estarion · 2 months
my birthday is in nine days. if you owe me a gift, i'll let you know in an addendum beneath this notice. shitty offerings will be set on fire and catapulted at your tent. thank you. — ASTARION.
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il-mostrc · 2 months
These ShinRa cases were fascinating. Most chose to stand and pace, wild in their actions that nearly matched the trickery of their eyes. There was never a dull appearance, despite the war images they had to endure on the land away from their own. ShinRa was on the rise, conquering lands and building walls. Brazen, like an animal, there was a tune that followed with this one. Wrath could be heard in the timbre of it; his smile often betrayed the process of what he was trying to convey.
Glenn (@soldier-lodbrok), with his unique qualities, was always a welcomed sight. He had a remarkable aptitude for the nature that bound these SOLDIERS.
"Isn't everybody sick to death of all this stuff?"
With an inhale of breath, his chest barely rose underneath the three-piece suit he always chose to wear. Between his fingers was his fountain pen, clipboard holding nothing to signal any resourceful patterns in this talk. Sometimes, it's just simply that.
"I image this is part of the process," Hannibal says, his face blank aside from the fraying of a curling smile at the corner of his mouth.
The licking flames nestled in the hearth of his fireplace danced their orange glow upon the young man's face. It highlighted the grueling nature of a soldier with Mako fresh in their blood, changing their physics.
Their Becoming.
"How long has it been since the transfusions?" This time, he places the sharp edge of his pen onto the paper to record, crossed leg over the other balancing his ability to write.
With the propaganda of SOLDIER, ShinRa had found their duty in signing over patients who exhibited frustration and violent tendencies under the care of psychiatrists. Mako was still an unstable source of power-- outside of the human body and within it. They were also an acting earpiece if any traitorous predilections crept in.
Hannibal had friends in high places, as they say.
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meadowlarksabove · 4 months
"Who's gonna match my freak?"
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courcgecus · 2 months
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She finished a small shed for additional storage, as soon it would be harvest. All by herself! She is proud, looking at it - it seems secure and even visually pleasing!
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path-of-blue-eyes · 1 year
@talesofaduelist - Starter!
Despite how frustrated he looked, or rather angry depending on the person looking at him, it was rather Seto trying to be serious as all hell when trying to make the biggest step he could make here.
Seems all these years together, every chance he had to tell Atem before in his feelings was pretty disastrous due to his inability to actually speak his feelings. How many times did he mean to say he felt weak in the knees for him but then spat out venomous words instead.
That's why he's trying not to mess this up again, if only because he doesn't want to lose his precious 'rival' again.
"Atem...Go out with me." Honestly, he could've worded that a bit more romantically but learning about the entirety of romance was still so painfully new to him.
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sharkcontrolled · 4 days
❛  do you believe in ghosts?  ❜ // from @suneatensoulz bc djoser's curious abt random things :0
forty random questions || @suneatensoulz
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a question forced a small chuckle out of Koujiro.
ghosts would be one of the smaller worries, considering the world is filled with supernatural things & unexplained phenomena. he's friends with Ikkaku, who can control the electricity, technically he has the elemental powers himself ( oh, but it's just because of the tail, so he wouldn't really count that )
& most importantly....
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❝ believe in? ❞ a small, initially misleading shake of his head ❝ no, i know ghosts exists. a friend of mine is working with them, she even lets some posses her & you can see it. these ones are pretty chill. ❞ the first meeting at the dinner made quite the impact after all, ❝ but even without her around i'd say i believe in their existence. how about you? ❞
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patchedzero · 1 month
what are you insinuating ?
morbid curiosity // @shishitoren-vc
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a stop to their walk, Suo now more turned towards Togame. it was just one of the mandatory patrols, nothing to overthink, but it was quite curious to assign them together. surely there were more suitable people.
yet to be fair this whole situation was quite amusing. how easily he was thrown away despite clearly having a longer history with the leader. but it would be rude to admit it. which is why he started with " you can stop now " to see the reaction & respond accordingly.
small wave of his hand with chuckle, before it returned behind his back.
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❝ no, nothing like that, just looking out for you. ❞ well, close enough to it. ❝ it seems like something is still bothering you, so if you want we can take a break from patrolling for a bit. ❞
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amberedcorpse · 1 month
Deucalion couldn’t remember the last time he’d had a good drink. Days of traveling had run his reserves pretty dry, and he’d had to penny pinch just to keep himself fed long enough to reach town. One would think a man like himself, busy as he was, would have more in his coat than a knife and a concealed holster. But money left marks, trailed, just like the motes of black smoke he blew out of his mouth. Better safe than sorry. Besides, there was always more money to make, more people to send across the bridge…
In fact, he’d spied one such person a few times in his periphery, slipping in and out of view, but ever present. Duke didn’t bother to wonder why he was being stalked so soon and merely took it in stride. This far in the game, who cared if a few stragglers tagged along? 
