#(*also doesn't help I'm not the -biggest- Loona fan... buuuut I aint getting into that here lol*)
helluvapurf · 2 months
Loona x Octavia (as friends or perhaps with an adult Via?)
Personally, I prefer to just see them as a friendship myself (esp with Via only being 17 rn), buuuut if I had to be more specific on how I feel for their platonic dynamic... hmmm-
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I want to like this dynamic more, honestly I do. Having two lonely, grumpy goth girls finding a sisterly-type connection after dealing with their annoying dads has a ton of writing potential... and at first it seemed like we were gonna get some good content with the initial "Seeing Stars" promo...
...whiiiich ended up being a bold-faced lie as we didn't even get Loona & Via talking one-on-one til like, the last few minutes of the ep🤦‍♀️Not to say what we ultimately got was bad, per-say (*cluttered moral about dads aside-*)... it just felt like it needed a lil more substance/screentime to truly make their heart-to-heart "land", if that makes sense?
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