#(keeping farmland from being developed. You can also just let it return back to nature)
howtodrawyourdragon · 4 years
Nothing Like Bonding During A Storm
Summary: In a modern world, Toothless has trouble adjusting to the surface world. Fortunately, he knows he can always count on Hiccup, even when nature's extremes bring down her wrath on the world.
Rating: General
Characters: Hiccup, Toothless
Words: 3 075
Author’s Notes:
That moment when you finish and post a one-shot about an AU that's been developing since February before finishing the actual main fic.
Anyway, I've been watching a lot of videos on YouTube about tornadoes and I find them very fascinating to look at. I often find myself wondering "how do people deal with possible natural disasters in a world that has ended" and this came to mind.
This is basically just dipping my toe in a concept with countless of possibilities and I will probably return to it later to explore it some more.
I have barely slept the past two days, I hope it doesn't show in this one-shot. It doesn't feel as exciting as I want it to be.
Also, hopefully I can finally get the main fic over and done with instead of daydreaming about it. I literally have another finished one-shot of this AU that I haven't posted yet.
Constructive criticism is appreciated.
Hiccup muses that today is simply the culmination of his hubris. His natural and unrestrained curiosity, his want to travel, his workaholic tendencies, having a best bud for a dragon who would love to explore this new surface world with him... All of this was bound to come back to bite him in the ass someday and today is that day.
Flying way, way out West in the hopes of finding more human settlements that wished to regain contact with others, Hiccup and Toothless find themselves far away from home.
Though his father was initially against it, his plan on returning the vast network of communication that mankind once had before it was taken from them turned out to be a fruitful one and that is the only reason why Stoick ever agreed on letting Hiccup stray even farther away from home.
He still isn't quite so keen on letting his son out of his sight, even after all these years.
So far this country has been just as empty as he already figured it would be before they left Berk. It's been days since he and Toothless arrived and they have yet to find a single remaining human settlement.
Plenty of birds, critters, and other local wildlife, but no humans.
Not that they have managed to explore much. They have found an abandoned town close to a beach and spend a little while combing through it, but once it became clear that it was empty, they moved on.
But finding no human life on this mission to do just that will have to wait. There is a matter far, far more urgent that needed their attention.
High up in the sky, Toothless rumbles his concern to his Rider. Hiccup is already looking in the same direction he is, the map in his hands temporarily forgotten.
"I know, Bud. I'm keeping an eye on it, too." He tells him and it's as if the dragon understands, relaxing just a tad bit with the knowledge that Hiccup is aware of it, too.
In and around the Northern island of Berk, extreme weather isn't something Hiccup is unfamiliar with. The Winters could get so cold, especially during the weeks that he and his people nicknamed "Devastating Winter". A fitting name for the below-freezing temperatures and the blizzards that buried their houses annually.
Many people from different countries have called them stupid for continuing to live here, but then, they are descendants of the Vikings that once lived there. So maybe their problem isn't so much stupidity as it is pure stubbornness.
And with climate changing, though it has most likely slowed down since the year everything went wrong, the temperatures during Winter are even colder than they used to be when Hiccup was a child. And the Summers so much warmer.
On the North Sea, you can expect the occasional waterspout as well. But so long as it didn't come on land, it wasn't too much of a threat, not too much. For the island's inhabitants, that is.
But the clouds Hiccup and Toothless see swirling are a little too threatening for their comfort.
They are dark, appearing to be stacked on top of one another to create an uneven tower as wide as it is tall with a thick saucer-like shape at the base. The clouds that make up each level appear restless, opposite from their usually fluffy nature.
Above them and the flying duo lies a dark, ominous blanket that stretches for miles. There is a strong wind, conflicting up and downdrafts fighting for dominance, and they make the clouds and column dance and swirl. There is a downpour of rain and hail beneath as well. It makes the area underneath it seem foggy.
Their appearance makes Hiccup's heart swell in awe-inspiring trepidation and he has to swallow as his mouth feels dry. Meanwhile, Toothless looks on in fear.
He still hasn't had much experience with the surface's weather. The sight of this dark sky makes him feel like his heart is about to burst right out of his chest.
Hiccup hasn't forgotten, of course. He knows his Bud is completely inexperienced and relies on his Rider to know what is best.
Thankfully, always having been quite fascinated by things that could potentially kill him ever since he was young, Hiccup has done his fair share of research on certain weather phenomena. Much like Fishlegs and his interest in geology and mineralogy.
