#(Lo'ak is the next part for anyone who wants to argue {after a while you got quiet and I got mean})
dirtytransmasc · 8 months
Spider is Phoebe Bridger's coded and it makes me feel ill.
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byunpum · 1 year
Can I ask for a side story of dad!Tsu-tey, like he and Neytiri and Jake have to do important adult stuff with the new clan they are in leaving the kids do their own thing
And the Omiatkaya kids are with reader who is making lunch with the spice they have with them to cook and Tistreya, Amoung, and Rotxo, try forest people food and it turns out that it's quite spicy as it's a delicacy
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Pair: Tsu'tey x Y/n daughter x sully family x Metkayina kids
Warning: None, Domestic moments, ao'nung being drama queen
Note: This would be like an alternate part to tsu'tey's "i can be a better father" series. You can read it HERE.
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Lo'ak had dragged his entire group of friends, including his brothers. Ao'nung, rotxo and tsireya were trailing behind the group of boys. They were proudly talking about their half-sister's culinary skills. "I know you're going to love it, Y/N is the best at making stew" lo'ak was excited. You had told him the day before, that you had collected everything to make his favorite dish. The metkayina kids were also excited, according to what their friends had told him this food was different from the ones they ate, which was something very tasty. 'Majestic;' as tuk said, as she jumped up and down with joy as they got closer to your marui.
The way to your marui was a bit further, as it was inside the jungle of one of the islands of the metkayina clan. So practically everyone was running. You were left alone, as your father had to go on a trip with Jake. So you were left alone with spider, and you had invited your siblings to have dinner at your home today. In the distance you can hear the voices of the group of friends. "We're here!!!" says neteyam, pushing lo'ak out of the way and entering the marui before anyone else. You laugh, watching as they were arguing over who was going to eat first. Meanwhile you were wiggling, and putting the last ingredients in. "Hey…calm down…there's food for everyone" you scold him, seeing how behind them you recognized three familiar faces. You say hello too, they looked a little shy. But you calm them down, telling them that they were practically family, that they were more than welcome.
All the boys sat down, waiting for the food to be ready. As they all talked and joked. They could smell it, the rich smell coming out of the pot. After a while, the food was ready. You bring out the plates, nice plates that you had brought from your old home. Handmade jars made by your father, perfect for when you made your stew. You hand everyone their respective plate, the metkayina boys were surprised to see the color and the rich smell coming out of this food. Tsireya watched as her friends were already beginning to eat. "Y/N this is delicious…thank you" says kiri, as she continued to eat.
"You're welcome…mmm I hope you like it. I want you to be honest with me, and tell me what you thought?" you speak, watching as ao'nung began to eat. Followed by roxto and tsireya. After the first bite, ao'nung started coughing but calmed down. Trying to calm down, as he watched your eyes widen in concern. "Everything okay?" you ask him. "Yes, yes…it's very …. yummy," ao'nung says coughing. Meanwhile tsireya, was eating quietly as was rotxo.
Rotxo was next to you, eating all the stew on his plate. This was not the first time he had eaten some of your food, but it was the first time he had eaten this dish. "Y/n this is delicious" says Rotxo, wagging his tail from side to side in happiness. You laugh a little, and shift your gaze. It looked so pretty.
"Y/N one question…what's that stuff at the end, it's like it stings, but it's delicious?" asks tsireya, the girl was excited about the food, it was something so new to her. She had never eaten anything like it. It was a very spicy dish.
"That's spicy…it's something special that Y/N puts in it," said neteyam. Meanwhile, ao'nung was still eating, but the more he ate the more red he was getting. But still, everyone ate every last drop of the stew. You start picking up the containers, everyone looked normal except for ao'nung who looked a little sick. He looked a little uncomfortable, and his face was red. You reach over, and touch his shoulder.
"Ao'nung are you okay?" you ask, watching as your friend fake a smile, but you could see his painful facial expressions. "Did something happen with the food?" you ask. "No…it was - delicious, it's just that I" ao'nung puts his hand to his stomach, you could hear the crunching sounds his stomach was making. As it is he twisted in pain. "You're not well…I think the spicy sauce made you sick" kiri says, as other guys came over to see what was wrong with their friend. "No…I'm fine, don't worry" speaks ao'nung, trying to hold back a mouthful of vomit.
"I think we should see mom" tsireya says, moving closer to her brother. Helping him up from the floor. Everyone was worried, because he was getting worse very fast. "Yes…come on, come on" you help tsireya carry ao'nung. The poor boy was trying to keep his balance.
"I think these tanks will last for about 5 months" tsu'tey says. Jake, neytiri and tsu'tey had set out from the morning on a quick trip to the camp in the hallelujah mountains. They were going to get some supplies, like oxygen for spider and Y/N. And find out if there was any new news. "Yes…I think up to 8 months." Says jake helping tsu'tey carry the oxygen tanks to his marui. When they arrived, they noticed that no one was there, and there was a mess of dirty dishes and cooking utensils. As if someone had walked past them, as if someone had left in a hurry.
