#(14 gets a special tag bc it's my hyperfocus)
universal-kitty · 3 years
Interest Check!!
   So I was thinking about reopening commissions again, getting those set up...and I’ve been thinking. I’ve really liked the idea of doing F/O letters (fictional other, is the definition for those unfamiliar) for people. However- especially in times like these- it’s hard to justify doing it for free, when energy is limited.
   So! With that in mind, I’m thinking of trying out F/O Letters [Email Edition]. For those interested...
Probably gonna start the price at $15 || $5 cheaper than my fics 
Back and forth letters CAN be a thing. Will be charged per response. IDK what the price on that is yet. 
Will only be accepting fandoms I know (for now; fandoms I don't know will eventually be an option, but more 'spensive bc I will have to research it...I’m dedicated to accuracy) 
this will eventually work towards the physical media aspect I wanted to do from the start (hand written letters + a few self-care goodies; self care packages later....maybe) 
I am also tempted to do a "G'raha Fund" where you can request the comm payment to go towards it; literally is just going towards getting me a G'raha plush to carry around with me for Comfort Reasons (for those unaware, I’ll put it under the read more)
Otherwise, all money will be set aside for me to move into my own apartment
For those who want to take a look at my comm sheet, here! (I’ll try to make a more easy-to-read/follow format when I re-work it...)
My writing tag is Aki Stories, if you’d like to see how I write!
Looking to open up in about a week’s time.
   As said, it’ll be done through email! Forms (that tell me about your OC/self insert) will be submitted that way and you’ll get your letters that way, too.
   As said, I’ll currently be only accepting fandoms that I am also into, as that guarantees that I know the fandom very well and can promise not only quality, but a quick delivery!
   If anyone wants the fandom list, send me an ask! If you’d like, reblog to spread the word!! But that aside... Gonna put down what happened fairly recently below the Read More, as it’ll explain my situation and the rather silly sounding “G’raha Fund,” LMAO.
(...seriously, transphobia/enbyphobia ahead.)
   So prior to November of last year, I’d been living in a mentally taxing environment. Four younger siblings, a stepdad who was racist, LGBTphobic (just...overall, to everyone in that community), and pushed his religion onto the people around him. My mother was marginally better, but I now realize...was still unsupportive of me in the way that I needed it. (As well who was one of those “Old Allies” who prided herself on having gay friends and going with them to Pride, but also deciding to make some questionable comments. But I won’t get into that.)
   The important bit is that in November, I decided I was sick of being stressed day in and day out. I knew my stepdad wouldn’t approve of me, my mom had tried assuring me he’d “still love and support me,” but I wasn’t buying that for a minute. Especially because I wanted to talk about it, and the time never came up. So. I made it happen.
   Only to hear my mother balk at trying to use singular they/them pronouns (”that doesn’t make sense” according to her) and refuse to use them for me. Ignoring outright that I also offered up he/him pronouns; it was simply too hard for her to comprehend and she wouldn’t budge.
   Stepdad overheard the conversation and it got worse; he confirmed my fears. Saying I was always going to be my birth gender, he thinks I hate my body...and then spun it back to himself. Y’know, he feels very attacked for being the only religious adult here. Is he next on the chopping block?
   My boyfriend got me out of there. I haven’t gone back since, nor will I ever. “My” room has already been cleared out for one of my younger sisters.
   There was a lot of other awful things going on there, but I won’t get into it. The point is...it was bad, and I need to make sure I never go back there. Better yet, move into an apartment where I can stay during the day, while my boyfriend is at work.
   These past few months, I’ve finally been able to have a place to stay... With my dad. (Prior to that, it was hiding out at cafes and occasionally my boyfriend’s work, when not getting a room under his discount. They’ve since gotten rid of employee discounts.) However, he is of the mind that I wasn’t “accepting” enough of my stepdad; things would’ve been better if I was. As well, I’m not “bad at math” I’m just not trying hard enough... Which is bullshit and I’d sure know it.
   So even though it’s a great place to stay....and I’m not allowed to be at home alone under his own dad’s rules... It’s still not great.
   The “G’raha Fund” will let me carry around my current inspiration (LOL) as a comfort item. I don’t have a shop in particular that I’m looking at- if anything, I have about 4 to 5 shops I’m eyeing- but the fund will likely cap at $100, giving me enough room to buy the plush and (hopefully) covering any S+H charges, too. Any remaining money from the G’raha Fund will just go to my bank and to the original plans: funding for an apartment. (And helping pay bills once I’m there.)
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droolphobia · 6 years
tagged by @malmaratus !! Thank you!!!!! I love filling these out but I never get tagged!
rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 15 people
1. drink - Rootbeer!! Tastee
2. 📱 call -  My parents and my sister!
3. text - My discord that I have with my best friends!
