#(and it was more Sora theorizing 'maybe all these events' were 'connected' wELL)
bluerosesburnblue · 6 years
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This very nearly became a Kingdom Key Only run because I like challenge runs like that but honestly I never felt like sticking to the Kingdom Key was ever really a hindrance
...so let’s talk about that ending, from the start of the Keyblade Graveyard to the credits, yeah?
I cannot BELIEVE that Nomura gave us the Beach Party Ending we were all hoping for just to rip Sora away at the last second. Good GOD, man, who spit in your coffee?
So I guess we should get the elephant in the room out of the way, first. I’m actually not... that upset by the ending? Like, yes, I find it extremely ironic that the game that made me love Sora more than any other character in the game would essentially kill him off, but... okay, when Nomura said that the ending would be “hard to swallow” I had two worst case scenarios in mind. And I mean “worst case” in the “Nonononono he’d better not do that if he does I’m done” way
Scenario 1: Xehanort unlocks Kingdom Hearts. Either he’s stopped or he succeeds, but either way the damage is done and he’s too far along to stop and the universe is reset. All of the heroes are alright, they survive the ending, but the world of the game is changed irreversibly, forever. It’s all one World again, the Disney worlds are gone, or they’re there but they’ve been forced together in a weird jigsaw-puzzle way. The details don’t really matter, I just didn’t want a status-quo shakeup like that that gets passed off as a happy/bittersweet ending because the heroes survived
Scenario 2: Xehanort unlocks Kingdom Hearts. Either he’s defeated but whatever he started can’t be stopped, or Kingdom Hearts is the only thing that can defeat him. Either way, Sora has to use the power of Kingdom Hearts. He keeps the world exactly as it was, but has to give up his own physical existence to do so. After all, he who opens the door will become a god in the next world. Maybe he persists as a “force” that watches over his friends, but Sora is gone for good
What we ended up getting was... very similar to that second scenario, but it differs just enough to save it for me. At the very least, knowing that Sora and Kairi are connected and that Sora’s in Shibuya in the Secret Movie gives me enough hope that he can and will come back. Which, when compared to what I was afraid we were gonna get, leaves me weirdly optimistic. I still cried a lot (NOMURA I AM TAKING CUSTODY OF YOUR SON THAT’S MY SWEET BABY BROTHER NOW FIGHT ME) but I’m nowhere near as emotionally devastated as I could’ve been
And here’s the big thing, I liked most of the scenes in the Final Battle sequence. As scenes they were (mostly) fine. The reunions were heartwrenching (even if Sora is just kind of... there for most of them), the KHUx stuff was incredible (Ephemeeeeeer <3<3<3), the locales and concepts were all interesting. My problem was actually the order events happen in
So, first off, everyone dies way too fast. WAY too fast. It’s one of the two scenes I have a problem with. Everyone arrives at the Graveyard and fights a swarm of Heartless. They walk down a crevice and see Terra. A surprising amount of people get knocked out or injured trying to take care of just Terra-Xehanort? Then another big wave of Heartless shows up and everyone just... dies? Like, the second big scene in what is a very long finale and everyone dies? Hell, Aqua just gives up!
They also blew the KHUx Union X attack WAY too early. A set piece like that (it’s SUCH A GOOD CONCEPT AND THE SCENE WAS BEAUTIFUL) and you waste it on a big cloud of Heartless at the start of the final battle? Guys... guys that’s some last minute “all hope is lost, so here’s unexpected help” stuff, you shouldn’t just have that happen that soon
And the thing is... both of those scenes would be so much more impactful if they had happened later in the finale. Ideally, picture this:
The team takes care of the first swarm of Heartless. (You could have moments in that fight where you get a different guest Keyblade wielder, one at a time, in a callback to the KH2 Battle of 1000 Heartless with the FF characters). They’re feeling pretty good about it. They just all worked as a team for the first time together and they did alright. Maybe a little shaky. After all, most of them don’t really know each other that well. They can’t know each other’s styles or predict each others’ moves. Their teamwork is shaky, but they managed and that gives them some confidence. Maybe they can do this if they work together
Then Xehanort shows up. We can’t be having any of this “friendship” and “teamwork” nonsense. He throws up the labyrinth to try and separate everybody and pair off the Darknesses each to 1-2 Lights so that they clash, but the Darknesses are at a clear advantage. Unlike in the actual game, the labyrinth is crawling with Heartless to break up the tedium of the boss rush a bit. (I liked the idea of having to choose who to rescue first in the actual game, but it didn’t actually effect anything except which order you took the fights in.) While running through the Labyrinth you encounter different friends in different sections to help you fight off Heartless, and their boss fight is at the end of their section. That would give everyone just a bit more time to bond with each other. Maybe put in a few puzzles or something that make use of them creatively, like Ven and Aqua using wind and barriers to traverse their section of the