#((in order to feel the buzz he's gotta constantly down alcohol so he's just CHUGGING))
taestefully-in-luv · 3 years
Always You | JJK (Drabble#5)
Summary: You suddenly feel so insecure before leaving for Japan.
Pairing: Always You!Jungkook x female reader
Genre: angst, smut, fluff
Word count: 5.2k
Warnings: mutual masturbation, unprotected sex,
Notes: This is set before OC leaves for Japan! Remember requests for drabble ideas are open! Lets chat:)
taglist: @seagulljk @fancycollectormoon © taestefully-in-luv
You could get used to this for the rest of your life…snuggled up in Jungkook’s arms while lying in bed on a lazy Saturday night. You listen to him as he talks about a new project he’s working on for work…he speaks so animatedly, constantly talking with his hands. You giggle to yourself as he gets so excited speaking about some new scenes he gets to edit and he drops his hands to your body.
“What?” he pouts, “Why are you laughing at me?”
“Nothing.” You sing, “You’re just too cute.”
“I’m going to miss this.” Jungkook says softly, “Just lying here with you.”
“Me too, but a year will fly by.”
“So you say to make us feel better.” Jungkook rolls his eyes. “It’s going to feel like forever and you know it.”
“Then I get two forever’s with you?”
“You’re so cheesy.” Jungkook chuckles and you hit his arm.
“You’re literally way cheesier than I am.” You turn over in his embrace and snuggle into his chest, nuzzling your face into his thiddies.
“Debatable.” He squeezes your body into his and sighs out. “I—”
You feel your phone buzzing on the nightstand and you groan at the inconvenience. Who is interrupting your precious time with your man?
“Ignore it.” Jungkook smiles, “If it’s important they’ll call again.”
“Good idea.” You nuzzle further into his chest. “It’s just you and m—”
Your phone starts going off again and you roll your eyes, releasing yourself from Jungkook’s hold as you check to see who the hell is calling.
“It’s Jimin.” You whine, “It’s always Jimin.”
“Answer it.” Jungkook chuckles.
“Hello?.......uh huh…..what?........ugh…..okay….well, what happened though?......oh damn, alright.” You speak into the phone and Jungkook is trying to listen in and he’s mouthing ‘put it on speaker’ to you, so you do.
“…And I told her! It’s your fault babe! But you know how Trina is. Anyway she needs us.” Jimin’s loud voice is heard on speaker.
“It has to be tonight?” you whine.
“Girl, she’s already at the bar. I’m on my way there now.”
“Fuck, alright. Be there in 30.” You hang up the phone and give Jungkook an apologetic look.
“Trina and Holly got into a fight and Trina is spiraling because she’s dramatic and claims she needs to get wasted tonight to forget about their fight.” You explain. “So we are going to meet her and Jimin at The Circle.”
“That places drinks are expensive though.” Jungkook looks disappointed to say the least. “Why do I have to go anyway? Why can’t you and Jimin just console her?”
“I’ll suck your dick right now if you come with me.” You offer with a wiggle of your brows.
“Okay, deal.” He says quickly with a cocky grin. “Making deals with you is so fun.”
“Wait, you’re fighting because of … those?” your eyes travel down to Trina’s chest where you can see her freshly pierced nipples through her thin t shirt.
“Personally, I love them.” Jimin shrugs with a sly smile.
“Why doesn’t Holly like them? I wouldn’t think she would have a problem?” you ask and Trina hits her head on the bar top.
“It’s because I was dressed like this all day and we were supposed to meet her parents…she doesn’t want me to meet her parents looking like this.” Trina says with an eye roll. “Which is stupid. I don’t need her parents approval. But she’s worried what they might think.”
“Isn’t that kind of…fair?” you point out and both Trina and Jimin look at you with disbelief.
“Fair?” Trina spits out, “They’re just piercings!”
“Yeah y/n!” Jimin defends too, “Come on, its 2021.”