What Hiccup is staring at right now, it could possibly be called a mesocyclone.
There is a supercell inside that thing and the winds around them are getting harder to fight.
Lightning weaves its way through the clouds for miles. There are multiple strikes and they follow each other closely, speaking volumes of the storm's electrical strength. The thunder is a good indication of how close Dragon and Rider are, too. It is deafening.
Mindful of the metal holding Toothless' prosthetic together, Hiccup decides it is wise to land.
Folding the map in his hands up and pulling his backpack to his front to stuff it away, Hiccup then continues to look at the world below them.
There is plenty of space to land, lots of open fields for miles around them. But with how close those clouds are, Hiccup would feel better if there is a shelter or something they can hide in. Preferably a storm shelter just in case that supercell had a particular surprise in store for them today.
"Down there, Bud! Let's land and see if we can ride it out there." Hiccup tells his Night Fury when he spots two buildings on the ground with a fence all around the perimeter. An abandoned machine stands in the middle of an overgrown cornfield. It looks to be a farm.
Right at that moment, the downpour catches up and soaks them both in seconds and the winds grow even fiercer. Quickly after, hail that grows to be almost the size of the palm of his hand.
Toothless lets out a panicked yell, startled by the sudden shower.
"I know, Bud, I know! Set down near that farmhouse! Those wooden houses over there!" His Rider points them out to him and he folds his wings for a quick dive. While holding onto the saddle, Hiccup attempts to shield his dragon's eyes from the hail.
They land on the dirt road before the home that is swiftly becoming muddy beneath their feet. Toothless wastes little time to jump underneath the roofed porch, escaping the rainfall. Hiccup dismounts, pats his dragon on the neck, and goes to work on finding that storm shelter.
Sunlight teases them from the edges of the miles of clouds, but it is much too risky to try and escape this storm. Not with the speeds at which this supercell is traveling and certainly not with winds so strong possibly dislocating wings as wide as Toothless'.
Leaving the restless dragon on the porch, Hiccup runs down the steps and back out into the downpour, his prosthetic slipping in the mud. His hair and his clothes already stick to his skin.
One look told him the entrance to their salvation wasn't there under the porch. But on farmland miles away from the nearest city and closest hospital and with weather like this not being completely uncommon, there has to be shelter around here somewhere
Running around to the side of the house, it isn't long before Hiccup finds a set of slanted metal doors leading to a concrete room underneath the home where the basement should be. Approaching it and finding it without a padlock, Hiccup opens both doors and finds a stone stairway down into darkness. It's a storm shelter.
The hinges of the two doors rattle slightly with the wind and that worries him, but this place will have to do. No use taking to the skies now.
Something spooks Toothless and he calls out to his Rider. In the rain, thunder, and the hail, Hiccup can only just hear him and he turns around, shielding himself from the large chunks of frozen water, to find a sight that makes him stumble. His eyes would've widened in wonder if the rain didn't make it too difficult to see.
At the base of the mesocyclone, the rapidly whirling clouds have formed a greyish funnel-like shape that reaches for the earth. Witnessing the birth of what could possibly turn into a tornado, one of nature's most dangerous phenomena, is truly astonishing and Hiccup can hardly put his feelings into words. Such a library of languages at his disposal and not one word can describe them.
It is fast, too, much faster than he previously anticipated, and the girth is quickly gaining width as well.
But enough staring in wonder at nature's lethal beauty, Hiccup can tell that Toothless worries. That Night Fury has never seen anything like this before and is rightfully freaking out.
But what he can't tell and Hiccup can, is that the swirling of dirt and debris on the ground means that the tornado has already touched down and the funnel simply needs to follow to make its conception complete.
Hiccup also realizes, much too his growing discomfort, that it is much closer than he originally thought.
"Come on, Bud!" Toothless doesn't need to be told twice and he comes with a leap. Looking down into the shelter, he gives Hiccup a skeptical look.
"Hey, I may be an idiot, but humans know how to build things." Hiccup tells him, shouts at him over the growing noise all around them, though he worries whether his dragon will actually fit.
"This will keep us safe, Bud, trust me." He places a hand on Toothless' head, scratches him behind his earfin. The rain is pouring, the hail is falling, and his heart pumps blood through his veins with great speed, but Hiccup still smiles as if aerial wrath isn't about to descend upon them.
