#((i think she'll respect and appreciate him for being willing to make that choice!))
theheadlessgroom · 4 months
"Oh, I dunno," Randall ventured to say with a tiny smile, saying, "I, uh...I got a good feeling that, if you went back and picked it up again, it'd be like old hat to you...like no time had passed at all."
He couldn't explain why he felt that way, he just did-it was so funny, how certain he felt of these little things when it came to Emily; he hadn't known her all that long at all, and yet, he felt as if he'd known her all his life. It was a funny feeling, strange, but altogether not unpleasant. It was sort of pleasant, really, feeling this sort of connection with her-he still couldn't decide if they'd met before or not, but even without that confirmation one way or the other, he quite liked that connection anyhow.
"I, uh, I went to the ballet only once-it was a field trip when I was a kid," he continued, volunteering this memory with warm cheeks and a flustered, fluttering heart. "I don't think I really understood what the show was supposed to be about, but...I do remember the ballerinas being very beautiful. The leader of them, the, uh...prima ballerina, is that it? She was the most beautiful out of all of them, all dressed in pink with a great smile and golden blonde hair..."
He trailed off, realizing how closely this description skewed towards his hostess-he probably had that ballerina to blame for his eternal affection for blondes...
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spirit-x-ing · 8 months
— character info sheet.
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(repost, don’t reblog)
name: Lorelai ??? ( May/Vivian) Lee
name meaning:  LORELAI - Alluring Enchantress/Siren LEE: Clearing in the Woods / Meadow
alias/es:  n/a, - warden, wardeness
one picture you like best of your chara:
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three h/cs you never told anyone: -- ADVANCE LORE/STUFFS
Her soul and other Wardens were a result of Angelic War where the Fallen Celestrials fought with those who served above. Many of the Angels that fell for good, their energy ~ souls: shattered. Death who could not bear witness to see these fragmented souls of their brethren reaped them up and put them in the cycle of life along with other mortals over and over until they were practically new complete entities, almost as strong as their original Angelic forms. ( Similar to tumbled gems ). So technically Lorelai's soul had been reincarnated numerous times until Death thought she was strong enough to elevate. ( She doesn't know any of this. )
I originally created Lorelai and her story to be published for Vertigo.
Lorelai's creation was based on various characters and people I was fond of throughout my life. <3
three things your character likes doing in their free time: 
Stealing. She's extremely good thief. Though, usually does not steal really expensive things or from people who need the items.
Scaring people, every once in a while. Sometimes she gets bored and uses her abilities for not-so-good causes.
She likes to dance a lot. So if there's a club, party, or someplace full of life and dancing she'll haunt there. She likes to even dance by herself when no one is around.
eight people your character likes / loves:
Her Exes
Her Mentors and Friends.
She's a fan of other superheroes even though she'll never openly admit it. RP WISE
@magaprima She really admires Lilith and sees her as a friend and confidant. She respects her above all stronger entities and gods she deals with occasionally.
@arkhampsych Lorelai has a love/hate relationship with Doctor Jonathan Crane. But has grown close enough that she's willing to protect him from harm regardless of the consequences (even though she shouldn't. :P)
@myersbprd She really cares deeply for Mr. BPRD ~ John Myers even though she's not sure he'll ever accept her completely for who she is, including her various flaws. A part of her truly thinks she's not "good" enough for someone as virtuous as him.
@veleluuu Lorelai thinks that the Dullahan has much wisdom and common sense. Deep down she believes when it comes to certain choices Borna will make the right choice. She also appreciates that she can come visit her house from time to time without being kicked out. :P
@talesfromahs For Stan, she truly wishes she can save Stan regardless of his tragic fate. She sees it as one of the souls and painful lessons in life that will cling to her through her Wardenhood.
two things your character regrets:
Being so afraid of love and relationships, not knowing how rare a true connection and love really is. She feels like she's let her fear of loss, pain, and immortality has led her to cut off those she shouldn't have. She regrets not accepting happiness even if it was for a short time.
Not searching for her current family sooner.
two phobia your character has:
Putting some much effort into something, someone, or saving someone for not. She's afraid of failure to some extent.
L 0 V E & R O M A N C E ~ if you haven't figured by her interactions she can come off flirty but if someone actually reciprocates she tends to mess up or playfully side-step from it.
TAGGED: @arxchnoverture ( Thank You! ) TAGGING: JUST STEAL!
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