#(i enjoyed that scene very much don't come 4 me i was the target audience)
bylertruther · 1 year
me when i had to sit through hopper slicing up a demogorgon with a cool ass sword and cool ass music in the background like he wasn't living mike's fantasy ->
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chenria · 1 year
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I posted 262 times in 2022
That's 12 more posts than 2021!
183 posts created (70%)
79 posts reblogged (30%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 205 of my posts in 2022
Only 22% of my posts had no tags
#original character - 24 posts
#litg carl - 22 posts
#litg s2 - 21 posts
#litg season 2 - 20 posts
#litg mc - 18 posts
#thunderbirds are go - 17 posts
#litg carl x mc - 13 posts
#litg fanfic - 13 posts
#shameless self promotion - 11 posts
#digital art - 10 posts
Longest Tag: 81 characters
#i am really looking forward to play more with my new character of princess elodie
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Okay... I threw m plans for a Mermay picture out of the window. I've been binging "My Time at Portia" for days now. This is just such a relaxing and unagitated game that brings me so much joy with building and fulfilling the commissions for the townspeople.
My builder Cassidy nearly instantly fell in love with the head of Civil Corps (the "police" of the town) and Arlo is just so cute.
So I had to feed my current hyperfixiation with a quick fanart of Cassidy with her husband Arlo (yes, she managed to marry him on the last day of the first year :3)
107 notes - Posted May 29, 2022
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Patreon reward for the lovely sissy_the_siren - she requested a picture of her adorable Hawke and I hope I did her justice.
110 notes - Posted February 9, 2022
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Okay... so... this was supposed to be my "personal art" piece for March. But migraine... I at least managed to finish it and I am mostly satisfied with the outcome. Since it's not a commission I am not going to fret too much over the parts that didn't turn out quite like I wanted them.
But at least I got myself a Lynn/Bruno fanart while I am still enjoying Season 4 of "Love Island the Game".
This game is truly a guilty pleasure and I am probably 20 years older than the target audience XD but it's silly and fun and I need that in my life right now XD Lynn is the main character in this season and I am playing her in the game.
And I know about the controversies around season 4. But I decided that I can't shut out everything in my life that I enjoy because capitalism is a thing... I have fun - you just don't have to take this season too seriously XD
Lynn and Bruno would never work outside the Villa... but that's a problem for another day XD
[My Patrons get the high res version as well as sketches and progress pictures leading up to this piece.]
Patreon || Twitter
112 notes - Posted April 2, 2022
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Of course... right before I need to get back to work I find my inspiration and the motivation to draw again ;) At least that's a good sign that I am really over Covid (now I only need to get rid of that annoying cough...) But at least I could seize the remaining time and managed to finish something small for myself. A picture of Virgil Tracy - yes, it's that time again that I need Thunderbirds escapism and a self-indulging picture of Virg... 
Btw... Virigl has horrible hair and I hate to draw it...
The background is a photo of the sky ... I was too lazy to come up with an actual background...
115 notes - Posted May 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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It’s the 16th... so we can post this, right? I’ve been waiting since May to finally be allowed to share this XD  My contribution to this years TAG Mini Bang ( @tagminibang2022 / @tagminibang ) I got assigned to illustrate one of @womble1′s great fanfics and there was so much to chose from and many brilliant fics! ♥ But that one scene totally brought an instant image to my mind, so I had to illustrate it after I read the little story called “Rest”.
In the sunken seating area, Scott was stretched out across a sofa, head propped up on a cushion, a book in one hand, legs crossed at the ankles.
“That's right little bro,” he [note: Gordon] crouched lower, draping an arm over Alan's shoulder and lowered his voice in his best nature programme voice over impression. “Here we see a very rare sight, for a while it has been thought to be extinct by several scientific communities, it’s a resting Scott Tracy”
Story: “Rest” by @womble1 
121 notes - Posted July 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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alena-reblobs · 6 months
Why not: A CCS reread, Part 3
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It's saturday and I cannot stop myself from reading more. Time to go on with Chapter 13!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
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I'm just now catching on the resemblance of Nadeshiko to Kotoki from X...
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Batting Fujitaka with a stick because for heaven's sake you don't hit on your students, ESPECIALLY when they are still under 18. And not with these cheesy lines, too, sigh.