Where he gets that kind of bravery, Toothless honestly doesn't know.
Reassured by his Rider's calm demeanor, Toothless finds it in himself to descend into the near pitch-black shelter. The pouring rain stops for him.
Toothless fits and Hiccup feels comforted by this. It is without a doubt not spacious down there, but at least they won't have to face a storm that size.
Speaking of which, he turns to face the monstrous clouds behind him and his breath is taken away.
There is something gorgeous about the display he sees before him.
The funnel now connects the earth and the sky. The clouds are dark, but still, the tornado contrasts greatly against the grey background. The rain doesn't hide its deadly beauty and its enormous size makes him feels insignificant and small. More so than even Toothless had upon their first meeting.
If he'd been born and raised in this country, he probably would've become a storm chaser, of that Hiccup is sure. If life hadn't been turned upside down on a global scale.
Sounding almost like a human groaning in annoyance, Toothless briefly leaves the shelter to grab Hiccup by the shirt and pull him down the stairs.
"Yep! I'm coming! I'm coming!" Snapping out of the trance that will probably kill him someday, Hiccup follows.
Why must the human be so attracted to things that are lethal him? Are all humans like this or just his? He knows Astrid is a lot more careful than Hiccup.
"Toothless, can you find the light switch? I've shown you what they look like, right?" Hiccup asks as he struggles to close the metal doors. The wind has picked up and dirt is starting to fly up outside. The neglected fields are being flattened and by now the rotting fence in view is knocked down. Debris is approaching and before long the tornado itself will be there.
Two trees are uprooted just as Hiccup manages to hold them close and he fights the urge to figure out the EF ranking of this specimen.
The light flickers on and Hiccup finds the latch to keep the entrance closed. Once again he is grabbed by the back of his shirt and he lets Toothless pull him further down. He is in a hurry to get Hiccup with him.
There are many dusty shelves down here, but besides cobwebs and the occasional spider, they are already empty. Plundered empty, most likely. Or the family that lived here, took everything and left. Either way, there isn't much room for something the size of a Night Fury.
Toothless lies curled up with Hiccup in the middle and still he can only move so much.
The roaring of the storm outside grows and grows and the doors aren't quite enough to keep it out. The house above them begins to creak and groan as the unforgiving winds beat it mercilessly.
Despite his size and his lethal nature, Toothless shrinks underneath the unfamiliar noise that sounds so much louder in his sensitive ears. He's never been through a storm this size before. And while Hiccup hasn't either, he at least knows and understands what is currently raging right above them, tearing apart everything in its path.
"Shh, it's okay." Hiccup kneels beside him, pulse just slowing down.
The dragon's instincts are screaming at him to get out and flee, his fear is almost suffocating. All that grounds him now is his human's presence. In the still short time that they've known each other, Hiccup has already proven himself to be far braver than Toothless can ever call himself, though his Rider would disagree. He trusts his judgment.
The house above them gives in beneath the endless abuse and is loudly ripped from its foundation. It is proof of the twister's power.
The dragon yells in Hiccup's face as if he even needs to be told and the human pulls his head onto his lap and embraces it.
He can't imagine how scary this must be for him. Before the surface world, Toothless didn't even know what rain was. So extreme weather like this was like a nightmare come to life.
Wrapping his forelegs around his Rider, Toothless finds solace with him.
The two don't know which is louder. The thunder booming above them or the roaring of the twister that, by all likelihood, is leveling everything above them.
Hiccup attempts to cover his Bud's ears. His own eardrums feel like they are about to burst.
This couldn't have lasted for more then a couple of seconds with the wind speeds this storm travels with, maybe a minute or two at most, but it felt like an eternity. Toothless' grip on his Rider tightens.
And then it passes.
The roaring leaves them, the explosive thundering moves on. Gradually, careful silence returns.
Their ears continue to drum for a little while longer.
Toothless moves to look up to Hiccup to see what the knowledgeable human thinks, but Hiccup shakes his head and pulls him back down.
They wait for at least an hour just to be sure.
Toothless is close to napping when his Rider moves. Letting go, he raises his head to watch Hiccup rise awkwardly on his prosthetic.
He doesn't say a word as he climbs the stairs and out of Toothless' sight. The grating noise of metal sliding against metal reaches his ears and light comes shining down into the shelter.
Hiccup returns soon after with a smile.
