#((oh i think it will! again; emily won't blame them for fearing for their son's safety))
theheadlessgroom · 9 months
Funny...he could swear he'd never met this woman a day in her life, and yet, when she said her name aloud, there was something about it that rang a distant bell in his head, though he couldn't say why...had he maybe read it somewhere, heard it somewhere?
Still, he set aside this feeling of deja vu to answer with a small smile, "Me? Oh, no, I'm a New Orleans native; born and raised, just like my ma!"
Born here, live here, will probably die here, he thought to himself wryly-he'd seldom left the city, let alone the state, and even then was something of a homebody. Unlike his old man, he couldn't exactly be described as a social butterfly, mostly content to keep to himself as he went about his day-sure, he went out; he went grocery shopping, went to the movies, spent his weekends trying to relax before the work week resumed, but one wouldn't catch him at any dance clubs or proverbial party centrals in town, that was for sure.
"Wh-What about you, Miss de Clair?" he asked, half-wondering he should call her "Emily", just as she called hm "Randall", as if they knew each other-maybe she knew something he didn't? "I, uh, I-I don't think I've ever seen you around before either-are you new in town?"
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damnhotmsimmons · 3 months
I'm being slow with the reaction posts, will try not to let that happen again
Ugh Tyler and Rebecca working together
Rebecca needing more information before signing off on whatever Tyler needs to do and call for help
Tyler saying "I know a guy"
So we know more of Tyler's military background
His background is psychological operations in the army like disinformation
Him also having friends doing off the books work for him
Ugh, we know more about Tyler's military background than Luke and Matt, especially Matt
Rebecca being tired of Tyler
Playing by the rules is not Tyler's forte nor Rossi's
I'm getting the beginning of a father and son bond with Rossi and Tyler and idk how to feel about it
The team having a case
The team possibly traveling on a case but they won't leave Tyler alone with Garcia
Tara offering to volunteer to stay behind with Tyler and looking out for Garcia
Tara winking at Garcia
JJ talking to Elias in prison
Luke pretending to be Will on the phone and Elias overhearing the conversation JJ is having with "Will"
Elias thinking about his family at that point
I wished Elias was a foil to JJ and not Rossi
Philip blaming himself for his parents' deaths
So Philip's mom sent him away
The father used to teach at a behavioral modification program
Emily is probably thinking about Bailey in that scene
Rossi and Emily clashing over the case
Rebecca texting in car. Could've put it on silent
The Tyler, Rebecca and Tara scenes are so funny
The car scene is making me laugh with Rebecca texting loudly and Tara and Tyler being annoyed and done
Like put the phone on silent
It’s so hilarious how Tyler is just involved in the Tebecca drama and their petty arguing lol
Rebecca looking good in that leather jacket
Lol, Tyler looks like a scare child afraid of pissing either one of them off and wishing he was anywhere but here
I loved how good Rebecca looked
This scene is like straight from the office
Tara sleeping in the car and Rebecca waking up
Rebecca has been keeping watch
Poor Tyler, the vegan food not agreeing with him
Tara looking all snuggled up with her jacket as a blanket
What does Rebecca know about gold star
Rebecca not knowing that it would get Bailey killed
Rebecca telling Tara that she's being set up to take the fall should there be any repercussions
Rebecca wishing she could've asked about gold star
And how some things in her job is better not to know
Tara not wanting Rebecca to die cause of gold star and Rebecca also not wanting Tara to get hurt
Aw, their little smiles and moment
How bad was that vegan food?
Wait, did Tara fart in the car? I thought Rebecca was gonna vomit but nope
Wait, Tyler lying to Tara and Rebecca and going through the different files in the apartment. He hasn't change
international passports?
Tyler back in the car and lying again
Rebecca getting a text and learning that Elias is up to something
Emily admitting her confirmation bias
Oh no not the first scene from the trailer
What is Elias' secret?
It's a trap Luke
It's a trap
Shit Luke, why?
Shit, what does that mean, the “Injure, Jean, Fear”?
What does that even mean tho?
If you notice the the letters perfectly rearrange to spell Jennifer Jareau
The words could easily be trigger words for a sleeper agent/manchurian candidate which is gold star
could be gold star and they may be brainwashed and now after someone said those words they’re on a killing spree
Jesus Christ
Shit, that's dark
I hate how it's an anagram that the words spell out Jennifer Jareau
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