#(i'd like to apologize to everyone in advance for (giffing and posting) this)
nero-neptune · 6 months
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“Who the fuck does Ang Lee think he is, man?”
KNOCKED UP (“Brokeback Mountain” Deleted Scene) | 2007 | dir. Judd Apatow
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papa-evershed · 6 months
Hellooooo! Here’s me crashing into your ask box to wish you a very happy, happy birthday!
I thought I’d ask you if you can remember some specific scenes/moments from a show and/or movie that triggered your “Oh, I need to gif this IMMEDIATELY!” desire.
And please do go ham on your reply, you know very well how much I enjoy them.
Have an amazing day! 🧡
Hey!!! I fucking love you! I don't know how the hell you manage to to do everything you do, but now you've gone and inspired me to start a fandom-friends birthday calendar. 😂😂 I legit admire how you always reach out to people and remember everyone!! But thank you so much for the birthday wishes, it's been a pretty good day so far so I can't complain! 🥰
As for moments I just had to gif?! There's been a fuck ton throughout the years and the men. 😅I'll answer under a cut for length and lets see what all my old lady brain can remember. 👵 I apologize in advance for how long this could potentially get and just how random the gifs probably are. I never feel inspired to gif cool scenes with witty dialogue, I just gif for thirst reasons because I'm a dumpster of a human. ETA: It got really long and didn't even scratch the surface tbh.
For Rob, I'll start with this one. I feel like I post it every time someone asks me about my favorite gifs or moments but listen, that man's god damn belly makes me feral. The context of the scene is also just peak Dad™ for me so it was 10000/10, absolutely had to gif this the second I watched:
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This is an interview but you know when you first start checking out a new dude and you see gifs from interviews/shows where they look particularly tasty and you're immediately like I must find this and watch it or else I will perish. That was this interview for me. And how could it not be? Again...BELLY. Hairy belly. Just big, soft, delicious man meat. And thighs. As soon as I found it I had to gif it for myself so I could make it as obnoxiously big as humanly possible.
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I watched this zoom live and the moment this motherfucker turned his head my brain said "gif it". Profile? Nose? Greys?
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And this shot too. This man was fucking born to smile, he puts his whole ass into it.
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This. His arms here. This scene was dark af but I knew I had to gif it anyway. I adore the shape of this man. It feels so fucking real to me. Soft belly, sizeable arms that still look natural. It's realistic, it's comfy, it's fucking sexy. He's just fucking man-shaped.
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I don't even have to tell you why because I know you get it.
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I'm an American what do you want from me? 🤡 I'm just kidding, it's not because of the gun. 😅IDK if you've watched Downton, but Thomas is just such a fucking capable man. There isn't a task they set him to that he doesn't excel at and I just felt like it was always overlooked and underappreciated by everyone around him. That shot and scene inspired an entire gifset I made about him being a man of many talents.🤓
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I can't even explain it, I just knew I needed it. He just looks so man sized. And fuzzy. Just...go off daddy.
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You and I both know I'd suck a dick for a good profile shot. The greys, the nose, the man...👀
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I can't post all the gifs from this scene/episode so I'll settle for this one. But I knew immediately I'd be giffing it until my fingers hurt (that legit happens y'all, I'm old 👵) Not only did he spend some time in this episode being the soft, caring uncle but he did it in a cozy sweater and it was like they were sure to hit all my weaknesses at once. Soft cozy men? 👀Then they were kind enough to give us the most beautiful close-up shots of his face. And the boy just has a beautiful fucking face.
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For old times' sake, I'm gonna include some Jon just for you but to be fair, I liked him for seven damn years so there were a lot. Too many to list or even remember. But here's a few that maybe aren't the obvious shots!
This one. I remember everyone losing their shit over his ass but I was losing my mind over that "soft flash of belly" (really, I was always fangirling the hardest over scenes where Jon looked softer than he really was so we shouldn't be shocked I eventually left for a man with a beer belly 😅)
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Speaking of which, this scene too!
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And of course, anytime he was covered in blood. I think I actually giffed this exact shot 5 or 6 different times.
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And, the obligatory back of his head shot. There are so many here I could post because pretty much anytime I saw the back of Jon's head I immediately needed a gif of it but we'll go with this one, it was probably slept on a little bit.
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Alright this is long enough! Bless anyone for reading this long. 😳 But legit, thanks for the fun ask and for the birthday wishes, Stef! 🥰🥰 Your kindness is one of the reasons I will always appreciate having been in Jon's fandom!
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dearsheroozle · 1 year
i finally subscribed to dropout after seeing your posts about dimension 20 and game changer! i was wondering if you had any recommendations for campaigns (or other shows) to watch first? i've only seen clips or gif sets of all of them
OMG anon this makes me so so so so so happy and I hope you know what can of worms you just opened because this is one of my hyperfixations.