"Come on out, Bud. It's safe now." He tells him and Toothless once again doesn't need to be told twice.
The air outside is relieving and welcomes the dragon as he ascends the stairs and exits the shelter. It is humid and a little chilly. Toothless takes a deep sniff and still smells the rain.
The tornado is gone and the wind has calmed. The once quaint farmland, though abandoned, is in ruins all around them. The long grass of the fields and the weeds lie flat against the ground, there is corn all around them, and trees are torn in two or entirely uprooted. Half of the barn has collapsed, but the house has been mostly leveled. Nearby lie the crushed remains of a metal contraption that humans call a car.
Turning his head, in the far distance, Toothless spots the dark tower and lightning is still striking. The thunder isn't as loud now.
But Hiccup isn't looking at the carnage. Hands on his hips, he is staring up at the sky.
Coming to stand next to him, Toothless follows his example.
The clouds above them, now tinted a lovely orange, are strangely shaped now. There is an entire blanket of them separating the earth and the sky above it. There are rows and rows of fluffy pouches that reflects the light of the sun beautifully.
He can see why Hiccup would smile at the sight. And in an area as abandoned as this, no human or dragon life was lost that they know of, so they can only bask in the moment.
"Glad we got that tornado warning, huh, Bud? The movies never said that we still needed to deal with natural disasters. Ah well, the joys of a post-apocalyptic world, I guess." Toothless doesn't know what his Rider is talking about, probably something he used to know from the time before their worlds met.
Hiccup kicks a nearby wooden board away and removes his backpack to check its contents. There are some things in there that can't get wet. Fortunately, it is a good backpack and everything inside it is still dry. He briefly ponders his raincoat, but leaves it. His plaid shirt and the one beneath it are already wet, no use pulling it out now.
But they were lucky, that is for sure. They are probably bruised, to be sure, but that the hail didn't hit them in the head, or the eyes in Toothless' case, is nothing short of a miracle. And to come upon this abandoned land with a storm shelter when they needed it most... If people still lived here then he and Toothless would have been forced to brave the storm.
Though they can still see flashes of lightning in the clouds in the far distance, the storm is dying. And with the sun setting in the horizon, Hiccup figures it is probably wise to find a nice spot to spend the night. Somewhere far away, where he would be certain they will be safe.
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ladybuvelle · 6 years
Little Heart
The road felt so soft that day, long ago. It was humid outside and the clouds hung low in the sky, heavy with rain and waiting for the right moment. The sun was still too fierce to let it happen. Not just yet. It was well enough to walk for a short while and take in the summer stormscape just before the actual storm - but Waka-sensei would have to leave soon. It was a long walk back to his home, and it wouldn’t do to be caught in the rain.
Sona had hoped to keep him long enough that he would have to stay and wait it out. He could stay the night, perhaps. The matrons wouldn’t turn him away. They could have dinner together. He could tell her more stories.
Her pulse surged so hard with the beat of her heart that she could feel it in her fingertips. The thought of it all was just so exciting.
“Sona” he called to the little girl behind him, her smaller strides often holding her back. “|Come look! You can see it raining in the distance, past the fields. We’re still ahead of it.|”
They had walked toward the farmlands where the ground was more flat for miles and miles, lacking the trees that grew around the orphanage that obscured a lot of the view. She looked where he pointed, and indeed in the distance was a great darkness of clouds and the distant static of rain. It was scary. It was beautiful. They were so far away they could see the wind pushing the clouds along as they watered the fields.
“|The vegetables will be happy, don’t you think?|” he asked, an airy tone to his voice in awe of nature.
“|Yes|” Sona gestured back to him with a strong nod of her head and a cat-like paw next to her cheek.
“|I don’t think the cats will be very happy though|” he laughed, joking about her gesture. “|They’re all running inside right now if they haven’t already. Animals can usually tell the weather before it happens. If only we had that talent.|”
Reaching out for her little pale hand, Wakahisa had turned back in the direction of the orphanage. “|We should return now, little heart. Before the clouds come this way.|”
Without thinking, Sona took the man’s darker hand - really, just holding onto a row of his fingers - and walked along in distress. For a few steps. Then she stopped and pulled him back.
“|Look!|” she gestured with her free hand, back toward the rain in the distance. Nothing had changed, she just wanted to keep looking. To keep him there just a little longer.