Labyrinth. Just... everyone needs more time together. Some things about the fights and reunions would need to be changed, though. I wouldn’t be adverse to changing it up just slightly so that Lingering Will shows up as a guest for the Terranort + Vanitas fight, and it takes both Lingering Will and The Guardian to wrest Terra’s body back (instead of having Lingering Will only show up for Attempt 2 of the Terranort and Heartless Tornado Kill Everyone scene and then fuck off somewhere? Never seen again?) The Saix and Xion fight is also changed up. Roxas doesn’t just... appear from nowhere, and while this seems to be Xion... something’s off. It’s not really Xion, just a puppet made to look like her using data from the finale of 358/2 Days that had, miraculously, survived. This Xion is like the second Replica Riku (and can I just say thank GOD it’s not the “Riku from the past when he was controlled by Ansem” like they thought for the longest time because that was SILLY. Though I’m slightly disappointed that it wasn’t Data-Riku’s digital heart shoved into a Replica body like I’d theorized based on the trailers). This Replica gets purged, too, leaving two Replica bodies conveniently wearing Organization coats behind at the Keyblade Graveyard. We’ll get back to that
(Also, and this is just me, but I actually like how unrepentant Vanitas is. I think a lot of people forget that his sympathetic traits and background of abuse were novel-only things and the novel canon isn’t game canon in the same way that the Harry Potter movies aren’t book canon. Game!Vanitas has never been anything other than a completely unrepentant jackass, and Sora and Ven still gave him a chance to redeem himself. He just refused to take it, and I like that. It’s refreshing to have a character in KH not even try to justify their evil. He’s evil because he wants to be. It’s as simple as that.)
So, anyway, we have the labyrinth stuff. The team is worn down. NOW is where you place everyone dying. I don’t care if you keep it the same, or the Heartless Tornado is controlled by Ansem, or even just Ansem, Xemnas, and Young Nort pick everyone off because they’re all the same person, so of course their teamwork is stronger. You all weren’t good enough friends. You couldn’t have won, because none of you had fought together before, so your friendship was a detriment as you stumbled over each other and just assumed you’d be okay. Sora is left alone. And then he’s gone, too.
And here’s where you place the Final World. I think there was a big opportunity missed here. We get Namine separated from Kairi here. So here’s what I propose: remember all the talk throughout the game about the hearts within Sora’s melding with his, but they might be able to be saved if their memories and the parts of themselves were placed in the right boxes? Fffffffuckingggg... HAVE NAMINE AS A GUEST HERE and have it be just as much about putting Sora back together as it is separating the pieces of Roxas and Xion from him. Once you meet up with Namine’s star (or just have her have a physical form, too, since she’d be tethered to Kairi, too?) she helps out because now that Sora’s in pieces, it’s just a simple matter of sorting those pieces. Putting the scattered links in the chains of memories in different chains, back where they belong. Two hearts are released, now to find everyone else’s. Chirithy is still there, just give Nami some more time
(Also, add a colored tint to the stars or something that goes away after talking to them they were so hard to see)
Anyway. Dives. Lich. I don’t hate this section, I just think the Lich fights could’ve been a little more interesting? Also uhh... maybe have the characters hearts be found in worlds that actually, like... mean something to the character thematically? I guess Aqua in the Caribbean makes sense because water but it would make more sense to have her in Arendelle because ice is also water and she’s basically Ven’s big sis and there are quite a few parallels between the two relationships? The hell does Axel have to do with San Fransokyo? And since Terra would theoretically be there in the rewrite, we’ll need an extra world so place Axel in Twilight Town. Then I dunno. Donald in the Caribbean because he’s canonically a sailor. Ven in Corona because his isolation by Eraqus has parallels to Rapunzel only a bit less evil in intent. Terra in Olympus because that was the world he learned he could be a true hero and beat the darkness. Goofy in Monstropolis because out of all the characters he’s the funniest and they use laugh energy. Mickey in Toy Box because he’s the face of a major franchise and has so many toys based off of him you have no idea. That would place Riku in San Fransokyo where his Norted Replica counterpart was and also poetically make him and Kairi the last ones saved
SO EVERYONE’S ALIVE. We return to the land of the living. There’s no weird... like, time repeats or anything. The last four Norts are... kind of shocked! But also laughing it up because Sora just abused the Power of Waking to hell and back and they know what that means. Also, the lights are still at exactly the same disadvantage they were before they got revived. Or so they think until two bright lights emerge from the labyrinth behind them. That’s right, Roxas and Xion are here, having had their hearts freed from Sora’s in The Final World and taking the abandoned Replica bodies from the Labyrinth. Now we have the Sea-Salt reunion, sans the stuff with Isa because why the hell should Roxas and Xion just be sympathetic to Saix? Save that for a scene in the finale. Doesn’t even have to be spoken, just make it seem like Saix, Roxas, and Xion are trying to come to an understanding but still awkward around each other
