sadrien · 7 years
wanna chat? pt.18
on ao3 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18
hey so its been a while
im in a really crappy mental place and like my entire life is drowned in discourse right now (specifically today) and its making me an anxious mess. so today i slept, avoided the discord app as much as possible, only spent like 20 minutes total on tumblr, and worked on this. its bad but i need proof that today was worth it so *jazz hands*
pluto is better than u = alya, space bro = nino, trappist = adrien, galaxy print = mari
pluto is better than u: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ikWb_Xjako pour one out for vine
space bro: alya i love you but why do you never sleep like my dude
pluto is better than u: rip vine u were a good
space bro: yo mari you coming today
pluto is better than u: hello hello hellloooooooooo
PM between trappist and galaxy print
trappist: I’m assuming you aren’t going to class today I’m going in late because of a photoshoot, but I can swing by during lunch with work if you want some? Or later tonight? Just let me know <3
galaxy print: So rry Ij ust woke up Holy  on I cant typ ern Oh go d
space bro: oh man dude are you ok????
pluto is better than u: D: D: D: mari ur worst than me when im sleep deprived
galaxy print: FIght me alys
pluto is better than u has changed their name to alys
galaxy print: Fucck you
alys: i luvve u
galaxy print: Im gonn a vough on you Couhg Cough FUck
space bro: im guessing youre sick
galaxy print has changed their name to cough cough
cough cough: Ye
alys: babe :(
space bro: feel better mar!! you arent missing anything much its all boring
alys: ummm IM LONELY thats important!!!!!
cough cough:  you ve got the boys right in fornt of you Front
alys: yeah but :’(
space bro: want us to drop your work off at your place after school dude?
cough cough: No I dont want towork
trappist: I’m already on it You two can tag along if you want though
cough cough: D: Nooooo I dont awnt it My hea d hursts
space bro: we can come over and chill with you
space bro: ^^^
cough cough: Im siCK I dont want you gettin s ick too
alys renamed this conversation to “boo you whore”.
space bro: back at it again with the american memes
alys: mean girls is not restricted to one country it is Iconic and international and also timeless
cough cough: Can you qote the hwole movie?
space bro: mari dude go back to bed like ily but rest my man
alys: nah i cant but marsh can
cough cough: Wha t
space bro: hold up
alys: B)
trappist has changed their name to glen coco
glen coco: I guess it’s natural for parents to cry on their kid’s first day of school But you know this usually happens when the kid is five I’m sixteen And until today I was homeschooled
space bro: alright damn confession time ive only seen like half of mean girls
alys removed space bro from this group.
cough cough: Ru de
alys: not seeing mean girls is an insult to my honor
cough cough: Ok princ e zuko
glen coco added space bro to this group.
alys: hmmm who would b the zuko of our group antagonist turned  good hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
space bro: first of all fuck you alya
alys: ;*
space bro: second of all what are we doing now?? i thought we were on mean girls
alys: the gorup chat stops for no one babe
cough cough: I dont think any of us arE Zuko???
glen coco: Yeah, as much as I love Zuko I don’t think I’m even remotely close to him Not honor driven enough
alys: not angsty enough
space bro: i dunno adrien cn be pretty angsty
alys: poll time say aye if you had a crush on prince zuko growing up not book 1 zuko that was some bullshit were talking book 3 redemption arc zuko the Good Shit cause aye as fuck
space bro: aye
glen coco: Aye
cough cough: ay e
alys: im glad were friends
glen coco: Hey Mari we’re on our way
alys: if ur unconsciou s can i nap w u im wiped
space bro: shes not gonna answer if shes asleep babe also just joining her for a nap is weir d
alys: im standing right next to u insult me 2 my face u coward
space bro: ok
glen coco: Mari I hope you’re awake because please save me from these two
cough cough: Ye I wasnt awak e My he ad hurt sstill and my eyes got like Stuck shut????? Tmi?
alys: nothings tmi when it comes to u <3
space bro: id like to argue that there are in fact somethings that ARE tmi but yaeh this isnt one of them were chilling in the park across the street cause your mom said you were asleep she offered to just take your hw but we said wed wait to explain it all
alys: pfff theres no explanation needed we just wanted 2 see u
cough cough: Ugh you dindt have to do that I dont want to ge tanyone sick
space bro: you wont!!!
cough cough: You odnt know htat!!!
PM between cough cough and glen coco
glen coco: Obviously patrol for tonight is canceled
cough cough: :( TIkki said shed leave if I tired to go Tried And i STarted cryin g
glen coco: Aww Mari She wouldn’t leave you she just wants you to take care of yourself Tikki loves  you too much to leave you
cough cough: Im going to start crying again
glen cooc: D: NOT my intention!!! Do you need a hug??
glen coco: We’re in your living room and on our way up
cough cough: nooooooooo :’( Im gross and crying rnight now why eould you do thsi to me
glen coco: Because we love you and you definitely need a hug right now And maybe more medication
cough cough: This s the wors thting to ever happen ot m e
glen coco: Knock knock
cough cough: :/
16:21 in boo you whore
cough cough: I hate yoiu all Thanks for coming over <3 <3
alys: <3
space bro: of course dude!! you looked like you needed the company
cough cough: If you all get sick you can tblam e me I told you not to come near me Cuddling mgihtve been too much
glen coco: Cuddling is never too much
alys: ^^^
space bro: ditto
alys: hello? 112? yeah fuck my life and everything in it
space bro: you think i can bribe hawkmoth into taking a day off
PM between cough cough and glen coco
cough cough: Oh no
glen coco: Do not
cough cough: I have to??? I feel like Im gonna fall over THe world is spinny Oh n o
glen coco: I fight the akuma, you do nothing until you absolutely have to We can’t have you falling off a roof or something
cough cough: Do you think if I just cry at the akuma itll purify itself
glen coco: We can try
cough cough: :(
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