#(SHANE ' I'll Explain To You Later But First We Have To Deal With This And I Also Kind Of Need To Actually meet Daisuke's team ')
redhairedwolfwitch · 3 years
Doctor Y/n - Intern Year - 1 - Grey's Anatomy x Fem!Reader
Seattle Grace West Mercy was a maze of a hospital.
You'd lost Jo almost immediately, instead, you walked into the back of another intern who looked as terrified as you, but before you even got her name, she was hurrying off.
It wasn't until Jo appeared, taking your hand and pulling you into the OR full of interns and the chief that you finally were able to breathe.
This was where you were supposed to be.
"What are you trying to bribe Steph for now, Joey?" You asked as you spotted Jo trying to beg Steph for something.
"She wants me to go near Medusa for her." Steph explained, leaving you to roll your eyes.
"I don't think Doctor Grey is that bad." You admitted, leaving Jo and Steph to stare at you.
"Then why don't you-"
"I'm not on general today. Good luck Joey." You nudged Jo in the side as she gave you a pout.
"I have to get these labs to Chief Hunt. I'll see you later." You let out a nervous breath, a shiver running down your spine before you began to speed walk down to the ER.
A laugh escaped your lips as Jo complained about Doctor Grey being her attending.
"Complaining isn't going to get you anywhere... and neither will batting your eyelashes at me so I'll switch with you. Nice try though." You stated, stealing one of Jo's crisps as she laughed at something Shane said.
"Don't be alarmed but, Medusa's walking over here." Brooks whispered, leaving you and Jo to shuffle your seats apart so you could presentably sit up straight.
"Good afternoon everyone, as you all probably already know, we have a tradition here, the honour of performing your first surgery is reserved for the intern who shows the most promise. Doctor Wilson-" Jo choking on her water wasn't something you were expecting as Doctor Grey looked over, resulting in you passing Jo several napkins.
"Congratulations, you're scrubbing in."
Jo gave you a look as you gave her a smile, pressing the napkins closer as Steph spoke.
"You've got soda coming out your nose."
"You can do it, y'know, don't underestimate yourself, you're 'the intern who shows the most promise.'" You quoted Doctor Grey as Jo playfully rolled her eyes, trying to hide her nervousness behind the napkins held up to her nose.
Your eyes met Jo's even as she stood down in the OR for the intern appendectomy. The others were already bothering you, with their pessimistic attitudes towards Jo's future performance in the surgery.
"Can you all just shut up? If you can't be nice, why do you even bother wasting your breath? Jo is the one down there, not you, so stop being assholes. Also, for all we know, Doctor Grey could be nice, we're just the annoying interns she has to deal with!" You exclaimed, freezing as Jo and Doctor Grey looked up.
"Sorry. Wait, it's like they can hear us..." Brooks realised, leaving you to feel your face burning as Chief Hunt cleared his throat.
"Yeah, that little red light, means that the intercom is on." Owen explained, leaving you to slide down in your seat.
"Now, sit up straight." Owen ordered you all, leaving you to grimace even more as you sat up, watching Jo panicking as the surgery began. Due to her surgical mask, you had no idea that Jo was smiling when you stood up for her.
Your blood ran cold as Doctor Grey had to take over, you hadn't even realised you had stood up until you were pushed so you'd stop blocking the view for the others.
You'd completely missed how Leah had rolled her eyes as soon as you'd stood up.
You were gone at the same time that Jo had gone to scrub out. You weren't fast enough to find her though. Not until you overheard what he said to her. He being Chief Hunt.
"That surgery was designed for you to fail. The intern appy, it sets you up as the example. Okay, don't let it get to you." Owen tried to comfort Jo.
"Doctor Grey isn't mean. She is strong, and she is not going to go easy on you, because that is a disservice to you. You are a surgeon, it's your job to fix things other people can't, now if you can't handle that, leave now. If not, don't stand around in hallways and cry. Cry somewhere else. Where I won't see you." Owen stated, walking away with a glare on his back as Jo spotted you standing there.
"Hey, Braces." Jo wiped away a stray tear as you walked over.
