#((they'd been fortunate enough to have on account of the class in which they were born in!))
theheadlessgroom · 1 year
"I couldn't imagine so many eyes on me all at once," Elizabeth admitted with a shy smile, as she listened to Emily and Dorian's account of the day. "It's...strange, to think of everyone around me...looking at me, studying me. I think it'd make me feel like a bug under glass!"
After all, Elizabeth was used to being "the help"; seldom seen and seldom heard. On account of her mother being one of Gracey Manor's many cooks (regarded for many years as the best by Dorian), she herself was quickly designated as a maid by her mother's employers, oftentimes helping set and clear the dining table, washing and storing dishes, changing bedsheets, tasks of that nature. To most, she was invisible...which made the idea of being stared at all the more disconcerting, in a way.
Randall, as he ate (he'd never had duck before, and was absolutely loving it; the beautiful steak and potatoes Dorian had brought him he'd save for later), silently agreed with Elizabeth, finding the idea of being under others' watchful eyes enough to make his skin crawl. In a way, he'd been watched before, he was familiar with the sensation of eyes on him, the looks of scorn from neighbors who knew his mother, knew his father...he'd been fortunate enough to disappear into the background by and large in the years since, especially at work, but even so, he knew what it was like to be stared at and, to be frank, he didn't like it one bit.
He hoped it'd be different in California...that none of them would have to feel like an insect underneath a magnifying glass...
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