#(NO hsmdmt please. that's a notp for me and i'd be glad if no one tagged it that way on my post pls)
I love the thought of Madara and Mito being besties. I know, the popular headcanon is that they can't stand each other, but ah, I find that a bit childish tbh. They're both adults who mean a lot to Hashirama, of course they'd try their best to get along.
And the thing is, it doesn't work out quite well in the beginning. They're both very polite around each other, but they can't quite see what there is in the other one that Hashirama loves so.
Well, until Mito once watches them spar and she suddenly realizes the fastest way to "talk" with Madara is fighting with him. Because let's be real; the best language Madara speaks is the language of fists.
So Mito proposes a spar with Madara - and once Madara realizes what Mito all has up her sleeve, all hell breaks lose. Good news is, they get along really well actually!! Bad news is, they get along too well.
Hashirama is constantly torn between euphoria that two of the most important people in his life get along, and wishing they'd get along a little bit less, please. The reparation costs they cause every time after they leave a destruction in Konoha is just too high, damnit. (Also, sometimes Madara comes over just for Mito and not for him?? His wife stole his best friend?? His best friend stole his wife?? Rude.)
He doesn't want to complain, because he really is immensely glad Mito and Madara get along - he just wishes their friendship could be a little more quiet, y'know? Like Mito and Tobirama, for example! (He only thinks that because he has no idea what goes down in that lab they experiment together. (Who do you think helped Tobirama with the Edo Tensei if not Uzumaki "we can summon the Shinigami" Mito??))
Anyway, chaos duo Madara & Mito, while Hashirama is sitting at his Hokage desk, rubbing his temples and wondering how he has become the most normal one in this family, please and thank you.
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