#(also please scroll to see another ask about TFS being a five book series! I'm going to eventually reblog it-
lacunafiction · 1 year
i just found out Mel is Latin for the endearment "honey", and now im just blushing and kicking my feet imagining my MC trying to (emphasis on the TRYING part; she gets as flustered and stumbly as me, poor thing) make some pet-name, like Mel-Mal or something more creative, work on our beloved waiter/waitress
Oh, this ask is precious, especially with what you shared about your MC becoming flustered when trying to bestow the endearment! 🥰
The contrast of the meaning of Mel with that of Mal is kind of perfect? That juxtaposition. Plus, I can see B, and possibly a few other characters, being quietly stunned that the W would allow themself to be called that, but I won't tease too much about how W can be for the MC. They're different when it's just the two of you.
Or at least they can be. 👀
Best wishes! 💚
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