#(also if this shows up in the j@lec tag: i'm lowkey sorry)
izzymalec · 6 years
jace: *dies and comes back to life* alec: i can’t live without you……… magnus
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izzymalec · 6 years
I remember watching the scene in season 1 when jace and Alec are trying to track something with their hands clasped and Jace said something like “try harder” and I was like whoa rude chill
are you refering to the scene in 1.05 where jace and alec try to track clary and they fail and jace blames alec for her getting kidnapped (?) and tell’s him (and i quote) “maybe your mother is right and your best just isn’t good enough.”? (tho i thought it was “try harder” as well so maybe i’m getting scenes confused; also disclaimer: i don’t have the entirety of the show memorised i literally just skipped through like 4 episodes to find the scene bc i knew which one u meant and wanted to know the exact wording). 
tbh that scene comes to my mind as well when sombody’s claiming that jace is a good brother/friend/parabatai to alec like… are you… sure? jace telling alec he’s not good enough when that is something alec is insecure about already? and blaming him for things that aren’t his fault? it’s not exactly what i personally believe is a good trait in a friend but each their own.
and yes it could be argued that jace was just distressed over clary going missing but blaming your brother, somebody who always has your back and tries to help you, isn’t exactly the right thing to do. and please correct me if i’m wrong but i can’t remember an apology.
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