#((well except for finch but shhh))
maretsuki · 6 years
MY CHILDREN (part 1)
Setting- Self-explanatory.
Ember Charbonneau-
Sassiest person you will ever meet
Also most stubborn person you will ever meet
Queen Thotticus when she's older
Has pyrokinesis and fire-resistance
May or may not be a pyromaniac
Big Dick Energy
13 years old
Her first language is French!
Dawn (i forgot her last name fuck)-
Smol child, protect her
Don't mention her family she hasn't got great memories associated with them
Lie detection and flight are her powers
She's also albino
12 years old
Pan as well
Her glasses are like a mile thicc
Oh yeah, she's also that one person playing piano at 4am bc she can't sleep
Krystal Lancaster-
Major Depressive Disorder (tm)
Someone give her a hug please
Her powers are pain infliction and,, plant stuff-
She's also buff as hell tho
13 years old
Oh did I mention the insomnia? Bc it's Yes
-Some others from this universe that my friend made-
Jeremy Castor-
An absolute DORK
Someone help this poor boy he has no idea what he's doing
Powers are cloning and.... *realizes I have no idea what his second power is--*
13 years old
Oh right he and Ember are rivals and constantly fighting (but are secretly crushing hard on eachother sHHHHH--)
Dust (shit i forgot his too)-
This boy is clueless as well someone help him
Crushing on Krys (shhh no-one tell him she likes him back she'll kill you)
13 years old
New Kid (tm)
UNIVERSE 2- Prohibited Ages
Setting- Centuries into the future, war has lead to nuclear fallout and dystopia. The government has become even more corrupt, and has been running different 'experiments' on various sections of the population for centuries now. One of these experiments is tattooing every citizen's cause of death on their wrist at the age of 12. There's no actual way to determine if said cause of death will be accurate, but reports stating otherwise are censored by the government.
Sage Ephron-
PTSD (tm)
Someone help her she is Not At All Okay
Trust issues too
Issues in general
Keep her away from the alcohol she's gonna kill her liver
'Cause of death': asphyxiation (i was gonna make it 'beaten to death' or 'blood loss' but my friends got mad at me)
14 years old
Didn't deserve anything that happened to her
Raelyn Cruciati-
Would die for her friends
Except everyone is her friend
Has anxiety
Just wants everyone to be happy
Part of the Iconic Trio(tm), along with Chase and Tyler
Works a nightshift at 7-eleven
Had an older brother- don't ask her about it
'Cause of death': disembowelment (friends couldn't stop me on this one hA-)
14 years old
Panro gray-ace
Help her
Valeria Delgado-
In a (very successful) gang
Giant anti-capitalism atheist anti-christianity vibes
Still a highkey Thot
First language is Spanish
'Cause of death': illness
16 years old
HUGE lesbian
Don't ask her about her family
--others in the universe (not all the bc the list is Long) from my friends--
Wynter Kline-
Leader of the gang Valeria is in
Knows the 'cause of death' stuff is BS
Won't hesitate, bitch
Knows Many languages
Wynter isn't his real name
'Cause of death': hypothermia
17 years old
Gay as hell
Tragic Backstory(tm) (then again, don't all of these characters have a tragic backstory-?)
Tyler Finch-
Basically speaks in puns
Iconic Trio(tm)
'Cause of death': broken neck
Oh fuck I hit the post length limit guess I'm making two (2) posts for my characters!
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fluffyllamas-23 · 6 years
For @taylor-tut because she’s wonderful and loves Hannah and Paige. 
This is pre-Sawyer, right at the beginning of Paige and Hannah’s relationship.  
“What do I wear?” Hannah asks, following Chloe around Chloe’s apartment, “Chloe, what do I wear? Help. Help me, help me, help me, help me, help-”
“-Are you done?” Chloe asks, shutting the fridge.  
“No, h-”
“Fine, just shut up,” Chloe laughs, “are you a little nervous?”
“For what, the date?”
Chloe rolls her eyes, “no, the other thing you have tonight.  Yes, the date.”
“Um...yeah...it’s the third one.”