"C'mon Joey, let's go home. Where you can cry in peace and I can hug you like hell on our amazingly comfy couch." You smiled as Jo giggled through her tears, leaning into you as you wrapped your arm around her.
You let out a breath as you and Jo arrived back at the apartment. Jo was already flopping down on the couch whilst you flicked on the lights, locking the door and closing the curtains.
Adventure Time was already playing by the time you approached the couch.
"Scoot over, Joey." You hummed as you sat down, feeling Jo let out a breath before the two of you curled up further into each other, and the couch. Jo's eyes didn't leave the tv as you kissed her forehead, allowing yourself to be distracted by Adventure Time too.
Heading into the hospital for work, you and Jo were always glued at the hip.
"It's almost sickening... they're dating, right?" Leah asked, leaving Brooks to shrug, smiling as you smiled at her.
"They definitely look like they're dating." Steph affirmed, watching you and Jo playfully fight over a granola bar.
"S/n, you're with me today." Doctor Torres announced, leaving you to nod as she explained that a trauma was incoming.
"What have we got?" Doctor Karev asked, approaching with Jo, who gave you a quick smile as you caught her eye.
"Sixteen year old kid, fished her out of the sound, sailing accident." Callie explained, gesturing for you to follow whilst Jo followed Karev.
"Why are you following me?"
"I'm your intern for the day." Jo explained to Doctor Karev whilst you put on your surgical gloves, standing next to Doctor Torres.
"Oh, well hello intern, you have a name?" Doctor Karev asked, leaving Jo to smile softly.
"Jo Wilson."
"Oh nice, I like chicks with boys names."
Callie frowned as you gagged at what Doctor Karev said, avoiding her gaze as she turned to glare at Alex.
"What? I do, it's hot." Karev brushed off, leaving Callie to give him a warning look.
"Stop sleeping with your coworkers, it ruins them."
"I slept with you." Alex tried to argue, leaving you to watch as Jo raised an eyebrow.
"And now I no longer sleep with men!" Callie retorted, putting her hands up sarcastically before she noticed you staring.
"What are you-"
"You're gay too?" Your question went unanswered as the ambulance with the trauma patient arrived.
"You and you, start cutting off the splint so we can see what we've got." Doctor Karev instructed, leaving you and Jo to start cutting through the bandages.
"Oh my god-" Jo began but you didn't speak, your eyes on the hole in the girl's leg as you spotted the exposed bones.
"Doctor Torres!" You exclaimed as Jo kept saying "oh my god!" over and over.
"What-" Callie was cut off as you gestured to the fact that the foot with no blood flow had moving toes.
"If her toes are still moving, there has to be some intact tibial nerves that could be tested to see if the leg can be saved? Also, Jo managed to get in contact with the girl's parents, their flight gets in later tonight." You explained, leaving Jo to conceal a smile at how excited you were over the exposed bones in the girl's leg.
"Great, do you want to scrub in?" Doctor Torres asked, leaving you to excitedly nod
Your smile fell as Doctor Karev sent Jo to check on his pre- and post-op patients.
"You could have let her scrub in, or stand in the back and observe." Callie retorted, looking at Alex as he looked up at the elevator signals for what floor the lift was on.
"Because she and S/n have joy and I like joy. Excitement, happiness, they look at me like I know things. Both of them practically squealed when they realised there was going to be nerve testing-"
"I can squeal if you want me to."
You grimaced at that, ignoring how Doctor Torres had turned to look at you.
"I agree S/n, that sounded dirty and inappropriate. But I hear that's your speciality these days, Karev."
You could feel Jo's eyes watching you as you stood in the OR, watching the nerve testing and restoration of blood flow to the girl's foot.
"That is awesome." you whispered under your breath, not realising that Doctor Torres had heard you, but the amused smile under her mask said otherwise.
"I got you a coffee."
You raised an eyebrow as Callie took Jo's offering, watching from afar as Jo began to flirt with Doctor Torres.
"You have a nice smile."
Callie paused for a moment, glancing at Jo before looking back at the computer screen.