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Oh Tomoyo, you're so dear to me <3 I met her first when I read Tsubasa Chronicles, because I read Cardcaptor Sakua later (I don't even know when the anime aired in Germany. Probably way before my time) It was nice seeing her here in the story where she originates and where her character can be more child and follow her hobbies (cause tsubasa is a bit darker in its theme)
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Saving this for reference for when I might want to photoshop something stupid onto the newspaper
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Loving the little "yikes" at the size of the bread :DD
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I definitely forgot about this woman and that she and Touya had been..a thing? (Geez. I try not to think too much about the ages of the characters in CLAMP works)
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You know what, I would have loved to get to know Shaoran's siblings!
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Hihihihihi *giggling and kicking my feet*
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Awww he's so cute when embarrassed
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Sometimes it's a wonder how oblivious Yukito can be.
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oooh I'm saving this for a drawing reference because I want to try to imitate this beautiful light effects! Gonna try with ink if I find time.
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No, Fujitaka, when an adult man offers your 10 year old daughter some tea and biskuits and invites her to come over the other day, you don't just smile and tell her to go back. I'm shaking my head here very disappointedly. (I know it's a childrens' story so it isn't supposed to be taken that seriously, but if you try to look at it from an older perspective? Phew :D Some choices are really dubious.) (I'm only making fun of this, I'm still very much enjoying this manga. It's just interesting to see how different you can see things once you are NOT the target audience's age anymore) Oh yeah I forgot Fujitaka probably knows the man is Nadeshiko's grandfather, but my point still stands. Ch20:
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I'm at the screen play now, and Yamazaki really is the perfect cast for that role hehe
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You know I really like drawing style with the no hatching, and the light greytones. Normally we don't see shadows really so scenes like this with dark and light really stand out more. Also I think, this drawing style of the manga might look easy, because it's just outlines, and they are all the same line weight mostly...but I've seen other mangas trying to do it like this and I feel like they didn't pull it off this well. I'm wondering, if you don't really use grey tones to give your characters and objects depth, then at LEAST you gotta have a good feeling for shapes and panel arrangement and such to make it all work.
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Good to see that the Light and Dark cards are just your average sweet lesbian couple. Good for them! *thumbs up*
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I think I want a fic with Touya working at the most obscure places.
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Touya: Bitch, don't be giving me love advice when you're the one who broke up. Sooo this is long enough for a post! Time to make a new one! :)
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01kitty-moon · 3 years
My thoughts on the Og Sailor Moon/Sailor Moon Crystal/Eternal Part 2
I want to start with saying this-
I do enjoy both anime. I really do.
My thoughts about Sailor Moon OG anime.
First things first I LOVE 90's anime art style, so of course I love the style of OG sailor moon, it looks really good, the backgrounds are beautiful.
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Artsyle is lovely. PERIOD.
The OST for the OG anime is awesome, it can be beautiful or just plain cool.
I love the first transformation OST SO MUCH.
(I don't like the others in the OG anime transformation ost though tbh.)
The other thing I love about the original is the fashion, the sheer amount of outfits is awesome and I always enjoy a show that is able to have different outfits.
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Now I really like the first few episodes when it's just Usagi and Jadeite, in fact I like the first arc a little bit more in the OG simply because idk, we get to see more of the four "eite's" though I don't enjoy some of their Arc's tbh or how their characters were handled in the end.
I found their arcs would start strong and then just kinda end leaving you like??? Okaaaay.
If I'm being honest I dont enjoy the pacing or the writing for alot of the OG anime if I'm being truthful.
Like the end of season 1 in my opinion wasnt written well, in fact it felt very meh and blotchy.
Did I like the full party kill? Yeah.
But it wasnt well written.
I REALLY don't like OG Tuxedo Mask. Like during the first half of S1 I thought his snark was funny, and I enjoyed their interactions at first.
But by the second half I came to REALLY dislike him.
No wonder everyone wanted Usagi to be with 90's Seiya, OG Mamoru was an ass.
(I refer to him as Tuxedo Ass and no I dont take constructive criticism)
Also dont get me started on the moonlight knight filler crap. (That filler arc had potential to be REALLY amazing and impactful and they totally wasted it)
Also his relationship with rei is kinda.....weird. I didnt like it. (And not for shipping reasons, but because it genuinely irked me)
Now I do love that we got more episodes exploring the girls personalities and friendships, but I often times didnt enjoy how they were written as "friends?" Alot of it felt fake despite the "development" they got.
Dont get me wrong I like the OG anime in general and some episodes I think are AMAZING.
But I'd go into an arc and be really hyped for what I thought was coming, only for the outcome to be really lame or immature. The writing just felt bland and childish, but since OG is targetted more for a younger audience I do get it.
I got disappointed alot tbh ahaha.
Also if chibi moon from OG appeared I'd simply kill her, rip to OG usagi but I'm different.