“People have sex on the third date, Chloe,” Hannah hisses, fidgeting with her hands, “I don’t...um...I don’t want to have sex tonight.”
“Oh...nobody says you have to sleep together on the third date, just tell her.”
“But what if she gets mad?”
Chloe rolls her eyes, “Paige is the nicest person I’ve ever met. She’s a literal angel, she won’t be mad, just talk to her if you’re this nervous.”
“Okay, yeah...probably a good plan.”
“I thought so.”
“Back to the important issue. Take me to your closet, I want to see what I can steal.”
“You’re so demanding.”
“You dress cuter than me. I have nothing acceptable to wear.”
“What are you talking about? You have cute clothes.”
“Paige is the prettiest person I’ve ever seen. She always looks perfect, which means I have to look perfect. My clothes actually suck, so give me yours,” Hannah says, following her into her room.
“Where are you going?”
“A dinner, and then mini golf.”
Chloe pulls an outfit out for her and shoves it into her chest, “wear that.”
“A skirt?”
“Yes, you’ll look cute, stop complaining.”
“I wasn’t complaining! I said ‘a skirt?’ How is that complaining?”
“It was...pre-complaining?”
“That’s not a thing, you bitch,” Hannah grins, “but...I guess...I can wear a skirt?”
“You’ll look hot, trust me.  Paige will die.”
The moment Hannah’s finger tips start tingling, panic seizes her chest. Not now, not now, not now.  
She and Paige are in the middle of miniature golfing when she feels the beginning of a migraine, and Hannah doesn’t know what to do other than ask Paige to take her home.
“I need to go home.”
Her face falls, “oh.”
“It’s not you, it’s…” she trails off when her eye begins throbbing, “I’m — headache.”
“Okay...okay, yeah we can go.”
“Can...drive?” Hannah slurs, squeezing her eyes shut.  It’s hard to speak - her brain is having a difficult time forming words, and the ones that do form get stuck on her tongue.
Shit, this is hitting a lot faster than it usually does. She can feel the dizziness creeping in, and she sinks to the floor to avoid falling flat on her face, because that’s definitely happened on multiple occasions.  
“Hannah?” Paige asks anxiously, kneeling beside her.  Her face is pinched in concern, and all of the worst-case scenarios are running through her head. “Hannah, talk to me, what’s the matter? Are you okay?”
Hannah wants to respond, because she can hear the panic in Paige’s voice, but everything feels like it’s underwater.
“Do you need me to take you to the hospital? What do you need? What do I do? Should I call 911?”
Paige pulls her phone out, heart pounding roughly against her chest. She dials Chloe’s number, chewing on her bottom lip as she stares at Hannah.
“I think Hannah is having a stroke…or a - or a brain aneurysm, or something. What do I do?”
“What? What happened?”
“I don’t know! She said she wanted to go home because she had a headache, and-”
“-Ah...yeah...she gets really bad migraines.  She’ll be okay, it’s really fucking scary, though.  Just bring her to her place.”
Paige lets out an audible sigh of relief now that she knows Hannah isn’t actually going to die on her. “Her roommate is out of town...should she be alone? She’s lying on the ground.”
“No, she definitely shouldn’t…she gets really dizzy with them.  Um...you can bring her back to your place if you want? Or my place, either is fine.”
“I’ll bring her to yours’. Can you send me your address?”
“Yeah, of course.”
Paige hangs up the phone, and then kneels next to Hannah, putting a hand on her back, “honey, can you stand? I’m going to take you back to Chloe’s place.”
Hannah groans, “sorry...didn’t mean...sorry.”
“It’s okay,” Paige says softly, “let’s just get you home.”
The drive to Chloe’s is quiet - Hannah’s seat is completely reclined, and she’s curled up as tightly as possible, her palms digging into her eyes.
Paige is beyond stressed out.  If there’s one thing she can’t stand, it’s feeling like she can’t do anything, and right now she can’t do anything.
Chloe is waiting at the door anxiously when Hannah and Paige walk (Hannah is less walking than she is being half-dragged, half-carried) through the door.
“Put her in my bed,” Chloe instructs, “I’m going to grab her an ice pack and some water.”