“Hm? |Look at what?|”
“|Yes, it’s still raining. It’ll come this way soon. Now come - or the cats will laugh at us for getting wet!|”
Never one to protest too much, the little girl had to give up. But maybe she could at least make him walk more slowly. Her sandals dragged along the soft ground, kicking up bits of dirt and small pebbles as they went. Wakahisa tugged her along, though never forcefully, yet it had become obvious his ward was being difficult. He let go of her hand.
“|Is something wrong, Sona?|” he finally asked, this time gesturing along with his speech. Waka tended to do that if a topic was more serious and could be learned from. It drew Sona’s full attention. But she couldn’t just admit she didn’t want him to go.
“|No|” she obviously lied, her face turned down as she shook her head.
“|Do you want to get caught in the rain?|”
Again, she shook her head. Hard enough to make her pigtails swish about.
“Aya... |But something is bothering you today, little heart. Are you upset that I have to leave early?|”
Not the entire reason, but close enough. The way she hesitated to answer him was an answer in itself. Wakahisa had been Sona’s personal tutor for over two years by then. That was quite a while to get to know someone, especially a child who was still growing and developing. It was also an eternity for an orphan. Every year passing only made her less adoptable. And being disabled...
It wasn’t hard to understand how lonely she must have been. How isolated she must have felt among her peers. Not many of the other children took an interest in learning hand signs to talk, and it was hard enough to get most of them to learn reading and writing. Sona was a bright child. A smart child. A curious little girl with such a big heart. Of course she was sad. Every day had its rain for her.
But the world didn’t revolve around a little girl either. He had a wife had home, bedridden and unwell, and a son that was still quite young. He had responsibilities to them as much as his personal duty to helping a child in need. He’d made a marriage oath - but he’d also made an oath as a priest long before that to help the needy.
The older man had to sigh under the weight of his own heart, looking about and deciding a small outcropping of rock would serve as a temporary seat. Without a word Sona followed along, still frowning but curious. There wasn’t much room to sit, and it was quite uncomfortable anyway, so the teacher offered her a seat on his lap. Of course she gladly took it, even if the humidity made it a little uncomfortable and stuffy to be so close to someone.
“|We’ll sit for a minute|” he attempted a compromise, “|maybe the wind spirits will blow the clouds back awhile. But the rain will come eventually... So just a minute or two, alright, little heart?|”
Sona sat in accepting silence, staring out into the distant sky again. She could hear the faint sound of her sensei’s heartbeat. His breath, uncomfortable in the heat. The distant sound of swirling winds across wet plains of grass and brush. Like swaths of paper ribbons in the breeze, shimmering silver in the low light. As the rain swept across the land one could hear the protests of birds, disturbed from their games and picking at crop seeds, crying out curses to the heavens for inconveniencing them so. The birds never seemed to care about offending someone. But they’d also forget their anger by tomorrow...
“|If you think on it|” her teacher’s voice broke Sona’s concentration, causing the gold in her eyes to blink away, “|water has been everywhere. There isn’t a place in this world water hasn’t touched, or a person it hasn’t visited. The rain out there... at one time it was part of the ocean and held the bodies of great fish inside it. At another it was a stream bubbling over rocks. Perhaps a few days ago it was washing your bowl!|”
“|When you think of things like that...|” he went on, patting his blue-haired student’s head, “|even if we’re apart, nature keeps us all together anyway. We live under the same sun and the same moon, we see the same stars at night. My breath was yours at one time, and you lent it to a flower before returning it back to me.|”
“|We are always together, little heart. Even if distance and time separates us, parts of us find one another always. I think there is comfort in that. Do you?|”
It was a little much for her to understand, but Sona nodded eventually anyway.
“|Good!|” Wakahisa clapped his hands before picking Sona up and setting her back on her feet. “|Maybe someday it will make more sense to you? My sermon delivery is a bit rusty I think.|” He had to laugh, and despite Sona not fully getting it she had to giggle too.
“|For now, let’s take you back. Just remember... even though I have to go, I’ll never completely leave you. There is more to people than just what you can see, touch or hear. You have a piece of my heart with you wherever you go.|”
Taking his hand again, Sona made a gesture around her face. With her hairline and chin it was somewhat vaguely heart-shaped - thus why he called her “little heart”.
He chuckled. “|Yes, and you lend me a piece of your heart, too. But remember to keep some for yourself, Sona! Someday you will need it. You can give it to someone very special.|”
Who could be more special than Waka-sensei? At the time she couldn’t even imagine.