“It just seems like a useless thing to fight about.” You admit softly, you reach for Trina’s hand, “Ever heard of compromise?”
“Where’s her compromise?” Trina asks with a raised brow.
“Okay, fair.” You say, defeated. “Let’s just get you drunk.”
“Now you are finally starting to make sense.” Jimin says with a grin. “I’ll order the first round of shots.”
Your hand goes to Jungkook’s thigh as he sits next to you just listening to all of your conversations. He looks your way and offers you a sweet smile and you squeeze his thigh. Jungkook takes this opportunity to lean over and kiss you.
“Can you not rub your relationship in my sad face right now?” Trina groans.
“Whoops sorry.” You say with a sheepish grin. “We can tone it down” and Jungkook frowns.
A couple hours pass and Trina is starting to have fun, she’s on the dance floor with Jimin as they rock their bodies to the beat of the song. She looks a lot calmer and happier and that makes you smile.
You hear a soft, feminine voice slice through the loud music, you turn your head to see a girl that looks quite familiar making her way over to your boyfriend.
“Woah, Ari!” Jungkook stands up, a bright smile on his face.
“I thought it was you!” she says, coming up to him and wrapping her arms around his neck as she goes in for a hug. You feel your chest get hit with a wave of anxiety. Who is she? Why do you recognize her?
“Yeah, it’s me.” He hugs her back and you watch as discomfort crawls all over your skin.
“You look so good, wow.” This Ari girl grabs a feel of Jungkook’s bicep and he turns pink. Is he fucking blushing? You clear your throat. And both of them look in your direction.
“This is y/n.” Jungkook smiles at you, his hands gesturing towards you and Ari raises a single brow.
“Right, you’re roommate.”
“Actually, his girl—”
“So Jungkook, we should definitely catch up. You still have my number right?” She winks at him and you want to throw hands.
“Yeah, I do.” He admits, “I—”
“I’m his girlfriend.” You cut in, “In case you didn’t know. Which I am just going to assume you didn’t, also can you take your hand off my boyfriends arm?”
Ari steps back, clearly embarrassed.
“Sorry I—”
“Also could you just leave us alone?” You chuckle bitterly and Jungkook goes red.
“y/n…” his warning tone making you shudder. “What’s—”
“Like, now.” You shoo her away with your hand and she stutters out that she’s sorry again before walking away.
You grab your drink and chug it back, staring at the dance floor with a blank expression.
“What the hell was that?” Jungkook finally asks, anger evident in his voice.
“I should be asking you the same thing.” You snap your head in his direction. “Want to tell me why she looks so familiar?”
“We…we use to sleep together.” He admits. “but why the hell were you so rude?”
“Because she was feeling you up. Which you didn’t stop her by the way. And call me crazy but it looks like you were blushing.”
“Okay, you are crazy. I wasn’t blushing. I was just embarrassed.” He says. “I was going to introduce you as my girlfriend.”
“Really? When? Before or after she tries to get in your pants again?”
Jungkook’s face falls and he’s grabbing his whiskey and throwing it back.
“She wouldn’t have the opportunity to get in my pants. You know that.”
“Do I?”
“y/n…” he says softly, “I would never cheat on you.”
“How am I supposed to believe that when you can’t even reject an old fling? Is this how it’s going to be when I’m in Japan? Every single girl you’ve previously fucked is going to make a pass at you and you’re too nice to say ‘fuck off’?”
“Every girl I’ve?” Jungkook looks at you incredulously. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
“What? It’s not my fault you’ve slept with half the city. I’ve gotta be worried about every girl who comes to talk to you? Because you’ve probably fucked them right?” you spit out, the alcohol finally starting to have its effects on you.
“Careful y/n.” Jungkook warns, “You’re saying things you don’t mean.”
“But I do mean them?” you laugh. “What’s it going to be like when I’m in Japan?”