After that I’m a little shakier, admittedly. I know you leave Ephemer’s appearance to summon the ancient Keyblades until the very end. I’d also have given him some line like “You remind me of an old friend” or something. Just... slight reference to Player
I have no idea how to work around the Kairi getting killed stuff and still get the ending Nomura wants! That’s the second scene I have a problem with. Sora doesn’t “need” motivation, he’s already prepped to bash the old man’s face in. I dunno... maybe opening Kingdom Hearts messes up Kairi’s light or something and that’s why she disappears? I dunno, there were better ways to do that if you HAD to kill Kairi, and better scenes if you didn’t, tbh
So in summary, I like the pieces of the ending, just not how they were put together. There was a lot of cool stuff in theory, it just wasn’t executed as well as it could’ve been for a more satisfying and emotional finale. The ending’s fine, and I honestly expected it to be a bit rushed considering how much they had to wrap up in this game, but I think it was a low point in what was otherwise a really fun and enjoyable finale to the story arc
I mean... I think that’s all I have to say about the ending, so here’s some assorted thoughts:
I think it was a missed opportunity to not have a Max Goof cameo at the end when the Disney trio is reunited with their loved ones and Goofy just stands there with Jiminy. Max wouldn’t even have been voiced. Just let him show up
I’m torn as to characters’ outfits in the Final Battle. On the one hand, I like how in the end all of the trios are wearing outfits that match the other members of their respective trios. On the other hand, I would’ve killed for EVERYONE to have had a new outfit with the black and plaid/gingham theme to show that they’re not just disjointed trios that happened to come together, but a big group of companions. Everyone is a Team, it’s not just a Team made of Everyone. They made excuses for Mickey’s shirt and Lingering Will’s cape. They could totally have done some “oh weird I guess getting brought back from the dead changed our clothes isn’t that convenient” thing
Why did they “break” Lea’s Keyblade only to have it be just fine when they needed to lock Kingdom Hearts? Why was that there?
I heard someone once say that KH3 was an “obligation.” And I can see where they’re coming from. While I loved the game overall and can feel the work and love put into it, between the sheer amount of sequel hooks and the rushed resolution, it does feel like Nomura just wanted to move on to the stuff he’d thought of in KHUx but had to wrap up the ongoing arc first. I’ve been spoiled on SOME of the Secret Reports, not all of them, but the Subject X stuff and Luxu’s true role with the box could’ve easily been put elsewhere. Maybe in a game in the next arc. That would’ve freed up some time in this game for a few more things, like giving Dark Aqua more screentime (she’s defeated in the same scene she’s introduced? Really?) and just in general spread the original plot stuff out more. As it is now, I feel the sequel hooks just distract from the current plot arc
I appreciate that they tried to give reasons for the Organization members to be in different worlds, but I don’t think it was executed that well. Yeah, we get explanations, like in some they’re performing more experiments on the heart and in others they’re searching for the New Lights, but they never do anything with what they accomplish in them. I was so sure they were going to do something with Data-Sora or Data-Riku because of the “digital heart” stuff in San Fransokyo, and NOTHING came of it. Here’s an idea: Data-Sora in Xion’s place among the Norts and Data-Riku in the Riku Replica’s place. Have Data-Sora look like Xion or act like her before the reveal. I dunno, just do SOMETHING with them. Have the Norts reference the Lights they found in the final battle or something. Just don’t drop them once the world is done
That being said, the worlds themselves were amazing, I really liked the original plots in Toy Box, Monstropolis, and San Fransokyo. The character interactions in Corona and Arendelle were delightful. I also loved the design for the Ice Labyrinth in Arendelle and Galaxy Toys in Toy Box. Would’ve loved to have seen more of the town in Corona but loved what we did get to see of it. The Caribbean was... alright, but did contain my favorite party member: a shambling pile of crabs that were gifted sapience by an ocean goddess so that Sora could free her, only for her to get freed by someone else offscreen
Funny enough I actually didn’t care much for The Caribbean and San Fransokyo, but for opposite reasons. The Caribbean was FAR too open for its own good (I am NOT an open-world person and bad at navigating, so the ship, while interesting in concept, was a nightmare) and San Fransokyo was too scripted (I felt like I was locked in Hiro’s garage). I didn’t hate them, but I also 100% completed every other world and decided that with those two, it just wasn’t worth doing before beating the game. I didn’t hate either of them, and my feelings may change when I go back for treasures and lucky emblems
I absolutely killed Davy Jones with the Pirate Ship attraction. Pass up the opportunity to summon a neon pirate ship on top of a hyper-realistic pirate ship during a climactic battle? Who do you think I am?