"and, uh, beautiful, beautiful eyes..." Jo attempted to flirt, her confidence slipping as Callie met her gaze. You dramatically sipped your coffee, pretending like you weren't listening as Callie glanced at you from across the hallway.
"Okay, a, never trade sex for scrubbing in, because that's just skanky, save it for actually getting to cut, and b, I don't think you should be flirting with anyone who isn't your girlfriend, because, I don't think you are comfortable with a threesome." Callie retorted, passing the coffee to Doctor Karev as he approached.
You could feel Jo's eyes watching as you were scrubbed in on the surgery with Doctor Torres and Karev. You could also tell she had barely resisted rolling her eyes as Karev sent her to check on his patients again.
"Don't worry about the flirting, I have absolutely no interest in you, especially since you have screwed nearly every one of my friends-" Jo began but Alex frowned.
"I thought you were into chicks anyway. I should go." Karev admitted, leaving Jo to frown. That frown melted away as Karev told her to be in for 8am for a surgery and not be late.
"So, you tried flirting with Doctor Torres for surgeries?" You prompted, taking your half of the sandwich from the plate before sliding it to Jo.
"She thinks I have a girlfriend already and Doctor Karev thinks I'm into chicks apparently-" Jo admitted, eating a mouthful of sandwich as you raised an eyebrow.
"Maybe it's a vibe you give off? Anyway, we have a class with Shepherd in ten minutes." You suggested, rushing your sandwich as Jo gave you a look.
"If anyone should give off a gay vibe, it's you." Jo pointed out, hitting you lightly on the shoulder as you laughed at her.
"I don't mix work with that... we gotta move, hurry up and eat your sandwich." You retorted, gesturing to the rest of the sandwich Jo was holding as she rolled her eyes at you.
You were partnered with Brooks for the central line practicing.
The two of you exchanged looks as Brooks made her next attempt at a central line. Doctor Shepherd was tracing the room, watching people not get it on the first try, or the fortieth, as he remarked whilst passing by Leah's desk.
"How did you-"
"I'm a good visualiser, I guess. The angle could be better though." You admitted, showing Brooks how you'd managed to do that central line attempt before Brooks was paged by Doctor Grey.
"That is a good attempt, S/n." You hummed slightly as you looked up, spotting Doctor Shepherd hovering around your desk for a moment after Brooks had left.
"How was the once in a career tumour? Did your patient actually let them operate or were they too terrified?" You teased, leaving Brooks to turn around and stare at you with wide eyes before she saw your smile.
"It was amazing. Doctor Grey had to open the patient up just to figure out where to begin!" Brooks explained, leaving you to nod as the two of you walked down the halls chatting.
"So, you made a friend! Besides me, of course-" Jo began, leaving you to roll your eyes as you looked over a patient's chart.
"Brooks is nice, plus, she's awkward like me so it's not as awkward." ou replied, meeting Jo's eyes for a moment before she nudged you in the hip.
"Gotta go-"
"Wilson, get over here!" Doctor Grey summoned Jo, leaving you to head to where you were supposed to be. Doing sutures in the ER.
"Hey, S/n, can you take her?" Brooks asked, passing you a child that instantly had you confused.
"Is this Doctor Grey's daughter? Zola, it's Zola, right?" You began, bobbing up and down to try appease the crying child.
You didn't expect to be sat on the floor of the attending's lounge trying to keep Doctor Grey's feverish daughter happy whilst Doctor Avery watched.
"I don't think we're supposed to give her gummy worms... Zola, do you want an apple slice? I'll take that as a no..." You shrugged off, eating the remaining apple slice as the other was abandoned.
"Interns aren't suppposed to be in the attendings lounge." Doctor Hunt stated as he walked in, leaving you to look up in horror.
"Sorry, Doctor Grey needed someone to watch Zola since Doctor Kepner had a surgery-" You began but Owen waved you off.
"Doesn't matter, I'll take her. You, head down to the ER." Owen stated, leaving you to run out.
You could argue that that was one of the first instances that Chief Hunt disliked you, regardless of the fact you had disliked him since the intern appendectomy...
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