#(Kongou is a sucker for presents apparently)
weebslawyer · 4 years
Sun- Libra
The Libra symbol is the Scales, which means people born under this sign like things to be balanced. Libras see things objectively; they want what's best for everyone. Because of this, Libras tend to hate conflict. They try to do everything in their power to maintain peace and harmony, which may make them very indecisive. If it allows them to avoid confrontation, Libras will do it.  They like to indulge in artistic, beautiful things.  As an air sign, this sign tries to reach higher, as in the higher mind. Libras like to put their mind to work and communicate intriguing ideas to others. People born under this sign are cultured and they love beautiful people, which is why they enjoy things like theater, cocktail parties, ballet, etc.  Libras are just generally pleasant people to be around. They know how to make others comfortable and are great at charming conversation. They also love to get to know other people, as they love to be around others. In terms of conflict, they make a fair argument, as they are all about diplomacy and compromise. They are not manipulative and don't like to fight, they just want to communicate and talk things through. In some situations, Libras may get lazy, as they need a social component to most tasks in order to be energized about it.  Libras love flirting, romance drama, and first dates. They excel at charming others, however, they have trouble figuring out what they want. In relationships, Libras may get lost in a relationship, unsure of what it is they're striving for. Due to this, Libras occasionally prevent themselves from falling in love, as they are worried that a relationship equals loss of self. A partner of a Libra should be understanding if they pull back, for Libras may need space to explore the relationship on their own terms.  People born under this sign are unlikely to rush into a relationship. As very rational people, Libras will often weigh pros and cons, thinking far into the future. Libras definitely like to talk about the future and value these conversations with partners as a way of shaping a rich life together.  Libras were born to please, and in relationships, this may result in misunderstandings. Since this sign despises conflict, Libras may want their partner to plan date nights. Libras will definitely have ideas, but they are sensitive to criticism and worry that their partner will not enjoy what they want. It's crucial that a Libra must become equal with their partner and realize they are not solely responsible for their partner's happiness. Since Libras hate conflict, it is not wise for a partner to accuse or shout at them. By using phrases like "I feel," Libras will feel more secure knowing that their mate is only feeling upset right now. People born under this sign are also very passionate, so they need both physical and mental turn-ons. They love back-and-forth texting and especially like fantasies. To a Libra, exploration of new fantasies is very sexy. It’s also common for them to fall for a fire sign.   Libras are drawn to this drama; though they are always playing meditator and peacekeeper, passionate fire signs give them a zest of something new. They love impulsiveness in these signs and tend to be more honest wiht each other because they both view life very practically.  In careers, Libras are great at imagination and balance. If this sign is working in a team for something they believe in, their job is fun. They love to dream of new projects and challenges. However, due to a Libra's love for peace, standing up for themselves in the workplace may be a problem. Libras hate to make others uncomfortable, so they may hold their tongue when it comes to constructive feedback or hard truths.  In terms of money, Libras may have a hard time connecting their skills with money. Libras see work as fun, so they may have trouble asking for a larger salary. This makes them uncomfortable, as money is an iffy topic socially. Thankfully, though, a Libra's resourcefulness, charm, and love of luxury will motivate them for a flood of paychecks.
Moon- Pisces
Lunar Pisceans are known to be dreamy and not always in touch with reality. However, though these people may not always show real-world savvy in day-to-day, practical affairs, they make up for this with remarkable intuition. They can put themselves in anybody’s shoes with extreme ease. On the plus side, this endows them with remarkable compassion and love. The down side with this apparent ability to break down boundaries is that these people can easily lose themselves in the suffering of others. Their sense of humor is delightfully silly and a bit odd. These are perceptive souls who seem to be in touch with all the nuances and subtleties of human nature. Often this comes through in a strong sense of humor that is more of the receptive kind than the type of sense of humor that would make people the “life of the party”. It’s generally pretty easy to get them giggling.  Generally considered soft-hearted and sweet, Lunar Pisceans care about others and are easily touched by human suffering. This tendency gains them the reputation as suckers for sob stories. Although this may sometimes be true, many Lunar Pisceans learn, in their lifetimes, how to discern between sincerity and manipulation. Still, they definitely do have plenty of soft corners. There’s a delightful accepting side to Moon in Pisces that is sometimes mistaken for weakness. Pisces is the twelfth and last sign of the zodiac, and thus carries with it a little of each sign of the zodiac. As a result, they see themselves reflected in the behavior of others, giving them seemingly boundless compassion. Since the Moon represents our instinctive nature, Moon in Pisces seems to know how things feel without actual experience. For example, they may have never had sex, but seem to know all about it. The ones that aren’t too shy make awesome actors and actresses. This ability to empathize even in the absence of experience gives them an open mind and heart. Most long to express this through writing, music (both listening and making), poetry, and art —in fact, the happiest people with this position do just that. Solitude is important to them, but they also need people, so their retreats will usually be short-lived.
Rising- Cancer
Their first instinct, when threatened or on unfamiliar ground, is to protect themselves. When new situations present themselves, they can immediately withdraw or act shy. Generally, these people come across as caring people. They seem quite sweet — even innocent. Usually, these people appear unassuming enough to be quite approachable. Some Cancer Ascendants, however, have retreated into themselves so much as to be quite the opposite. Whether you are male or female, you carry the qualities of and in some way embody the archetype of the mother. You will find that you attract people who need care, understanding and encouragement. Your own feelings and moods will often reflect the dominant feeling tone in your environment. You absorb the atmosphere around you and thrive in surroundings that are home-like, personal, supportive, and cooperative. Your Moon in Pisces expands your empathy and devotion to include not just your own immediate family, but all of life. You are a spiritual “mother” to many.
Lilith- Virgo
Lilith in Virgo can take revenge in an off putting way that is non confrontational in basis. It would not be uncommon to see a passive aggressive approach with anger in order to defuse a situation.  Specially Lilith here may use the intellect and the power of words to take revenge upon others who defy values.  The Black Moon can have strong responses using writing as a tool to get a point across to others.  One may be tempted to write a letter, e-mail someone or use a note to defend a value they have or take revenge when something angered them personally. When Lilith is in Virgo a significant person that one attracts can be intellectual, well educated, inquisitive, factual and quite literary. The nature can be health conscious, fit, service minded, busy and productive minded.  The significant individual can show traits of being conservative, practical, modest and even old fashioned. Traits of being caring, nurturing, organized, tidy and clean oft embody the character.  Negative traits of Virgo can also be apparent in the person’s nature.  It is possible the person of strong influence will be self critical, picky, judgmental, anxious, perfection minded and conscientious.  shows Lilith in Virgo projects a very modest and unassuming attitude sex and their own sexuality in general.  Lilith when placed in the sign of Virgo can be judgmental and even critical when it comes to sexuality.  One here can be insecure sexually and have trouble feeling attractive because they judge themselves very harshly.  The Black Moon can restrict themselves from pursue certain partners out of fear they reside “out of their league.” . Lilith in Virgo can attempt to attract a potential sex partner through old fashioned style means.  One can portray an air of innocence and seduction in the ways of drawing others in.  The Black moon will attempt to lore suitors by giving of an impression of being untouched and abstinent sexually. Partners can be sought using writing such as letters, notes, e-mails or even poems as means to tease and lure sex partners in.  When a partner is secured Lilith will show a true feminine nature and fall into a submissive role towards a partner.  They will want to please their partner at all costs and be of service to them anytime called upon.  
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