I love how Ephemer’s name in the journal is just “???” because that’s an accurate representation of Sora’s reaction. “Who is this guy? Why is he here? Huh???” But I know. I know who the best dandelion boy is. So typical of him to swoop in at the last minute to save you and then disappear to who knows where
I ADORE that the final battle is Sora, Donald, and Goofy together and that the final attack is Trinity Limit. Sora coming back on his own from no health just for Trinity Limit was AWESOME and such a perfect end to the series, gameplay-wise
And finally, I am a little sad that the one theory I had throughout the game was wrong. I’d thought that, since Young Xehanort and Eraqus are always shown in in Scala ad Caelum, that it wasn’t a flashback but simply their spirits playing a metaphorical chess game in the afterlife. Their dialogue after the final battle seems to indicate that that isn’t the case
Also, and this is just for me, but my final death count was 5
Once to the Tornado Titan due to having a poor grasp of Airstepping and NO grasp of Rage Form, killed myself thanks to spamming Riskcharge
TWICE to the electric arena trap in Verum Rex because I am SO BAD at shooters and ejected myself directly into the Death Pit twice
Once during the ship battle portion of the Zombie Kraken fight
Once during the Union X Keyblade summoning because I was too busy reading the list of names to notice the text on the screen that said “HEY IDIOT DODGE ATTACKS DON’T JUST SIT THERE WHAT ARE YOU DOING”
But for now, I think I’m out of stuff to say about KH3. I’m sure I’ll find more once I’ve processed everything, but for now...
now we’ve just got to wait for Sora to come home
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the-sayuri-rin · 6 years
Speculation-Reconnect: KH 3 TRAILERS AND WHAT WE KNOW SO FAR- Riku’s side:
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So here, Riku still has he old haircut from before they left to find Aqua at the end of 0.2
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It is thought by some that, (a la the Disney Wikia for on source) “Riku's cutting of his hair after the events of Kingdom Hearts II can reepresent a major change in his life, and is likely why he cut it. It can symbolize cutting away his mistakes and starting over, as his hair had grown very long while he was aligned with the darkness.“
So what if... after he has his “I can face the darkness now” talk with mickey, he takes way to dawn and cuts his hair to the way we saw it previously. (Mickey asks what he’s doing and he kind of goes into this edge lord explanation as to why he cuts his hair). Then after some time, they eventually come across aqua, get into a battle, and he ends up with a broken keyblade as a result.
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They manage to retreat back to Yen Sid’s tower, where they explain to Yen Sid and the others what happened.
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and Yen Sid, as was stated to have- gives Riku the Keyblade known as Braveheart.
Sora’s side:
At the end of 0.2, Sora was sent by Yen Sid to Olympus to train and regain his powers that he lost.
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It was stated that the Sora is officially a Keyblade master and a sign of this will be his new ability to transform his keyblade.
what if Yen Sid also has his training in Olympus serve as his make up for what happened during the Mark of Mastery exam in 3D? and once he is done, they are report back to Yen where he will gain his new title?
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however once he Donald, and Goofy are back, Riku and Mickey also return with the grim news of what has happened to Aqua. After hearing this, Sora volunteers to go back to the RoD with them (just because they aren’t seen in that last clip we got with Sora at TGS does not mean they aren’t there). However before they go, Yen Sid, much like with Mickey and Riku, give Sora his new clothes that we will see him in for the rest of the game.
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Back in 0.2 Mickey explained that there we “points” in which  one could use to get to the realm of Darkness, but as of KH 1 those “point” had become unstable.
