#(including some stuff ive wanted to talk about like Mokie's therapist or how I'm handling Gao's buddies
universestreasures ยท 8 months
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Random Assortment of Hedcanons for Mokuba and some of his Friend Squad
Mokuba (TW For HC 1 and 2: Mental Health / PTSD, TW For HC 8: Mention of Death.)
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Mokuba's was referred to his current therapist, Child Psychiatrist Dr. Ai Fujita (A NPC created by me for my Mokuba/his friend's lore specifically), by Tasuku after their initial meeting post-Death-T. She currently practices in Cho-Tokyo, home of Tasuku's sector of the Buddy Police, and has worked closely with the children of those affected by the crimes the Buddy Police handles for years. Mokuba started to attend therapy regularly (weekly to start, but this was reduced down to monthly by the time he is a teenager) following Battle City (Such as the period of time my confrontation thread with @shacchou takes place in) and does so via Telehealth.
Dr. Fujita officially diagnosed Mokuba with PTSD upon official assessment and intake procedures completion. He was not prescribed any medication. However, she recommends for him to consider having a trained service animal such as a cat or a dog to help him with his PTSD-induced nightmares and other symptoms.
Mokuba learns how to play Buddyfight from Gao and the others and plays a Dragon World deck to start, focusing on Armordragons much like Gao and Tasuku. Though, he would switch over to Star Dragon World once that becomes more widespread, using a Neodragon Crossnize deck like Tasuku's.
He plays dragon-themed decks for Duel Monsters, inspired by his brother's own deck. His fav card to use is Kidmodo Dragon.
Mokuba's traveled to some of the Buddyfight parallel worlds either through his friends or a field trip after he started attending Aibo Academy. He loved Hero World the most.
I like to think the 'Kaibaman' Duel Monsters card was something Mokuba came up with, because his big brother is his hero. So naturally, it would make to visualize him as a super hero and make a card based off the idea. I can totally see him make some sort of agreement with Industrial Illusions without his brother knowing and then presenting it to him as a gift (Perhaps a birthday gift).
In relation to his friend squad, Mokuba is the most similar to Gao and finds him very inspiring, he trusts Tasuku the most and unconsciously sees him as another older brother figure in his life, and is the closest to Suzuha and hangs out with her the most.
In the distant future, when Gao and his eventual partner Paruko get married and eventually have their two children (Yuga and Haru), Mokuba 100% is their unofficial uncle (Much like Tasuku is) and spoils those two kids rotten. And considering Yuga is a video content creator/streamer who loves taking on game challenges with a pretty big following (and being the son of Buddyfight's current World Champion, aka Gao), I can see him being the perfect person to collaborate and market some of Kaiba Corp's products, especially those targeted at children.
Mokuba visits his birth parent's graves once a year. He asks Seto to join him, but does not expect him to. He always brings flowers and 'talks to them' about how he's been.
Mokuba does make friends with pretty much all of Gao's friends at some point. Though, he is closest still to Gao, Tasuku, and Suzuha out of anyone. He would 100% make them a locket similar to his and his brothers, but with a Buddyfight card design and a group photo of them inside, perhaps as a graduation gift. He'd wear his in addition to his and Seto's.
As stated in a previous post, Mokuba's orientation is demi. He does not get attracted to anyone romantically until he forms a strong emotional bond with someone. In addition, his playful antics some people (like at school) mistake it for flirting, and as such, he has a lot of admirers and gets notes in his locker all the time (especially around Valentine's Day)
Gao & His Three Buddies (Drum, Bal, & Batzz)
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Gao's initial Buddy Monster is Drum Bunker Dragon, and he met Drum during the time period of Battle City. However, he eventually comes into contact with Bal and Batzz (his other two Buddy monsters he meets in canon), and eventually, signs Buddy Contracts with all three of them. So, he has three Buddy Monsters (Plus Chibi Panda as he is a plus one for Batzz) living and fighting alongside him throughout his life (Drum nor Bal leave Gao like they do in canon).
Of Gao's three buddies, Mokuba gets along with Bal the most. Bal adores Mokuba. They become total besties, much to Gao's delight. Bal sometimes even asks to sleep over at Mokuba's house or vise versa (Good luck Seto having a literal baby dragon in your house LMFAO). Very wholesome bond. They would 100% try to make pizza (Bal's fav food) and probably make a huge mess cause both cannot cook to save their life. He also has let Mokuba fight alongside him and use his Sundragons for fun, and Gao supports this.
Gao, much like in canon, takes place in the WBC (World Buddy Cup) tournament and takes the crown, becoming the number one Buddyfighter in the entire world. He holds this title even into his adult world. He also competes in other tournaments such as the ABC Cup like he does in canon as well, but I am still figuring out all of the canon events that apply to this verse.
As stated above, Gao does marry Paruko in this verse and have his two sons, Yuga and Haru. Yuga was born when Gao was 23, as per canon. However, he does not move to America to teach his family's style of martial arts. He grows the style right here in Japan while his mother and the other family members grow it in the West, meaning he has a much more active role in the lives of his kids and his friends. This also means he does not move to America like he does in canon, but he does visit there from time to time.