“You shouldn’t have to worry about that because you trust me.” Jungkook says but it sounds more like a question. “You do trust me, right?”
“We have bigger problems if you don’t trust me, y/n.” he stands from his bar stool and looks at you with a pained expression. “I’m going home.”
You sit at the bar, feeling fucking bothered. You’re too angry to feel bad about Jungkook right now. You feel hot with irritation. Trina makes her way to you and notices your sour expression.
“…You literally shood her away?” Trina is trying not to laugh but can’t help it. “Damn, savage.”
“Was that too far?” You groan into your hands, “Jungkook is pissed.”
“You’re being insecure y/n.” Trina looks at you with a soft expression, she’s trying to be gentle with you. “Like, hella insecure.”
“Sure I got a little jealous….”
“Bitch, you told me you told him he slept with the whole city.” Trina points out, “You probably hurt his feelings. Making him feel like a lil slut and shit.”
“He said I don’t trust him.”
“Do you?”
“Of course I do! It’s the girls I don’t trust!”
“Weak argument.”
“Listen, you need to work this out, pronto. You leave in 10 days girl. You need to make sure you can trust your boyfriend when you’re in another country. And he needs to feel like you trust him.”
You know Trina is right. She usually is. You look at her with worry before you speak.
“I can work it out with him tomorrow, right now we are focusing on you having fun.”
“Oh girl, I didn’t tell you? Me and Holly worked it out.” She laughs. “Compromise, remember?”
“Proud of you.” You blow her a kiss and grab your phone and purse.
“I’ll text you, tell Jimin bye and love him.”
Trina nods her head and waves you off, you get up from your stool and head towards the bars exit.
“Jungkook?” you creep through the front door to find the living room lamp lit up and Jungkook’s dark figure sitting on the couch.
“Jungkook?” you walk closer to him and he sighs out heavily.
“Let’s talk.” He whispers. “Now.”
You nod your head quickly and take a seat next to him on the sofa, you leave some space though.
“Okay.” You breathe out. “Let’s talk.”
“I don’t want to fight.” He warns. “Let’s be mature.”
“What the fuck was that at the bar?” he says calmly. “You were being…”
“Don’t say crazy.”
“Well? What do you expect me to say? I’ve rarely seen that side of you.” He says, his breathing beginning to pick up. “You embarrassed me!” he admits, sighing out.
“You let her touch you.”
“It was fucking harmless.”
“Oh? That’s harmless? She was getting a feel for your muscles? And that’s harmless?” you spit out harshly. “Think of it this way,” you give him an unimpressed look. “You would absolutely not stand for it if we were in each others positions.”
Jungkook gulps. It’s true…he would be going crazy himself, he probably would have punched a dude if he was touching you too long.
“You’re a fucking hypocrite.” You snap. “You absolutely would hate this.”
“You don’t trust me…” Jungkook says softly. “You think I’ve slept with every girl I meet…”
“Haven’t you?” You ask bitterly. “Wouldn’t surprise me.”
Jungkook face falls into a deep frown, he’s hurt. He looks hurt. He is hurt.
“Stop trying to hurt me because you’re mad.” He tries to say a little more sternly but there’s hurt in his voice.
“What number am I?”
“y/n…Don’t do that.” Jungkook scrunches his face up. “Don’t start this.”
“You know all the guys I’ve slept with.” You point out, “But I have no idea how many women you’ve hooked up with. What number am I?”
“Don’t.” he scoots a little closer to you, “It doesn’t matter.” He tries, “You’re the last person I will ever sleep with.”
“Until I’m far away in Japan and there’s no one to stop you from fucking some random—”
“Enough.” Jungkook’s voice cuts in sharp, causing you to flinch. “For fucks sake, y/n.” he stands up, frustrated. “What the fuck is wrong with you?” he’s turning red.
“What’s wrong with me?” you yell, “You’re the one who doesn’t know how to keep it in his pants!”