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So he had to use the alternative and wait for a world to get consumed by the darkness in order to get in.
Area they were in at end of KH 1 and 0.2  is the dark side to The Destiny Islands.Also, on the other side of the Door in the secret place, was the part of the RoD were Kingdom Key D resided.
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It is unknown if those “points” that give access to the RoD became stabilized once more once Sora saved the worlds but. What if Mickey and the others use the Door at the secret place as a point to get to the RoD?
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Either Mickey and Riku are with them, but are walking way ahead, or Sora, Donald, and Goofy DO go there alone, but along the way Sora comes across Eraqus’ Keyblade. (If Mickey and Riku are with them, Mickey explains who the Keyblade belongs to and guesses that why she took his keyblade instead of using the one she had the last time he saw her?) (It is also possible that the keyblade itself guides them to where Aqua is in the RoD.)
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They come across here are the Dark Margin, it triggers the memory in Sora. Either out right or he thinks back to when it was triggered back in 3D when he was in a deep sleep. He says or Mickey (if he is there) something and this is her response, leading use to this moment.(keep in mind, what we see isn’t always how it will officially be in the game, the BH 6 keyblade could be used as an example and once the game is released Sora could be wielding his kingdom key or Olympus keyblade for all we know.)
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They fight, at some point Sora is able to purge her of the darkness and Aqua is knocked or falls into the water. Sora walks toward where she fell in, bends down, his hand goes in the water for her to grab. Coming fully to her senses Aqua see his hand, she swims toward him and takes it, she rises from the dark waters, saved and back to normal.
Aqua’s Side:
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Nomura had stated recently, that Aqua came to be this way as a result of a certain incident. In the previous trailer we she her looking completely normal, in a fight with Ansem SoD without her keyblade. What if this is leads to the mentioned incident?
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She’s putting up a fight, but she has no keyblade and it’s more likely than not, Ansem SoD can sense the cracks in her heart and can immediately see how susceptible she is to the darkness in her current state. Also, given her meeting with Terra-Xehanort, his original self in 0.2. he may also known how useful she is in finding Ven. He would also be well aware that she would never tell him where Ven is...unless she was under the influence of darkness.
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It was confirmed that she was indeed under the influence of Xehanort like so many others. Remember by possessing others,they can gain that persons knowledge & experience in real time as explained in 3D. Her situation is temporary, what if she was norted not to be a seeker, but for the sake of the knowledge that was passed down to her. Leaving her in the RoD would simply be their way of making things difficult for Sora and the other. Remember, even though he wants the seven guardians of light for the X-blade, they aren’t the only route he can go. The fact that if they can’t get seven, then he would just try and take the seven princesses as back up would be equally as god in his eyes. This makes having all the guardians more or less disposable to him.
Saving Ven:
Sora managed to save Aqua, they bring her out of the RoD and bring her back to the realm of light. Thinking it’s a good idea, they take her to Yen Sid’s tower to have her checked out and tell them all what happened. At some point she brings up Ven and needing to get to him. Speaking of Ven, they try to come up with a plan to try and get help him. Mickey possibly remembers what was explained by Namine in recoded regarding Sora and Ven’s special connection. What if Yen Sid or Mickey theorizes that not just Aqua but Sora as well could be the key to waking Ven up. Sora and Aqua agree to go together to Castle Oblivion and retrieve him. Unbeknownst to them they may be being watched by a certain someone.
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They arrive a CO and Aqua leads the way to where Ven is. Once they get there, the decided who should go into Ven’s heart. Given what they learn about Sora and Ven, and given the fact the Sora now has the ability to awaken others from their sleep, they agree Sora should go into Ven’s heart and Aqua stands guard.
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Hearing all of this, maybe Vantias makes himself known to them both or if Sora is already in Ven’s heart just to Aqua. He teases them a bit, brags that he will be the one leaving with Ven, while taunting his unconscious body. If Sora is there, they come up with a plan.
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Aqua distracts Vanitas while Sora tries to save Ven, or if Sora is already in Ven, Aqua tries to protect them both with Sora wake Ven up. Either way Sora is successful in his mission, but Vanitas is able to get the upper hand and knocks Aqua out again deciding to pick up where he left off with her and wanting Ven and Sora to see what he’s done once they comeback. He raises his keyblade the same way he did all those years ago against he to take her heart. As he gets ready to do this (notice the bright light where Ven is sitting) Sora is possibly about to return and Ven is possibly about to awaken. Maybe leading to a Sora and Ventus team up against Vanitas???
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