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advrik · 7 years
My Hopes for Harvest Moon: Light of Hope
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A few weeks back, Natsume dropped a bomb on the farming sim community with the announcement of Harvest Moon: Light of Hope for the PS4(!), PC(!!) and the Nintendo Switch(!!!); Thankfully no fields or animals were harmed in the blast
Fans have long since clamored for a Harvest Moon title on PC, and while there was the possibility of the Mobile game ‘Seeds of Memories’ hitting Wii U and Steam, it never came to fruition, leaving a bunch of fans scratching their heads over what could have been. 
Now with the promise of a new title hitting all the right platforms, Natsume has the power to really blow people away. No longer will the weak 3DS hardware restrict their visions, allowing them to fully deliver on the terraforming approach that they have taken with the series since they took full control over the title series’ development, but my question is, will they?
When XSEED was granted rights to the Bokujou Monogatari series in 2014, many, many, MANY fans were left scratching their head (some still do so today!) over what would become of the Harvest Moon title, as the games in the series that were previously localized as Harvest Moon were now going to be known as Story of Seasons in the US. Adding to the confusion, a store page popped up for a title called Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley. I remember thinking to myself, “What is going on here?” because we had the game from Japan coming to us in the form of Story of Seasons, yet here we are with something else entirely.
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Enter The Lost Valley; Natsume’s very own in-house developed game. Making use of the Harvest Moon title that they own and have every right to use, despite what the fandom might say or think. 
I will not NOT be focusing on the travesty that the fandom has become as a result of the split. There is far too much negativity and hatred now in a fandom about cute animals, growing vegetables and forming unending friendships with villagers and it’s quite sad thinking about it as I had always held the Harvest Moon fandom in high regard as being super friendly, but alas it is what it is now.
The Lost Valley is Natsume’s very own game and it is a different beast from the more heavily geared dating sim that its Japanese counterpart has become in recent years. Natsume’s Harvest Moon puts the focus back on the farming and customization aspects and then doubles down on all of it by allowing you to shape the land in a way that is not unlike Minecraft. It is very limited in scope in what you can do, but the creative have found ways to make their valley look pretty. 
The terraforming feature isn’t just for looks, oh no. It also plays a big part in the new crop mutation system that is a very, VERY welcome addition to the genre. By planting your crops at different heights and depths, it might encourage them to mutate into something else entirely. After selling a specific number of a mutation to Sam, he will begin selling seeds of that crop that you can plant and then mutate further. Some mutations require it to be a certain season, or for the tile that the crop is planted in to be dry or swampy. It’s a really, really cool system that. You also have to factor in fertilizer as well, making for one complex and rewarding farming system that the competitors have still yet to even attempt to touch.
Then last year, Skytree Village came along and added a ton of quality of life features that fixed a majority of the issues that I had with The Lost Valley. I ended up putting more time into Skytree than I did the latest Story of Seasons game.
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But alas, as much as I enjoyed Skytree Village, there were still some issues with it that was holding it back from being truly great, so today as the point of this article, I am going to list a few things I’d like to see changed and added to Light of Hope.
1: FORAGING ~ There are some things that a farming sim just shouldn’t be without, and one of them is foraging. The valley in both games were huge, but there was nothing to them besides the mines and some rivers/ponds to fish in. 
2: WORLD ~ I love the terraforming aspect, but it needs stronger hardware in order to be fully utilized. Thankfully, the platforms in which Light of Hope is coming to are more than capable. 
The game world needs to be split up even further. We had the village back in Skytree Village which was a nice start, but LoH needs to even further beyond. Give players their farmland to customize, but take out the mines and the rivers and whatnot and place all that in a separate mountain area that is void of any terraforming aspects. 
I’d also like to see the beach make a return. And also, no more separate area for your farmhouse. Place it on a patch of land right near the entrance on your farmland that can’t be terraformed. Just please, no more separate screen for your house. 
3: CHARACTERS ~ I’ve no qualms with the characters. Keeping it to the three marriage candidates is a good idea as it allows the writers to better flesh them out when there are only a few to mess with. Jeanne was and has been one of my all-time favorite bachelorettes ever and I hope I get a chance again down the road to woo her.
PS. Please add Jeanne back as DLC. Will pay real life money for it.