“Why the fuck are you being so insecure? Have I ever made you feel like you weren’t good enough for me? You’re all I want, y/n. But you’re being crazy.” Jungkook takes a seat again, his head falling in his hands.
“Stop calling me crazy!” You cry out, “And understand that tonight you did very little to stop a girl from hitting on you! Right in front of me! How will you be when I’m not around?” you feel your eyes burning and soon, you’re starting to cry. Only because you’re so angry.
“She wasn’t hitting on me!” he yells, “And if she was, I didn’t notice because it does not matter! I only have eyes for you!”
“We just aren’t seeing eye to eye.” You state, wiping your face.
“Clearly not.”
“There’s no point in talking then.” You stand up and head to the bedroom, slamming the door shut. Jungkook guesses he’s sleeping on the couch tonight.
An hour or so passes and Jungkook is still sitting in his spot on the sofa. Just thinking. Why are you being so insecure? He guesses you are feeling more uneasy about leaving for Japan that you’ve led on. You are worried about all the girls that will talk to him, touch him, ask to hang out. And what if…he groans into his hands. He’s just trying to see your point of view and understand you. But in his eyes this just comes down to you not trusting him and that hurts.
Jungkook stands up and walks to your bedroom, he slowly creeps open the door just to find you quietly crying in bed.
“Baby…” Jungkook calls out for you softly and you freeze.
“Leave me alone.” You mumble.
Jungkook walks closer to the bed with a frown drawn on his face, he sits on the edge of the bed and begins rubbing your back.
“I’m sorry.” He says softly.
“For what? You didn’t do anything wrong, remember?” you ask bitterly while sniffling.
“I thought a lot about it and I think I understand where you’re coming from now.” He continues to rub your back. “Will you turn around and look at me?” he asks. You shake your head over and over, denying his request.
“Why not?”
“I’ve been crying.” You admit. “I look ugly.”
“That’s impossible. You’re the prettiest person on the planet.”
“You’re saying there’s someone prettier on a different planet?” you half joke as you sit up.
“Okay, pretties person in the universe.” His hand reaches towards your face and he caresses your cheek.
“I’m sorry I was rude to her…” you finally say, “Actually, not really. But I am sorry that I embarrassed you.”
“I guess I’ll take it.” Jungkook chuckles. “please just tell me you trust me.” His voice is pleading and it makes you guilty.
“I do baby.” You grab on to his hand that caresses your cheek. “I’m sorry I made you feel like I don’t.”
“You’re just scared of being so far away from me right?”
“Yes…” you finally admit, “I do feel insecure…I just don’t know how to deal with it.”
“Have I ever made you feel like I wouldn’t be faithful to you?”
Your eyes widen at his question and you begin to frantically shake your head and he chuckles.
“Then trust me. With your whole heart and soul. Just trust me.” Jungkook smiles, “I will reassure you every day if I have to. That you’re the only one I see, the only one I want.”
“I’m scared.”
“Of what?” he asks, his brows pulled together.
“Going long distance. You know how many couples break up because of it?”
“Not us.” He says, “You’re my best friend y/n. We can literally get through everything together.” He assures you.
“You won’t have sex for months at a time…” your eyes fall to the bed, “What if you get—”
“Oh my god.” He laughs, “Do you think I am some sort of sex addict?”
“No, no. Well, maybe.” You joke. “I just don’t want you to—”
“I can handle it, Jeez.” His hand falls to your lap and takes your hand in his, “Love of my life, remember?”
“Yeah.” You whisper.
Jungkook leans forward until his lips are touching yours, but he doesn’t kiss you yet. “I love you.” He says softly then he’s putting pressure on your lips in a long kiss. Your hands immediately go to his hair, you softly tug on his locks as you kiss him back.
“We should sleep?” You whisper, pulling away.