“My head,” Hannah moans, slumping into Paige even more, nearly in tears.  
“I know, I know,” Paige says gently, leading her into Chloe’s room.  
She finches at the light, “s’bright.”
“Shoot, sorry,” Paige says softly, cutting the lights.  
Hannah collapses onto the bed and pulls the blankets over her head, “hurts.”  
Chloe walks in the room a few minutes later, a glass of water in one hand, and an ice pack in the other.  “How is she doing?”
“Dying,” Hannah mumbles, voice muffled by the blanket, “shhh. Go.”
Chloe places the ice pack on the back of her neck, and even though that helps slightly, she’s still miserable.
Her head is throbbing, pulsating on each side so badly that even her eyes hurt.  The world spins around her, the sensation is akin to when you spin for too long on an office chair and you’re too disoriented to do anything else but lie there and wait for it to pass. Except, the feeling isn’t going to pass - not for a few hours at least.
Her neck aches, her entire body hurts and she just wants it all to stop so that she can sleep.  She never can when she gets a migraine, which sucks when they last for days.  
Hannah isn’t quite sure why she’s having a migraine - she’s not sleep deprived, she’s not stressed, she’s been eating fine - there’s no reason for her to have one, but she does and she hates it.  
Chloe is asleep on the floor, and Paige is asleep on the couch when Hannah finally emerges from Chloe’s room.  The sound of the door shutting jerks Paige awake, and she sits up with a sleepy yawn.  
“You’re up,” she smiles, “how are you feeling?”
Hannah rubs the back of her her neck, a shiver going down her spine, “fine.”
Paige frowns and walks over to her, “you’re shivering.”
“I’m fine,” she grumbles, rubbing at her nose as she sniffles.
“Are you si-”
“No.  I’m not sick.  I don’t get sick.”
Paige raises her eyebrows, “alright.”
Hannah groans, “sorry...I don’t mean to bite your head off...I’m just tired.”
“Oh, hey,” Chloe mumbles, walking past them to the fridge, “who wants food?”
“It’s three in the morning, you moron,” Hannah croaks, coughing lightly into a fist.
“Yeah, and you’ve had a migraine for the last eight hours or however long it’s been,” Chloe says, “you need food and I’m starving.”
“Me too,” Paige chirps.
“You look like shit, go lie down,” Chloe says, raising a brow at Hannah.
“I’m not s-”
“Yes you are.  You sound like hell, go back to bed, you dumbass.”
Paige presses a hand to Hannah’s cheek, “you have a fever.”
Hannah leans into Paige’s touch, closing her eyes as she sniffles.  She really doesn’t feel well, but she’s never done well lying around, and the moment the migraine subsides, she’s itching to get out of bed.  Even though everything hurts and she can feel the congestion seeping in, even though she feels chilled to the bone and can’t stop shivering, she doesn’t feel truly horrible yet, and she wants to get out of bed before she does.
“Your hand feels nice,” she mumbles.  
“Oh, sweetie,” Paige says gently, stroking Hannah’s cheek with her thumb.  
Hannah twists away from her, “hih’GNX! Ih’GNX! Snff...snff! Fuck.”
“Bless you,” Paige frowns.  
The next afternoon, Hannah is cuddled up to Paige on the couch, completely miserable.  She’s running a one hundred and two degree fever, and just the walk from Chloe’s room to the couch makes her dizzy enough to nearly pass out.
“You don’t need to stay if you don’t want,” she croaks, “I’m going to get you sick.”
“I think we’re way past worrying about that, hon,” Paige chuckles, running her hand through Hannah’s hair. “I don’t get sick anyways, so I’m really not worried.”
“Everyone says that, and then they die.”
Paige grins, “but it’s actually true in my case. How are you feeling?”
Hannah just groans and hides her face in Paige’s shoulder, “usually I’d say ‘fine’...but ugh. I’m SO sorry for ruining the date...I owe you.”
“Why are you apologizing? You didn’t ruin anything, you were sick.  We’ll just need to have a do over.”
“Get some sleep, yeah?”
Hannah nods, already more than half asleep.
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