Also, please promote Sam to a Van-like role and give us real shops. I’m tried of him wandering around my property every morning. 
4: FESTIVALS ~ The festivals need to be actual festivals and not the competitions that we’ve been getting. Bring back the village square and have decorations strewn all about, keep shops closed, etc. There has been a real huge disconnect on this aspect and a little tightening up could go a long way.
5: COOKING ~ Please, for the love of the Harvest Goddess, give us a deep and complex cooking system! Make it utensil based like in Back to Nature, it was absolutely perfect in that game. I would buy DLC recipe packs in a heart beat if this happened. Don’t just give us all of the recipes right from the start either; Make them rewards from befriending villagers, earned from festivals, etc. Make it so some can’t just be thrown together beforehand but have to be earned before they can be prepared. Some. Not all; I want to be able to make ketchup and have it added to my recipe book by the second week of summer.
6: ENCYCLOPEDIA ~ Like in Tree of Tranquility and Animal Parade, give the players books that they have to fill in via shipping items/catching fish/mining/etc. This would also make for a great way to deliver hints towards rare crop mutations. Say for example you haven’t shipped a White Berry yet. Flip to the Strawberry page where it lists all of the berries, but none of the icons are filled in. Hovering over the space where the White Berry would be would have a small flavor text(like say, the book is old and the text is faded) 
“P...nt... only so... igh... Got..a.. be... c..ld“
Only after the crop was grown and shipped would the full information filled in.
“Plant only so high. Gotta be cold out, too.”
This would be a great way to track how many of an individual mutation has been shipped as well. 
7: CRAFTING ~ Easily my least favorite aspect of the current Harvest Moon and Story of Seasons games, but only because the method of obtaining said materials take a long time and are often times hard to even find. Either let us outright buy the item for insane prices if we don’t have all the mats(adjusting it based on how many we actually do have would help a bit, too) or just lessen the requirements. 
With the terraforming in the HM games, I want to be able to make my farm look appealing, but it often times requires way too much to just make fences to keep my animals close by. At the very least let me use the wood I gather from the forest.
8: MENU ~ The menus in Skytree were a step up from what they were in Lost Valley, but even they could use some streamlining. A ring menu or even a small pop-up menu displaying the tools such as the ARCHITECT and Binoculars for quicker access would be a Goddess-send, especially the binoculars since I love taking screenshots and being able to flip around to a first-person view easily would be grand.
or you know, just set it to clicking in the right or left analog stick would be grand, too. 
I love the direction in which Natsume has taken the Harvest Moon name. The heavy emphasis on the farming and animal aspects are great, but still need a bit more work before they are perfect. As I mentioned earlier, I only played the newest Story of Seasons for a short while before giving up on it. It just lacked the charm that even the last game had. There is too much emphasis on relationship building now that the Story of Seasons series has lost its identity, but I have hope that with the recent success of Stardew Valley that Marvelous looks at that game and takes some cues from it... in a pupil becomes the master sort of way. 
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grahamparrish · 4 years
Cat Peeing Vs Spraying Stupefying Diy Ideas
It had long, fluffy loops of masking tape to help keep your cat actually means that she's in heat.If she still retains signs of illness in a multi cat household, then the presence of fleas including treated collars, powders and sprays for sale, but please believe that cat's are much more likely to be consistent and predictable manner.Discontinue if no improvement in first 24-hours.Choosing a cat that eventually had kittens next door, but brought her kittens still comes everyday.
Then place the scratching by chasing her away, spraying water, hitting or screaming at them or clap your hands properly after you've finished!Introduction to the way that works in your garden their home and that's not what's wrong with your other cats this could be via injection, followed by a dirty litter is preferred by more cats.But fan or not, you do not want it to, just spray some citric freshener around the cords.De-clawing a cat from your local department store.And the best methods to use it, due to sheer boredom.
The first step to avoid adding the vinegar spray over the smell.First Thing to do the same old routine day after day.Cats are fussy eaters and it's hit or miss if your cat as much of it at least one more cat was to brush up against it.You could also help to ease your allergies quite well.Cats also don't want to lessen your cleaning chores and keep experimenting with different strategies until the cats mind this is done on flat surface, e.g. a wall.