“I don’t feel like sleeping” Jungkook goes in to kiss you again, his lips moving hotly against yours. You can feel his desperation with the way his tongue quickly finds its way in your mouth.
“I want you to touch yourself.” Jungkook says against your lips so suddenly making you gasp.
“You’ll be touching yourself a lot while you’re in Japan because I’m not there, get used to it.”
“I want to watch you touch yourself.” He says again. “I want you to take these little shorts off, and touch yourself. I want you to rub your pussy over your panties, then I want to watch you slip these pretty little fingers inside.” Jungkook breathes out heavily as he speaks. “Can you do that for me baby?”
“Good girl.” He kisses your lips again, “And I want your legs nice and spread for me, giving me the perfect view.”
“Yes.” You lean back in bed shimmying your shorts off leaving you in nothing but your underwear and a tank top. You release a long, long breath and move your hand down to your hips…you look at Jungkook like you’re seeking permission. He nods his head slowly as his dark eyes gaze into yours.
“Go ahead baby.” He breathes out, “Show me what you’re going to do when I’m not around.”
You fingers slide over the material of your cotton panties, until you’re finding the spot that is most sensitive. You start rubbing slow, slow circles over it and you tilt your head back in satisfaction. Your anger sure made you frustrated.
“Good girl….let me know when your panties start to get really damp.”
“They are.” You admit shyly. “Want to feel?”
“No baby. This is all you. But I do want you to take them off. Wanna see how wet you are with my own eyes.”
You lift yourself up and drag down your underwear, leaving your bottom half bare.
“Spread your legs. Want to see how sticky you are.”
You gulp, but you listen. You slowly begin to spread your legs apart as Jungkook watches, your wetness stringing from one side of your folds to the other. He licks his lips, god, he wants to just eat you up.
“Fuck…” he breathes out heavily. “Gather all that,” he points to your pussy, “And get your fingers soaked. Then stick two fingers inside.”
Your fingers go back to your center, gathering your juices before you’re sliding two fingers inside your desperate hole. You groan when you insert the fingers and Jungkook smiles.
“Go ahead, start fucking yourself.” Jungkook palms himself over his jeans. “And be loud.”
You start to slowly thrust your fingers in and out of your hole, the squelching noises begins to fill the room along with your whimpers.
“Jungkook…” you whine, “Please touch me.”
“Not yet baby.” He says, still rubbing his cock over his jeans. “I’m just enjoying the view.”
“Pull your cock out, let me see it.” You command and Jungkook’s eyes expand in pleasant surprise.
“My cock turn you on?”
“Fuck yes.”
“Even just seeing it?”
“Yes.” You start to move your fingers faster, curling them every few moments.
“Whatever you want, princess.” He unbuttons his jeans and pulls them down to his thighs and drags his briefs down just low enough that his cock is making an appearance. It stands tall, hard and swollen.
“Oh Jungkook.” You cry out.
“What is it baby?” he smirks.
“Just enjoying the view.” You playfully throw his words back at him and he grins at you.
“Can I touch my clit?”
“This is all you baby, of course. What would you do if I weren’t here?”
Your fingers leave your cunt and you’re quickly rubbing tight, focused circles on your bundle of nerves and you throw your head back, and moan out in pleasure. Then you lift your head and gaze at Jungkook’s painfully hard cock.
“I can’t come without you.” You whine, “I need you.”
“You can. You gotta get used to it baby.”
“I’ll give you an image to think of when you are touching yourself in Japan.” He says, he brings his hand to his mouth and spits in his palm, then he’s grabbing a hold of his member, slathering his saliva all over it, getting it nice and wet. He begins stroking his cock for you, as he screw his eyes shut and starts rubbing faster and faster.
You stare at him with eyes full of lust as you circle your clit faster and faster. You feel the tension building until it finally hits you. You release moan after moan as you come. Jungkook opens his eyes and watches you as you come undone, he smiles and nods his head in approval.
“Good girl. Good girl.”