Gao would 100% volunteer to test any new Kaiba Corp products. He may be a Buddyfighter, but he is always up for a fun challenge. He'd also expand his self-defense teachings to the company, should they request his aid.
Gao invites Mokuba over for sleepovers sometimes, and his family invites both Mokuba AND Seto over for dinner. They're just that kind of family.
Gao would vibe so well with Jounouchi and would totally try to teach him how to amp up his physical combat skills using his Akijijitsu martial arts.
Gao and Mokuba got a secret handshake and it's the cutest thing ever.
He shares his brother's Mighty Sun Fighter comics with Mokuba, and that becomes a nice bonding thing for them. Mokuba would tell his brother all about the comic's stories. Perhaps seeing that could inspire the image of 'Kaibaman' that I discussed earlier.
Gao thinks Seto is as cool as Mokuba says he is, and really admires his strength as a duelist.
As stated in a previous post, Gao's orientation is pan. His romantic attraction is not defined by someone's sex or gender. However, he is pretty dense overall when it comes to romance and misses romantic cues often.
Tasuku & Jack (TW For HC 11: Mental Health / PTSD /Mention of Death.)
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Of the friend group, Tasuku and Jack more often play the role of dad friends than anything else. They're more than often the responsible ones and the ones first to defend the group if needed.
Much like in canon, Tasuku when he grows up does take over for Commander I as the official head of the Buddy Police in Cho-Tokyo (His title is officially Commissioner). He is working not in the field much anymore, but rather oversees overall operations, training and development. He is put onto very huge and potentially dangerous cases however, such as anything on a large scale.
Tasuku regularly checks in on Mokuba, as he does with everyone he's close to. He wants to make sure the kids doing alright, and offers his aid if needed.
I do not think he will fully 100% ever like Seto Kaiba (and I'm pretty sure that feeling would be mutual on Seto's part. But then again, tons of people got issues with Seto let's be real, LOL), but I do think he will come to a somewhat of an understanding about him (Especially by the time he's a teenager/young adult) and will work with him if needed. I like to think he does respect though, if nothing else, his strength as a duelist, work ethic, determination to reach his goals, love for Mokuba (once he understands how he shows that love), and his noble reasons for opening Kaibalands around the world. He thinks he'd be a good Buddyfighter too if he ever tried out the game, specifically as a user of Ancient World or Star Dragon World.
Tasuku does train in Dragon World much like in canon and passes his training with Armor Diety Dynamis. Though, the contents of that trial are still up in the air as I am debating whether or not Tasuku becoming Purgatory Knight is a thing in this verse or not. It's such an important part of Tasuku's character arc in general (Like how Death-T and it's aftermath is for so many of the YGO cast), but getting to that point would require a lot of circumstances I do not know how to fit into this verse well (getting forcibly fired by the buddy police, the buddy police being corrupted, being manipulated, a grand event to make him use gold ritter and team up with Demios, etc. It's why I have yet to include it in any au that's not canon adjacent. It's so hard to set up.). I am open to trying to plot a way to include it, as Purgatory Knight Tasuku is always interesting to write. (It would break Mokuba's heart though ;;;;). He, following that completion of his training, will obtain Star Dragon World and Jack will change into a Neodragon. It an also not sure if Jack will get his time jump abilities he gets with this upgrade either like he has in canon, but it be interesting to play with as it lets him and others time travel basically.
Jack, much like in canon, eventually becomes so recognized by the public as Tasuku's Buddy he doesn't need to hide himself in his card form. Though, he prefers his big form to his mini form still, but is seen in his mini form most often.
Once Buddyfight becomes more mainstream, the Buddy Police becomes much like it is in canon, focusing both on stopping game-related crimes (9/10 at this point it is Buddyfight related) in addition to handling the Buddy Monster contract system and distribution of Core Deck Cases through the Buddy Card Office.
Tasuku (and Mokuba too for that matter) are allowed certain days during the school week where they can come in half day due to their work circumstances. Tasuku and Jack will personally pick up Mokuba from HQ and take him to school. They also will take him to his home if asked.
Jack (and this goes for other Buddy Monsters too) are able to see Duel Monsters spirits and communicate with them.
Mokuba invites Tasuku to the opening ceremony of Kaibaland, and Tasuku is touched by the sentiment.
Much like in his canon verse, my Tasuku has little to no memories of his life prior to losing his parents. This is because of him unintentionally repressing them as a PTSD response (Yes, he is also diagnosed with PTSD and was diagnosed by Dr. Fujita). It is something, once he realizes it, regrets because while he is looking to the future, he wishes he could remember more about his parents, especially after hearing Mokuba talk about how much he misses his own parents.
As stated in a previous post, Tasuku's orientation is demi. He does not get attracted to anyone romantically until he forms a strong emotional bond with someone. Much like Mokuba, he is very popular in school and has a ton of people crushing on him. He is polite about it, but can get overwhelmed. He is not actively persuing a partner, though.
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