This is probably going to be a bit long (ETA: it was), so I'm throwing a cut down. I apologize in advance for the length. I am going to operate on you knowing very little background, so I apologize if I say things you already know. Just tryna cover my bases!
Hmmm okay. As far as campaigns for dimension 20 goes, it'll depend on your taste and how you like to do things.
Fantasy High is their first season, and if you like to watch things in order, I'd start there. I'd caution that this is true early days, and the cast (including Brennan, sometimes) are not as familiar with 5e yet, so please note that rules will be kinda wonky sometimes. Personally, I found it charming to watch them grow as players! Anyways, here is a bulleted list, in no particular order, that may or may not be helpful:
Fantasy High, Fantasy High: Sophomore Year (also referred to as D20: Live), Pirates of Leviathan, and The Seven, are all part of the same universe, released in the order I put them in. You can watch Pirates and the Seven without watching FH (they're side quests, which means they bring in guest players who are not of the main cast, and the seasons typically are shorter in episode quantity), but you might miss some easter eggs and references. Set in a world based on if John Hughes 80s movies vibes were translated to dnd! Very Breakfast Club right out the gate. I love it very much, and The Seven made me laugh and cry the most out of any season I think, as far as range of emotion goes.
If you don't care if it's about dnd, and want something shorter, I'd recommend Misfits and Magic. This was part of the Summer of Aabria Event, also a side quest, and she GMed a modified game of Kids on Brooms (Brennan is a player in this one). Subverting tropes and ideas that stemmed from... well, you know, that wizard series. And it made me cry like a baby and I loved the dynamic between the players very much. It's only four episodes, with a holiday special as well. It's a good place to start if you wanna get used to D20's edited production format.
I have a soft spot for The Unsleeping City (and its second season), as it has some of my very favorite Intrepid Heroes (this is how the fandom refers to the main cast of d20) player characters. It's Brennan's love letter to New York City, and it's an urban fantasy with very heroic themes. This is a Great full season to start with in my opinion!
My personal favorite season is A Crown of Candy. Please don't start with this one. It will be devastating. Low magic fantasy akin to Game of Thrones, but with way less misogyny and way more anthropomorphic foods. I know how it sounds. Believe me. Don't start here. (You can do what you want, really, but I have to be able to say I warned you.)
A Starstruck Odyssey uses a modified version of Star Wars 5e, and they made probably the most busted overpowered characters I've ever seen them make. It's really fun, and if you love space, you'll love this! I also loved this because while I'm very familiar with regular 5e, SW5e is completely different. So watching them do things I've never even heard of was incredibly refreshing.
Aabria also DMed a side quest that mixed 5e with Good Society, and it's regency meets the FeyWild. RP-heavy, and shenanigans abound. Absolutely unhinged repression arcs that had me screaming into my hands. A Court of Fey and Flowers!
Escape from the Bloodkeep is their first side quest, and notable guest star in this season is Matthew Mercer himself. It's a Lord of the Rings parody where everyone plays... a villain? 👀 Somehow incredibly wholesome regardless. This is also a very good side quest to start with, if you want a taste of how Brennan DMs.
As far as other shows go, Game Changer IS excellent. I would also recommend the spin-off Make Some Noise. Other shows I love are:
Breaking News Network: It will make you laugh. Pretty much guaranteed. They have people read from a teleprompter and they do not know what it will say. They are not allowed to smile or laugh.
A message from the CEO, starring Brennan Lee Mulligan: You might find most of these on YouTube already, but basically Brennan plays multiple beleaguered CEOs trying to make publicity videos for their products. Satirical and hilarious.
Dirty Laundry: Guests come in and submit secrets to the production team, and the host will read a secret out loud, and they try to guess whose secret it was. I have learned some truly insane things about people.
Total Forgiveness: Two cast members come up with challenges for each other, on the premise that if they complete the challenge, the production company will give them money to go towards their college loans. It's incredibly funny, but also if you suffer from secondhand embarrassment easily, this may not be for you.
Um, Actually: This is another game show! Players are given prompts where part of the prompt is incorrect, and they have to buzz in with the correction. Jeopardy rules: they have to say Um, Actually first, or else no points. The most pedantic show (affectionate).
Jesus I am so sorry about the length, and probably the incoherent nature of this entire thing. I could give you a breakdown of every single season of d20 easily, in chronological order, but I feel like I'm already on the verge of overwhelming and scaring you away LMAO.
Thank you for indulging me as well. I love talking about Dimension 20 and Dropout is truly the best streaming service I'm paying for currently.
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