You feel high just off his praises alone. Your fingers leave your clit and you crawl closer to him, your hand reaching for his face as you suddenly push your fingers past his pretty lips.
“Taste me.” You command and he looks up at you with big doe eyes and begins sucking your fingers clean. You make your way on to his lap and start kissing him ferociously, your tongue forcing its way into his mouth, he tangles his with yours just as quickly. His hands gripping at your hips as you grind down onto his hard length.
“ooof” he sighs out when he feels your wet folds grinding into his member. “How needy are you?”
“You just made me come by my own fingers when I have you right in front of me, that’s mean. Was this a punishment?” you breathe out and he darkly chuckles.
“I’m not trying to punish you baby.” He kisses all over your face.
“Felt like it.” You say, your tone shifting into something sad.
“Hey.” He tilts your head up with his fingers, “I’m not mad at you anymore. We worked it out.” He softly reminds you.
“But I still feel…” You look to the side and he sighs.
“Baby,” he slowly kisses your lips until he’s nibbling at your jaw. “You have nothing to worry about, I promise.” He leaves soft kisses down your neck, his lips caressing your skin tenderly. “You are the only one for me.” He promises while nibbling on your throat. “You can trust me.” He’s sucking into your skin now, no doubt marking you. “Can you trust me?”
You rotate your head as it falls backwards, giving him more access to your skin as you breathe out roughly.
“Yes.” You say breathlessly. “I trust you.”
“Good.” He’s lifting you off his body and setting you down on the bed gently, your head lightly bouncing off the pillow. He guides you by the arm to sit up, and he’s lifting your tank top off your body. He stares at you breasts and licks his lips until he’s groaning.
“Remind me one of these days to fuck your tits.”
“Why not right now?” you wink and Jungkook looks at you softly with a small smile adorning his face.
“Because right now I am going to make love to you.”
You feel your cheeks flush at his words, your stomach filling with tens of millions of butterflies. They all take off at the same time, a whole swarm of them, flying around making you feel a million things.
“M-Make love?”
“Oh baby, I am going to make you feel like the most special person in the universe.” He promises.
Jungkook stands up and removes his clothing, leaving him naked in front of you. His muscles have no doubt grown, his waist is tiny and his thighs, god, his meaty, muscular thighs…you basically drool at the sight. How the fuck did you get this lucky? You start to feel insecure again, like maybe you aren’t good enough for him? He’s so fucking hot and you’re…you.
“Why you frowning baby?” he crawls over your body, pinning you down. “I only want to see you smile.”
“You’re so hot, Jungkook.” You say more seriously, “Maybe…”
“Don’t say something stupid.”
“It’s just…”
“Nope, don’t wanna hear it.” He leans down and pecks your lips. “You’re hotter.” He says simply and you blush. “Your beautiful lips…your eyes…your cute nose…” he kisses each body part as he talks. “Your tits.” He smirks, leaning down until he’s grabbing a handful of your breast and he takes a nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue over the hardening bud. He releases himself from your boob and leans back up to kiss your lips.
“And your cute tummy.” He slides down your body until he’s kissing the skin of your stomach. “And fuck, your hips drive me insane.” He says gripping at them until his lips find your hip bone and he’s sucking bruises.
“And this perfect, perfect pussy.” He says, lowering himself further until his face is only an inch away from your heat. “Can I have a little taste?” he asks with his big doe eyes and you nod.
“Thank you.” And he’s slipping his tongue between your folds and tasting you. You release a long moan when he does this.
“So delicious.” He says, making his way back up your body. “Think you can take my cock right now?”
“Yes.” You practically rush to get out, “Fuck, yes.”
Jungkook slides his cock between your folds before he’s slapping his cock on your pussy.
“You really think you can take this cock?”
“Yes, Jungkook. Please.”
“My perfect girl wants me to make love to her, right?” he says more softly, “Wants to feel me inside.”
