acoyotesmate · 5 years
can you maybe continue the scene where they were studying on Stiles' bed and all Malia wanted to do is make out with him and Stiles told her that they'll go back to that (lots of that!) after they're finished? Thanks x
so i received this when i wasn’t actually accepting prompts anymore ( ik i asked for k*nktober, but this came after that ) and i did still consider writing it, but i just...I don’t really like stiles much, esp since I watched s6, and I feel like my aversion to him has only grown since then and I just feel like it’s time to let this blog go.
it’s hard to upkeep a blog about a ship you used to love when you’ve started to dislike one half of it so much you’re sick of their face. I don’t outright hate stiles (tho certain groups of shippers have made me want to ) i’m just over him. I still like stalia and think they deserved better, and that they fit better together than st*dia, but i feel like it would be disingenuous of me to keep writing about them as the focus of my fics when im just emotionally done with one half of the ship.
originally i was drawn in by the concept of him teaching Malia about being human again, and the way they seemed to accept each other without judgement, and the capacity i saw for unconditional love between them, and the whole “i’d never leave you behind” sentiment, but all of that went out the window in s6, or arguably was there but in the worst way - heartbreak, longing, diminished love/connection in favor for a ship that just didn’t make sense anymore, having to lie about the competing connection to save Stiles and accepting the boy Malia loved actually loved her best friend, and denouncing neither for their utter betrayal. 
Anyways, this is my official claim that I’m done with this blog. I’m not deleting it, so feel free to scroll through and reblog whatever/whenever, but I likely won’t be updating anymore at all. 
I would like to say thank you to all of those who have sent me prompts or just plain old asks in the past, and who have supported this blog and it’s content, it really has meant the world to me, and i am genuinely sorry to be jumping ship like a lot of people have, but I can’t change the way i feel, or how Stiles as a character has this big stain on him i can’t overlook, especially in the context of stalia. 
I hope you guys can understand. Much love to you all. 
xoxo ~ Jay
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occultsleutha · 5 years
SHIPPING INFO: Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
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What’s your OTP for your Muse?
The Hellblazer canon ones, of course. But out of those, I’m just gonna say JohnZee since the other characters are not reoccuring DC characters that anyone would even think to RP, lol. My rarepair is JohnClark, but don’t get me started because I will literally never shutup about why this ship is Poetic Cinema.
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
One Night Stands: John is a horny fool. Bonus points if your character does the walk of shame the morning after. It’s okay, he won’t tell, he likes dirty little secrets. ; )
Fluff: Naturally, John takes a long time to open up but once he does, he’s somewhat of a  ( purposeful ) cornball. This is the hardest level to Unlock(TM).
Sexual Tension Denial: John’s doesn’t have the worst reputation. I’m sure there’s still a lot of superheroes that wanna smash but tell themselves they don’t because they’re trying to upkeep their sense of morals. But John knows the truth. >: )
Angst: John’s a hard person to love, not just because he has commitment issues and 7 suitcases of unresolved trauma, but everyone he loves gets killed because of him, so. Sorry in advanced.
Dating Experiments: Dating period that doesn’t really work out for whatever reason. Could turn out awkward, or neutral, or whatever you want.
Crash and Burn: The “We loved each other but it still didn’t work. We tried, though, we really did.” trope fucks me up.
Toxic Relationships: The nature of John’s past trauma, the traumatizing job he has right now, and his coping mechanisms are a recipe for disaster. John has a lot of anger, and outbursts, and shuts down a lot. One of his defense mechanisms is crossing the line and pissing you off so you’ll leave him and as a result, have a safer life. Relationship could flop depending on how the other person responds to him, or it could struggle along until the other person finally realizes John isn’t going to help himself.
Bitter Ex: Dump him, he’s trash. Throw his clothes out the window, try to smash his head with a beer bottle. Be bitter about it and have snarky banter whenever you cross paths!
Selfless Breakup: John breaks up with your muse because he wants to keep you safe. John admitting this is optional. 
Breakups: Break up with John, break his heart. He will probably let you because he thinks he deserves it. But maybe one day he’ll get really drunk and knock on your door at 3AM crying about it. :’ )
 Booty Calls: John is down for any kind of sex, threesomes, non-humans, etc. I don’t really RP smut though, but you’re more than welcome to. Or make implications if the time comes for it.
Unrequited: Honestly, you could do better, please don’t pine over this fool.
Really anything. Weird shit happens all the time. Shoot me your ideas.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
John is anywhere from 35 - 60 on this blog. John won’t really be interested being in a committed relationship with someone significantly younger than him. I’d say 10 years younger is the absolute max. If your muse is 35+, he won’t care that much. 
Are you selective when shipping?
John’s compatibility is hard to match. He doesn’t really seek out committed relationships, and if he does, he does it on the basis that he doesn’t expect it to be long term. 
He is sociable and flirty when he has good drinking days, but he’s not that willing to get vulnerable for other people. Especially since he gets everyone killed when they become part of his life. 
John also doesn’t think he deserves love, among other issues related to trauma.
If anyone is interested in John they’re going to need to be really patient and actually TRY to understand who he is instead of making assumptions on his reputation. He lives a VERY different life than normal people, the rules that apply to the occult and everything associated do not always match with the real world. He has to make difficult choices daily and he’s not always proud of them. Your muse has to understand that they’re not entirely in a place to judge, and may not entirely ever understand.
Also be ready to take on a lot of emotional baggage.
 Are you attracted to habitual smoking and drinking? 
If your muse is not a Good Character a long-term committed relationship will probably not last. John can be terrible on his bad days, but at his core he needs someone that fosters positive emotions and will push him to be better. He always reaches out to people that carry the kind of light he wishes he had. John regresses very easily, he can’t last long in environments where negativity festers. He’s not strong enough to commit to people that are as broken as him; he’s much better giving them help and sending them on their way. But even the “bad” ships are still ships, so.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
anything involving genital mention i guess??
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
@hraunwyf because loki, an immortal goddess, falling in love with someone like john constantine is nothing short of dramatic and spicy
@cardshcrp two idiots and maybe future exes ; )
There are other blogs I’m mutuals with where John flirts w/ them, and has had some spicy stuff but im probably not active enough for them to have gotten far in development nfkndg
Does one have to ask to ship with you?
Up to you.
How often do you like to ship?
John isn’t the “shippy” type, so I never really prioritize it.
Are you multiship?
Sure, there’s enough trash man Johnny to go around if you’re really that eager to ruin your life,
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
JohnClark. I’m the captain of the ship and I will go down with it honorably,
Finally, how does one ship with you?
Flirt with John and see where it goes. 
Message me about it if you want to explore a ‘what-if,’ those conversations are fun.
Tagged by:   @pathtotruth Tagging:   anyone.
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