Both men put down their oxygen tanks, and look at each other in confusion. Tsu'tey was already getting nervous. Just before either of them could speak, neytiri rushes into the marui. "Tsu'tey come…Y/N is in trouble" says neytiri. Tsu'tey runs out, behind neytiri and jake follows them. What could have happened, you were not a girl who made trouble. The group of friends arrived where he had indicated to neytiri. Tsu'tey saw how Y/N was at the entrance of Ronal's marui, next to her was spider. He was holding his sister's hand, and neteyam was in front of her calming her down. He could see how nervous she was.
The group of friends approached the boys. " Dad!!!" you whimper, running to hug your father. Tsu'tey hugs you back, patting your high back. " Dad…. I swear I didn't do anything!!!" you were a little agitated, neteyam walks over to his uncle. Like the big brother he was, he was going to clear the whole thing up. "Teyam, what happened?" asks Jake. Looking at his children cautiously, lo'ak was at his brother's side. Meanwhile spider, was still holding your hand. "I can explain everything…" speaks lo'ak. But his father makes a grimace for him to keep silent.
"Dad… Y/N prepared something to eat for all of us and we invited the guys. But the food that Y/N made was spicy. and apparently that was very bad for ao'nung. Ronal yelled at us, and made Y/N feel very bad" neteyam tries to explain everything that happened. Meanwhile you were trying to hold back your tears, it was the first time in your life that someone yelled at you the way Ronal did. You had never experienced a bad treatment from an elder. That hurt you, you were a very well-behaved, kind girl. You were obedient, and you hardly ever got into trouble. And now you felt very guilty.
"Dad…he was very bad. He even vomited blood, and it was my fault" you were trying to sound calm, but your crying voice was creeping in. " Sweetheart this is not your problem, you didn't do anything…calm down" tsu'tey tries to reassure you. Jake walks over to you, and strokes your hair. "Y/N I'm going to talk to ronal…you take it easy. Go with your dad to your home and rest" jake speaks, walking away to enter ronal's marui.
Tsu'tey tries to comfort you some more. He then asks neteyam as a favor to take his sister home. All your brothers take you to their marui. While Tsu'tey and Neytiri accompany Jake. No one was going to be yelling at his daughter, while tsu'tey tried to defend you. Jake tried to calm him down, they didn't want to get kicked out of the clan. The boy's stomach was pretty badly hurt, so what had happened had been very serious. But it was not justifiable the bad treatment that Ronal had given you. After discussing for a while, and making all things clear. Everyone went home.
Later in the evening, you were calmer. Your brothers had stayed with you. Then the rest of the family arrived. Tsu'tey prepared something to eat, so that everyone would calm down. Even Neytiri was comforting you, she felt that you did not deserve this bad treatment. And for such a simple thing, it was not your fault that the boy was so weak in the stomach. After dinner, everyone went home. Spider had gone to bed early, while tsu'tey was finishing a basket he would use to hunt fish. Meanwhile you, you wanted to go apologize to ao'nung.
"Hey, where are you going?" asks tsu'tey as he watches you walk out of the marui. "I'm going to walk for a while…I want to clear my head" you speak. Your father just gives you a smile, and keeps working.
You had to apologize to ao'nung. You felt guilty, after all you were the one who made that meal. Poor thing, he must feel terrible. After a while, you arrive at the marui of tsireya and her family. You were afraid that Ronal might see you and yell at you again. But to your good fortune, only tsireya is there. The girl sees you at the entrance, you had your arms crossed.
"Hey!!!" says tsireya in a low voice, approaching you. "Hey…how are you?" she asks you.
"I'm fine…. I came to check on ao'nung. I didn't get a chance to see him" you speak, lowering your head expecting tsireya to be upset with you. But you feel her take your hand, and begin to guide you to where ao'nung is supposed to be. "He's better…tired. But he's going to be fine" the girl says dragging you along with her. You are surprised at how big her marui is, it is very beautiful. You can see ao'nung lying on the ground, on a kind of makeshift bed. He was half awake, moving his face to see what his sister was doing.
"Hello" you speak softly trying not to make him uncomfortable. Ao'nung laughs, and you raise your hand a little. Waving at you foolishly, and making a sign for you to approach him. "Y/N you're here" he speaks, you could tell he was still in pain. You sit next to him, watching tsireya walk away, to do other things. "I want to apologize…I didn't mean for you to get like this" you try to apologize. But you hear a giggle coming from ao'nung. "You're silly!!!" the boy teases you. You give him a pinch on the shoulder, and he yelps in pain but doesn't stop laughing.
"I know it wasn't your fault, I'm just a giant baby….I should be the one apologizing" ao'nung stops talking, and takes your hand. To give it a squeeze and stroke the top of your hand with his thumb. "She shouldn't have yelled at you like that…it was unfair. I apologize sincerely, on behalf of this family and the clan. You are an honorable member, and I know you would never hurt anyone…least of all me, would you?" ao'nung went from a very touching speech, to being flirtatious in seconds. Winking at you, while seeing that you're blushing. " Yah, get off me…. idiot" you whine. Pulling further away from him, sticking out your tongue.
