#(Tysm for sending this in bb u3u <333)
yukikorogashi · 2 years
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@yearhero​​ asked: [ BLOCK ] from Anasui... Yet another one of his attempts to deliberately antagonize the poor child.
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   UUUUGH, THIS BUTT MUNCH! He just had this IMPECCABLE SKILL of constantly ruining things for others, didn’t he? Oh, NO ONE could possibly compete with YOU in this area, bro! You are the UNDEFEATED CHAMPION when it came to this! And honestly, it absolutely BAFFLED this little girl that such a JERK like this could exist! Heck, from the very moment they had met-- caught the other within their line of sight, even-- this bro was already RUDE THAN A WHOLE MESS OF CICADAS! 
    It was a darn shame, really. How a handsome bro like this had the personality of a HALF-EATEN FRIED BOLOGNA SANDWICH. And out of everyone here, it was really starting to make more and more sense why he had ended up in jail in the very first place. Even though a part of her also knew that there was a likely FAR WORST REASON as to why that actually was... The others had said that such a detail was unimportant. And that all she needed to really know is to steer clear of him the best that she could. And avoid further upsetting him, if possible. But GOSH DANG was that easier said than done.
   “Bro-- BRO!” As she would attempt to get around him, she would eventually give an infuriated stamp of her foot and a harsh, UGLY GLARE up towards the back of his head. The bro even pretending now that she wasn’t right there behind him. His back turned to her, as his attention was seemingly more focused on what the rest of the group was talking about. Or more precisely, a certain JO SIS, whose attention Itsuki definitely needed to get then, “Are ya serious--?! Git. Yer. DUMB. BUTT! Oughta mah face!!! ... Jolyne? JOLYYYYNE!!!”
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yukikorogashi · 3 years
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@topmechaniic​ asked: Scoops Itsuki up into the tightest hug then brings her around to give her a piggy back ride. "Alright lil lady, think it's 'bout t' get along t' the ice cream sundae express!!
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   IT HAD BEEN ANOTHER BUSY but all the same productive day at HAMMERHEAD GARAGE. With the day going on by-- nah, to be more exact-- rolling on by the like the laziest lil tumbleweed-- with how SWELTERINGLY HOT the season tended to get around this time of the year. Still, that sort of thing wasn’t enough to deter this peppy little snow child. As Itsuki had made it clear that she had wanted to do her part, upon being taken in and cared for by Cindy and her pa. 
   To repay them in whatever way she could, even if that was through HUNTING itself. For seeing as she didn’t necessarily have a GREY THUMB and wouldn’t have been of much help being the sis’ assistant, so had Itsuki decided to jump right at the opportunity, when the sis had mentioned a few jobs that she was just about to hand over to her usual contacts. Something that the sis herself had not at all expected-- until she was reminded that this lost lil girl ain’t no oridinary lost lil’ girl.
   And before they knew it, so had the little one begun taking on one job after another (Though Cindy herself had made certain to only assigns ones that were never too far off and of course, never too dangerous). As she went on off to retrieve whatever item that they so desired, with very little to no complaints. CLOBBERING whatever enemies needed to be clobbered, if so needed. Most of the time simply returning with an exhausted but TRIUMPHANT smile on her face, as she handed the QUEST ITEM (Hehe) over to the mechanic herself. Even offering a FLEX of her noodle arms to quickly assure her then, that she was still very much FINE AND DANDY... before quickly hobbling on off to to lie FACE DOWN on the couch in the back room for a quick snooze.
   But this time round, Itsuki couldn’t help but find herself being instantly REJUVENATED at the other’s offer. Happy to see that the successful retrieval would earn her such a wonderful reward! Easily enough returning the other’s sudden, crushing embrace, as a resounding cheer left her in a bubbly squeak. For it was an absolutely tantalising premise, and certainly the perfect way to end this very day. As she could already imagine the COLD SWEETNESS upon her very tongue, mmm-MMM! “Ohmahgawsh... it’s lahk ya read m’mind or somethin’, sis!” Tried as hard as she could not to end up being DEAD WEIGHT on the poor sis’ shoulders and back, Itsuki’s tired form would melt down upon the other like conked off hog. Resting her chin upon the other’s shoulder then, as she cast the other’s a sideways grin, “Can we git da biggest one, please, sis? Ah promise ah won’t git a tummy ache!”
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