Again, he had a glimpse of the shadow covering his rear, having drawn closer as the streets turned dark and lonely. After a few draws of his cigar, he paused as if deliberating on what to do, until he very abruptly turned around. 
“Hey!” He flicked the ashes off his cigar, and caught the haunting shade before it slipped back into an alley. 
“The least you could do is give me directions! I’m fucking lost over here!”
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estarion · 20 days
i had shadowheart negotiating w / arron whilst i pickpocketed him, got all i needed and ran for miles before remembering we left her there :s
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il-mostrc · 1 month
The crocodile-skinned notebook that bore his schedule for the day held the decorative and regal scripture handwriting of Dr. Hannibal Lecter. Vincent's (@phantomyre-vincent-valentine) name was especially satisfying to write. He dubbed his name romantic, as would anyone with the last name 'Valentine'.
It was his lack of a 'valentine' that sent a referral to Hannibal's door. While Hojo would never step forth in the Good Doctor's Study, he found Lucrecia's presence more and more (without Hojo's knowledge). This young man was proving to be something of a hot subject with her. The vestibule door opened, and Dr. Lecter, complete with wearing one of his finely tailored darker suits, welcomed the young man further into his house.
"Have a seat if you are so inclined," he speaks, his voice almost monotone, one he often gives when greeting newly appointed patients. Nervousness was not unusual; very few people were at ease with opening their lives to a complete stranger at first. Two chairs bask in the glow of a flickering fireplace.
The chairs were once closer together across from one another until a fatal flaw was performed. One of his patients touched his knee, and that was the end of it.
Hannibal is sure Vincent won't mind the distance. Unlatching the button from his jacket, he reclines in the plush leather seat, one leg over the other while balancing the notebook and fountain pen. "Shall we begin?"
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meadowlarksabove · 2 months
"I need to kiss someone."
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courcgecus · 2 months
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🌿 -   " How long has it been... years? Sometimes I forget passing of time... it feels like yesterday I heard you say you will be back in no time..." She sighs, gazing into the pond, where first leaves had already fallen. Solitude, such a rare treat. A moment to speak. She wouldn't notice if someone sneaked behind.
" We are doing good... I built my first shed this Summer. Even though, I hoped I could have learnt to do things on my own... a different way. With you, here."
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parasitxs · 1 month
@dragvnsovl / for cell
there's a cock of his brow, curiosity lacing its way around the smile to curve the corners of his lips. when met with strength, tsufuru would relish the fight - ponder over what he can have -- what he can steal. though, this stranger rouses another kind of curiosity. he's strong, but he's odd, too. unreadable in a lot of ways - and such mystery would make him dangerous.
the body-stealer keeps his distance for now, watches on with a pressed gaze and pursed lips - readies himself to speak but thinks carefully on his words before doing so. for one usually so quick to jump, for now - he keeps himself still.
"hm-" he ponders aloud, crosses arms over his chest. an unconscious action that readies his guard. "there's something-" not alien, not earthling - android, perhaps? an amalgamation of bits and pieces ( curses and corruption ) - just like him? to think it snatches a breath, one quickly replaced with a further few words "off about you. something..."
despite uncertainty, his smirk fails to wane, a shiver of anticipation breathing cold onto his skin - hairs on end as he leans forth.
is that...excitement amidst the twist of his voice?
"different. tell me- what are you?"
and does your blood run hot -? do your muscles ache and your skin, sweat? are you - by any chance - an organic vessel, fitting for the one they call 'baby' -?
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consvlting · 1 year
𝐎𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫.
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"Shibari can be problematic if not well-researched." he says while inspecting the hanging contraption for safety. A crash test dummy was horizontally suspended from it, expertly wrapped in specialized bondage ropes. "The most common injuries normally occur on the humeral radial nerves. To decrease any chance of acute damage, you want to principally memorize where the deltoid tuberosity is and avoid it."
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that-butler · 3 months
"You truly honor me, my lady~"
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masterissac · 1 year
~*~ @goldenbeastkeeper ~*~
Issac is getting really tired of Aria disappearing on him like this. She’s not often actually in her staff form, because that’s really conspicuous. But she’s so easily distracted that as a bird she’s fluttering off wherever she wants all the time, irregardless of if Issac has any clue where she went.
He’d question how his dad ever put up with it, but he knows his dad was a very patient man. And maybe Aria listened better to him, since she wasn’t a handmedown then.
Issac sighs; he has to find her. She was his dad’s, and the only connection to his dad’s past that he has. He can’t just let that go.
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Finally tracking her down, he stops walking, with a terrified expression flickering across his face. She’s perched on a man’s hand, happily chirping away.
Ok, ok, he can do this. Approaching a stranger isn’t going to kill him. I’m sorry to bother you sir, but that’s my bird; she escaped the house and I’ve been chasing her all day. 
That’s all he has to say. He can do it.
That’s not what actually comes out of his mouth as he approaches.
。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚“Excuse me, Sorry-so sorry to bother you, I just- uhm…” he takes a shaky breath, and much quieter says, “that’s my bird...”
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