“Yes.” You moan out, “Yes!”
Suddenly, the feel of Jungkook’s length entering your body causes fire to shoot through you. Maybe you should have let him stretch you out. But the burn feels incredible. He enters you very slowly, as not to hurt you. His hands find yours and once he bottoms out he’s lifting your interlocked fingers above your head.
“My perfect girl.” He breathes out heavily, “You feel so fucking good.”
“You feel even better.” You choke out. “Amazing.”
His chest is heaving against yours, his body crushing you but you don’t care, his cock inside you has you going crazy.
“You are my favorite person.” He says as he starts slowly thrusting into you, his cock sliding in and out of your wet pussy. His hips meet yours softly as he carefully grinds into you. His thrusts are so controlled it is making you lose yourself.
“And I would do anything for you.” He whispers on your lips, “You’re so fucking beautiful.” He begins kissing you, his lips moving over yours slowly.
“You’re so so gorgeous.” He whines as he starts fucking you a little faster, his hips still grinding into you deliciously. Then his lips are back on yours again, his tongue very sloppily dancing with yours.
The sound of his skin slapping yours and his loud, loud moans starts to echo in your ears. You begin to release higher pitched moans in his mouth and he swallows them down happily. Jungkook pulls away from your lips to gaze into your eyes, his lips parted as he whines in pleasure.
“Ahhh baby.” He continues to stare down at you with lust filled eyes, “Feels so good.” His eyes threaten to shut in pleasure but he manages to keep them open and on you.
“No one can compare to you…” he moans, “I am so, so”
He starts thrusting faster, “So in love with you.” He brings your hands down and detangles his fingers and his hand moves to cup your jaw and he’s kissing you again, so lovingly, so passionately. His hips slap into yours quickly as he starts to lose his control of his movements as the pleasure builds up.
You reach your hand between your bodies and start massaging his balls and he whines out loud, a loud and long moan. He starts fucking faster and harder now. His pleasure building so fucking fast.
“Can you come from my cock alone? Or do you need my fingers baby?”
“Your cock, I want to cream all over it.” You moan.
“Yeah? And you want me to come inside you, right? You want to clench around me so hard, milking me dry of my cum?”
“Yes!” You scream, “I need your cum!”
“Yeah, you need this cum of mine to survive right?”
“Yes baby!”
“You need this cum?” He lifts one of your legs up over his shoulder, and leans down close to kiss you again. This angle has his dick brushing against every fucking spot that makes your toes curl.
“Come for me my love.” You beg, “I will come with you.”
“You’re the love of my life, of course you will.” He starts fucking you deeper, making you roll your eyes to the back of your head. You fondle his balls some more and he’s losing it, absolutely losing it.
“Gonna fuck my cum so deep into your pussy baby. That’s okay right?” he’s breathless as his hips slam into you.
“Fucking please!” You beg, your orgasm right around the corner, you can feel it building and building. You feel your mind go hazy, like you’re drunker than you’ve ever been. The pleasure so intense as the band inside you snaps.
“Aaaahhh.” You scream out as your orgasm hits you, “Fuck fuck fuck fuck.”
Jungkook looks into your eyes as he continues to thrust inside you, his own orgasm approaching as you squeeze his cock through yours. His thrusts turn sloppy as he hurries to lean down to start kissing you while he finally releases his cum. He breathes heavily into your mouth as he comes into you. His hips finally stilling when he leans back from kissing you with a dopey smile on his face.
“I love you so much.” He sighs out before slipping his cock out of you, “You always feel so amazing.” He admits between heavy breaths. “I’m so glad you were made for me and me only.”
You calm your own breaths as you come down from your high, your legs still shaking. You smile up at your boyfriend and caress his cheek lovingly.
“I’m the only one for you, right?” you ask quietly and Jungkook smiles sweetly, leaning down to peck your lips.
“Yes baby.” He smiles, “The only one for me.”
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