The two of you stay silent for a couple of seconds, until you move over and adjust one of ao'nung's curls. to lift you off the ground. "Well I'm glad you're okay…mmm tomorrow I'll make you a drink perfect for these things" you speak, as you see ao'nung's eyes widen. "Really…it's very good" you joke.
"I'll eat and drink whatever you give me…I don't mind. But only if you prepare it" he winks at you again. You look away, ignoring him. If he was right, he was still the same stupid as always. But even dumber and weaker.
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Sullys Stick Together
Chapter 3
When we all got home, dad told us to stay close but to stay out of our hut so that he and mom could talk. And for a little while, we did. But when they started to talk for a long time, I got curious. I silently snuck away from my siblings and around to the back of our hut crouching down to hear what was being said. It sounded like they were arguing about something. "You can't ask this, our children-"
"Neytiri, he had our children. He had them under his knife," Dad was trying to persuade her about something. "He is hunting us. If we stay here the people won't be safe. Our kids won't be safe."
"My father gave me this bow, as he lay dying. He said to 'protect the people'. You cannot ask this! The children, the forest! This is our home!" They started talking softer now, so I couldn't make out what they were saying anymore. Part of me was thankful. I stood up and walked back to where the others were waiting. "Nelyia, where did you go? You're supposed to stay here and wait like the rest of us!" Neteyam said firmly looking down at me as I sat down on the ground a bit away from them. "Relax, I didn't go far. I just wanted a drink." Eventually, it got late, and dad told us that we needed to go to bed.
The others fell right into line, but I was hesitant. Were we leaving in the morning? I still had so much I wanted to do in the forest. I didn't even have my own Ikran yet. Once the others were back in the hut, and dad was standing in front of me giving me a stern look, I got up and marched past him and into the hut. I get into my corner and lay down, facing away from everyone.
When I woke the next morning mom, dad, Neteyam, and Lo'ak were nowhere to be seen. I looked around some more until I found Kiri and Tuk, sitting next to grandmother. "Where did everyone go?" I asked walking over to take a seat next to Tuk. "They are out intercepting the transport from the sky people. Getting more weapons," Kiri said calmly.
"They'll be back any second," Grandmother added as she finished preparing a large batch of her medicine and first aid. As if on queue, everyone heard the calls of the Ikran and knew what it meant. The war party had returned. Tuk was the first one to jump up and run to meet mom and dad when they landed. Kiri and I followed close behind. "Mom!" Tuk called as mom got off of her Ikran and embraced her in a hug. I went straight towards dad and my brothers with Kiri.
"What the hell were you two doing down there? I let you come along and you disobey a direct order!" Dad yelled looking at his two sons.
"Sorry sir, I take full responsibility," Neteyam said softly as he looked down at the ground.
"Damn right. Neteyam, you're the big brother, you gotta start acting like it!" At that point Kiri was behind Neteyam, taking a look at his wounds. I was next to Lo'ak looking back at dad. He was always so hard on my brothers. I knew that it bothered them, and it really bothered me too. They tried so hard to be like him, and it never seemed to be good enough.
"Kiri, go help your grandmother with the wounded, please. Nelyia, baby girl, give me a few minutes with the boys alright? Go see if anyone needs help with something."
"My brother is wounded," Kiri said firmly looking up at dad.
"I want to help Lo'ak," I added softly.
"My Jake, your son is actually bleeding," Mom finally spoke, trying to stop an argument before one even started. With that, dad sent Neteyum and Kiri off to get fixed up and told Lo'ak to take care of all the Ikran.
After a couple of hours, I found myself at a small stream with my feet in the water quietly splashing my feet every so often. I heard a limp break from behind me, causing my ears to perk up, and spin my head around to see who was there. Dad came out of the woods and walked over to sit beside me. I sighed and picked my feet up out of the water and tucked my knees into my chest turning my face away from him. "What is it, Nelyia?" He asked calmly. I shook my head in response. I didn't really want him to know that I had listened to his conversation with mom.
"Come on, you gotta give me something. I've noticed you acting a little off lately. Is it what happened with the sky people?"
I let out a sharp breath and put my feet back down in the water, "Yes, but that's not it. Not really."
"Okay, then what is it?"
I took a deep breath, "I heard you talking to mom. I know you were talking about leaving the forest," I wiped a tear away and looked up at him. His face softened a bit as he reached his hand up and placed it on my shoulder. "Nelyia. You weren't supposed to be listening to that. Nothing is set yet. But if we do leave, it'll be for the best."
I stood up and backed a bit away from him, "Why should we run? You always taught us to fight for what was right! Wouldn't it be right to fight to protect our home!"
"Nelyia, it's not that easy. We can't win this fight, not here. We have to do what is best for you kids, and the people."
"You've beat them before! Why can't you now? I don't want to leave... I don't even have my own Ikran yet..." I looked down at the forest floor. I heard him stand up and come to stand in front of me. "Baby girl, I know it's scary. I know you don't want to leave, and I don't either. Alright? Not really. But this is our best chance. I need you, to be strong. Strong heart," He was looking down at me with pleading eyes, with one hand on the side of my face, and the other over my heart. I let out another breath and nodded slowly. "We'll be back. It won't be forever, I promise." With that, he pulled me into him and held me against him tightly.
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