#(anyway as always Read The Banners and my FAQ BEFORE interacting)
Since I’m not good enough at HTML to create a real Info/FAQ page for this blog, enjoy this lazy alternative instead
How did you get the idea for this blog?
Well, to be honest, I was reading a fan fiction (I don’t remember which one, so don’t ask) in which Robert de Sablé played a major role. In the fic in question, he was basically crazy and so bloodthirsty that it seemed that the entire scope of his existence had narrowed down to making Altaïr miserable.
This got me wondering; did this person who was actually writing the fic KNOW that Robert de Sablé was a real person? Judging by the way they were writing, they did not. It was about then that I started thinking that maybe I could do something to let people know that there were more people in Assassin’s Creed other than the obvious ones (such as George Washington or King Richard the Lionheart) that had actually been around in real life.
At this point I started thinking about making a blog, but I still wasn’t certain that people would be interested in it, so I asked about it on my main blog. A couple of my mutual expressed a mild interest and now here we are.
Where do your images come from?
The in game ones come from the Assassin’s Creed wikia. For the banner at the beginning of each article, I usually try to find a picture of the main character of that game interacting with the object/person/place, if at all possible.
For the others, I mainly rely on google. What can I say; I’m lazy. If there’s one picture in particular that comes up frequently in my search, I will try to find one that’s big and has nice quality.
How do you do the research?
I first try to find a multitude of sources about what I’m talking about. Usually I attempt to avoid Wikipedia because you can’t guarantee that people weren’t messing with the information presented (looking at you, people who vandalized Todd Howard’s page). If I can’t avoid it though (usually because there are not many sources on the topic at all, an issue I’ve run into a few times for this blog) I just make do with what I have.
I primarily lean on one source and then use the others to fill in gaps and double check that the information is correct... or at least repeated in other places.
How do you decide what topic or game to talk about every week?
Usually I’ll just scroll through my posts and think, “Hm, it’s been a little while since I’ve published something from this game.” After that, I will simply go to the page where I keep a list of all of the people, objects, and locations that appear in the games that I can feasibly write about. They’re not really organized in any way other than those categories, although the ones from later games tend to be lower down on the list.
I will take requests if someone wants to read about someone/somewhere/something in particular, or if they want to hear more about a specific game, but no one has taken me up on that offer as of yet. Who knows, though, there’s always tomorrow.
What’s your main blog?
You can find me over at @moonsp1r1t. There is absolutely no organization over there, but if you want memes and fan art you’re golden. It’s multi fandom too, so there’s (mainly) Assassin’s Creed, Steven Universe, Marvel, Skyrim... some other crap, I’m sure...
Also, feel free to chat with me if you have time. I’m frequently on my phone and I’m lonely.
Why are you so interested in history?
I didn’t even realize I was until a couple of years ago. I was in high school, depressed, and not knowing what I wanted to do with my life when it hit me that I’ve always liked history and always been good at it and I decided then that I wanted to be a history teacher.
I’m not really sure that answers the question, though, now that I think about it; it’s just something you guys seem to ask me, so I felt the need to include it here. Sorry.
How old are you?
I’m nineteen and I’m a sophomore in college. Social science major, education minor.
Can we find you on any other websites?
Yeah, but nothing like what I do for this blog. I’m also on Devientart, FanFiction.Net, and AO3, but I don’t use the first two as frequently any more. Still, I use the same username as my main blog (Moonsp1r1t).
Anyway, I can’t think of any more questions that you may ask/have been asked before, but if you’re still curious about something, do not hesitate to ask me. :)
Safety and peace, friends!
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