#(LOL more of a snack but that was the best 'dessert' they'd honestly ever get.)
red-hemlock · 6 months
what was your character’s favourite dessert growing up? is it still the same now, or is it something else? :)
Sweets Headcanons! @halekulan-i
15. What was my character’s favourite dessert growing up? is it still the same now, or is it something else?
"Hmph! Regular old food was something you had to be grateful for at my humble home, so my siblings and I had to get creative when it came to 'treats'."
What memories. Probably one of the few times her brother and sisters ever got along were when they were stuck in the kitchen making this sin against snack-kind, "First, we'd slap a big, hefty helping of PB on the table. Then, we took a big pile of whatever we had on hand: usually granola, nuts, and some dried fruits, and just-... Roll it all up into a log shape, and let it set in the fridge for a bit. Voila."
River grins, "If you wanted to be extra-daring, darling, you could even add a little sugar pre-roll! We used to call the thing a Slog Log, because it was so ugly and annoying to make; But sometimes, it felt like heaven in a sea of bland."
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"...I'd rather never eat it again, but I've a feeling my daughter would love it!" And would no doubt request it just as much, which is why that 'secret family recipe' will firmly remain as such, "Give me a good, red velvet cake any day or some of those fluffy sugar cookies, and I'm golden!"
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