#(dany/jon/etc having Azor Ahai Moments; cat's wishes in the sept being granted but in a twisted way)
mummer · 3 years
@ your asoiaf religions ask
do you interpret the r'hollor priests "resurrections" (well. zombies) as dark magic that's not driven by any god? or do you think r'hollor is some kind of existing entity? (demon / bloodstone emperor / whatevs)
ok so like. i do think beric's resurrections are the one thing i conspicuously dont talk much about because i have no idea how to handle it lol. like first of all this is JUST Some Guy. it's not like the last kiss does that to everybody! as far as we know r'hllor has never brought anybody back before this, so what's his DEAL. love beric, but why him, yknow? it's so fascinating bc he's not a POV, he doesn't have a magic bloodline, it's like he's the protagonist of a whole different story that we're not reading. but i don't think r'hllor is like a literal divine being/god that's floating around doing stuff because he wants to or has an agenda. i think the religion may have sprung up around people using light/fire powers, not the other way around (just like azor ahai being a made up figure personified to encapsulate tales of peoples fighting the long night, passed down and fractured into lots of different tales in different cultures). but yeah the beric stuff is simply perplexing to me. i wonder if there was bloodmagic involved there that we're just not seeing (like drogo)? mm like you said, magic not driven by any god or particular reasoning (and maybe that's the point of beric, right? the Story doesn't need beric to come back for any grand mythic promised-prince plan, he's not relevant to the Song, but he comes back anyway, magic doesn't have rhyme or reason, there's nobody pulling the strings for a desired outcome per se)
but yeah lol i do not think the bloodstone emperor is still around bc it's a mythological figure and i especially do not think azor ahai will be 'reborn' in actuality (yes in imagery but not LITERALLY yknow, we're not doing soul transmogrification, yeah there's magic but cmon).
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