(Also they made the kid feel way more incestuous than in crystal? Like this girl is 900, she isnt really a little kid though she is a young girl. Like she knows that's her dad, stop trying to fuck your dad pls)
Plus she is super annoying, always, never likable, never. (Some scenes were definetly comedic gold but as a character I wanted to set her on fire)
Prince demand isnt that great of a character and should have been set on fire right away, end of story.
This is a lazy way of writing my feelings but yeah it's what it is.
However overall it's okay. I like it.
(This is only my opinion of course pls dont attack me)
Sailor Moon Crystal
I made alot of my points when talking about the OG anime so the crystal one is short tbh.
Now I'll be honest. I truthfully enjoyed crystal most as a whole than I did the OG anime.
When it comes to the animation of season 1 and 2 I understand why people weren't fond of it.
It was wonky in many parts and the CG transformations were really ugly.
However I loved the artsyles in the still scenes.
And some backgrounds were really lovely.
Now the animation could be off, but it isnt the worst thing ever like people make it out to be.
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Mamoru was great again (look I love the boy and his manga self)
While i didnt like the lack of development in the 4 "eites" the arc was okay. I kinda liked some of their arc here more than in OG, but I wish we got more of them and their story ( or at least Bi Zoisiete, I know that's OG original but it would have been cool)
Though it did feel lackluster at times, and season 1 could be off with pacing, when it comes to the other seasons however I found the pacing to be really good.
I loved the scene where she "killed" him and then herself, though I wish it had been animated better, it was great.
I also like how they touched more on her fear of being alone, and showed hints of that trauma as well as their identities meshing with their past selves.
The music is 👌 though I miss some of the OG music.
I can't tell you the real reason I love it more than the OG. I guess I just enjoyed the tone overall?
I like the more story focused version if sailor moon I guess, I felt like the fucked around too much in the OG, while Crystak they dont fuck around enough lol.
But I'd rather watch the plot centric one rather than the overly leisure OG fillers.
I liked some of the characterizations better in crystal as well, I found rei more likable (look can we admit she was a bit TOO much of a bitch in the OG? And often wasnt justified but she got away with it?)
Haruka and Michiru weren't....super likeable in the OG sometimes for me and while that can be a good thing in writing, (and ik alot of people prefer them in the OG) I immediately fell in love with them in crystal.
Also this is probably just me but I like that everyone was less boy crazy, giving way to just, easier to bond with characters.
(Being Bi/Pan-Ace and watching girl only EVER be boy crazy is really annoying tbh I just, like for them to at least have 1 character who's just kinda eh about the whole dating thing, and tbh alot of the characters came off as more bi in crystal which was lovely)
I hear alot of people complain about how they dont feel the friendship between the group the way they did in the OG but I kinda felt the opposite, and their sudden leap into being SUPER into Usagi really stems from their identities from their past lives mixing with the present.
Also just saying, if someone like usagi came into my life? I'd immediately die for her too, just saying, she's so so kind and fun, and precious like? Duh of course she's going to make those introverts fall all over her.
Also CHIBI MOON I LOVE HER! (I do not like this kid in OG, like ever, set that creature on fire pls)
But crystal chibi moon? I adore that girl.
Season 3 was great, I LOVED IT so much.
I got my lesbian's in FULL glory.
I got Sailor Bi Moon.
I got hotaru and well, better writing in that arc compared to the butchered OG version
(If u prefer the OG version that's fine this is just how I feel)
And I'm really excited for eternal, its SO beautiful, the music makes me so emotional, the animation and art is beautiful, tbh it feels more like Sailor Moon than any of the other parts. It just instantly takes me to the manga.
(My brother and I both prefer crystal tbh)
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Anyways we talk have our own opinions, and this is mine (made at 3am guys I'm tired)
The manga is BEAUTIFUL and so is Crystal, but OG has it's good points too, I like them all.
From a story and writing standpoint I think Crystal is superior to Og anime.
But if you want something more lighthearted and more slice of life the OG is probably for you!
Or you can be like me and love both.
(I also prefer crystal Usagi to OG Usagi more often than not, though OG usagi is definetly relatable like 100%, but I liked that maturity in Crystal Usagi that got stronger when her memories of her past life came to her, you can tell they all kinda go through an identity crisis and have to grow up "again" which is interesting to me)
Both stories however bring up great messages and promote femininity so much I love it ahhhh sailor moon is a treasure.
Crystal made me fall in love with the story, while OG made me lowkey ship Jadeite and Usagi in the first few episodes.
(Pls dont ask, ok, just don't, that one seen was a bit too hot for me to not immediately think they should kiss)
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