4. song you listened to - Lovegame by Lady Gaga KJFHDJH
5. time you 😢 - LOL... When I saw a CD at the mall that had Getter Robo on it.... It was a Mazinger/Getter Robo music CD, it was in japanese so the only song I recognized was HEATS!! Aneeways i got very emotional
6. dated someone twice - Nope!!! 7. 😘 someone and regretted it - Nah!! 8. been cheated on - Noo
9. lost someone special - Yes, this sounds dumb but my childhood cat, he helped me through a lot
10. been depressed - Bitch..... KTJGBDKJNGBKJGBG ofc
11. gotten drunk and thrown up - Noooooo I can’t even puke
12. Chartreuse 
13.  Green (In general)
14. Magenta
15. Red (in general)
in the last year have you
16. made new friends - Yes!!!!
17. fallen out of 💛 - Nah
18. 😂 until you 😢 - The time I saw (wont’ say who) ass’s steam bc they pissed themselves from laughing when it was super cold out. you had to be there to know the true chaos behind the situation KFDJHKFJGH 19. found out someone was talking about you - I don’t think so?
20. met someone who changed you - Naah
21. found out who your friends are - I dunno!!! last year was a blur to me tbh 22. 😘 someone on your facebook friends list - LFHNKD no
23. how many friends from your fb friends list do you know irl - i dunno...... i never use facebook
24. do you have any pets - yes!!!!! One dog, one catfish, and one zebra finch!
25. do you want to change your middle name - If i could easily i would.. I hate the name Elizabeth 
26. what did you do for your last 🎂 - Had dinner with my family !! it was nice! I got cooking stuff : DD
27. what time did you wake up today - 10:38 AM. I remember lol
28. what were you doing last night at midnight - Drawing my getter robo oc kjgf
29. what is something you can’t wait for - Getting my first psychiatrist appointment!!!!!! We’re working on it!
30. what are you listening to right now - Absolute silence other than my bird quietly meeping
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom - My grandpa!
32. something that gets on your nerves - My biological parents
33. most visited website - Tumblr!
34. hair color - Brunette with natural red highlights. I’m irish baybe! 35. long hair or short hair - At my shoulders rn, I usually like to keep it short
36. do you have a crush on someone - IHGDKGSDJBKGH ......... maybe
37. what do you like about yourself - That I can make myself laugh
38. want any piercings - NO.... I got earings one time and I almost cried : ( they’re closed up now..
39. blood type - IDK...
40. nicknames - Mell, Kero, Sock, Kaity, Dirt. I am called a lotkjfhj
41. relationship status - Single !
42. zodiac - Sagittarius 
43. pronouns - Any, but to keep it simple I usually go by They/Them
44. favorite 📺 show - That’s.. really hard to pick so I’ll say my current hyperfocus.... Getter Robo!
45. tattoos - I don’t have any but maybe one day.. a frog tattoo 46. right handed or left - Right!
47. ever had surgery - Tubes in both of my ears, once when I was 3 and once when I was 6
48. piercings - Noooneee 49. sports - I’ve never done sports bc of my asthma
50. vacation - We went to southern Illinois on route 66! That was fun
51. trainers - Huh??
52. eating - Olive oil w parmesan cheese and white bread.. 
53. drinking - Rootbeer
54. i’m about to watch - I dunno... Probably Oneyplays
55. waiting for - Dad to come home so I can tell him I didn’t call the doctor KJGHG
56. want - Something to eat with soy sauce.. I’m craving it
57. get married - Idk what the future holds for me but rn I feel like marriage isn’t for me
58. career - I wanna be that person at the zoo that does educating shows for kids.. :’ )
59. kisses or hugs - Kisses..... they’re nice!
60. 👄 or eyes - Eyes!
61. shorter or taller - TALLER.. I’m 5′1 what option do I have
62. older or younger - Ew.... Ok not a fan of this one lol. My age?????
63. nice arms or stomach - Arms........ 
64. hookup or relationship - Relationship!! I don’t like the thought of hookups
65. troublemaker or hesitant - Depends on what kind of person they are... IDK..
66. 😘 a stranger - No!!!
67. drank hard liquor - ................Yes
68. lost glasses - I don’t wear glasses dkjfk
69. turned someone down - Yeaaaa
70. sex on first date - No!!
71. broken someone’s ❤️- I did but it’s not my fault lol
72. had your 💔 - Yup!!
73. been arrested - Nooooo
74. 😢 when someone died - Yes????
75. fallen for a friend - AJGFJG yes
76. yourself - It changes a lot but.. I think overall, yea
77. miracles - Yea but only because I believe in luck
78. 💛 at first sight - I don’t really know honestly
79. 🎅 - kjgdhjkhghkjhgjkg No....
80. 😘 on a first date - Nah
81. angels - I did for a bit but it was only bc I was paranoid and scared of them KJFHFG..
82. best friend’s name - Jesse, Harley, and Konyleigh! <3
83. eye color - Blue!!
84. favorite movie - I never know how to answer this.. So i’ll say Christine as usual
85. favorite actor - OHDFKJDFGH I DONT KNOW!!
tagging @chi-kuchi, @purple-gem, @moondroppopcandy, and *points* YOU. kjdj in all seriousness, all my mutuals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fucka yea!!!!!
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