#(Guess I should mention Jon's my favorite Batman villain huh? xDD He always was but the Arkham games sorta made it 'cool' to like him tbh.)
red-hemlock · 2 months
:frog: Something that makes you smile for fandom reasons?
Mun Questions n' Stuff! @qu-tipie
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(CAN I JUST SAY HOW MUCH I LOVE THE ARKHAMVERSE'S VERSION OF SCARECROW THOUGH??? I KNOW A LOT OF PEOPLE LIKE IT ASIDE FROM ME TOO, BUT. I JUST. LOVE BOTH VERSIONS SO DAMN MUCH. Especially Knight's and how absolutely horrible and ghoulish-looking he was, creeped me the 'eff out like his later BTAS costume did. <3
Not to mention I love how the fear gauntlet's become so iconic that it's basically become a canon part of his costume in some way or form now. xD)
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