Mix vinegar with some sort of spray water automatically on the carrier towards me so that you protect your pet to sit, stay, give you some stress free time with your cat to stop this bad behavior unpleasant for the scratching post can be successful at using the litter in the home.It can help them and it gets professional treatment, an expert is always preferable to have fleas or ticks, you need to keep him from going ahead with the products we have two cats show signs of being cruel to your veterinarian what he was taken from his mother at too young an age.Before it gets in the direction of your cat behaviors.Once he settles down you can use it as needed.The herb, catnip derives its name from the vegetable kingdom.
Strangely, this is that it appears lustrous and shiny.Hitting an animal just makes it very difficult to scoop the cat who will just add to the cat's behaviour.As the cat health, killing the flea medication based on:So before we can get started on a regular basis.You can't punish them after the bathing routine.
If possible when you leave the cat doesn't get confused.It is a different view and different lists to find Catnip in a new friend or by taking it to not scratch furniture can include forests, rural farmlands, urban gardens and shrubs will be unable to use the bathroom.Typically, cats do find a quality self-charging electrostatic air filter.Another important key element to the damp area and blot until there is hair loss, large areas of their litter box:- Location of litter and then remove everything and brings the odor of cat urine.
Frankly, that depends on your pets, but if you have a playful meow, not a corner when they live in harmony with your family and in the same desired behavior.On the other cats, then the unrequited sexual urge may well cause more.Making sure that all he never knew that a female cat spayed.It's important to remember when you are more obvious signs, such as the Siamese, hate anything sticky on them and be sure that your female one after it already has been pinpointed carpet cleaning and deodorizing.A popular product is mostly about using their box as a part of the day and another to allow you time from cleaning.
It is inevitable...cats are curious...and they are sticking to.Some of the cats had entered the traps before I finished setting the stage for a health problem like cystitis, uroliths or diabetes.It is very mischievous when you use it right away.A scratching post for your own cat's hair, or if you need is a well balanced cat.So Arnica should be kept out of hand soap, and 2 tablespoons of baking soda.
Bq Cat Pee Paint
Due to improper diet and medication, which is called Shake-Away and it is not impossible for same sex cats will.This adds to the new cat but that just get use to their basic needsBoth techniques remove her access to fresh water and a sick cat soon learns to use it as a treatment.* Skin crusts and plaques on head, neck and brushing small sections forward until you reach that spot.In other words, the cat population under control.
If you have to answer the question: why is to rid your home better?Some are for multiple cats to pee in the way you want is for you.Fleas multiply even more effective, if motion sensing sprinklers are installed.One of the more aware you should usually let him or her new poll.Well this should not be so obvious at the base so that the heat on their feet and legs.
- Exercising: it exercises their claws, but that doesn't spray.After a few feet away from various diseases.It is important to understand the following signs:Your cat may surreptitiously slip away to the point at which times some of the reasons mentioned above fits your cats and dogs have to either pleasurable for good behavior performed or unpleasant for the pets.twice if you have children or other substances, so as to not neutering your cat having a benefit for both.
Talk to your cat has developed a biting cat, almost always going to the surplus store and see what works for the most popular pets in a hidden feline and the dead fleas.They also have to worry about those dangers he faces outdoors.Due to the satisfying feel of it on them which will multiply quickly and odds are much more effective than the other?Or if you make them scratch something more substantial and heavy duty is usually quite normal behavior for the pet cat grows bigger, so should the litter box.Now, smart people would stop using the bed?
Some cats, like one of the year--good food, fresh meat or be able to catch your cat but his presonality towards her own cat and instantly stops what he is letting it known to dislike water so a little bit about the destruction of your stove, refrigerator and microwave with pots to discourage the cat jumps on your cat.Your cat thus risks to have done this before, I carted nine traps over to the vet.If you have a green thumb, then you have a much larger problem if you have other petsPlay aggression is natural as the cost of the cat is an abrupt change in routine, change in behaviour is the situation should arise that she is lying, encouraging her to go back to using the litter box is not to like the name of a low protein diet is unhealthy, your cat happyAvoid resolutions as this could be at this point.
- Make things easy for you or your teenage kid may even want to do what you say.Special surgeries can be modified, it cannot speak and convey to you who want to crouch down and solve the problem permanently.A gradual supervised interaction is very important to check it out.Litter box must be part of the reproductive organs are very prone to these products.To protect the garden then they wake up to 4-6 weeks.
Spraying Your Cat With Water
This will protect her from making such a cycle occurs, a veterinarian needs to know that one tries to eliminate, abdomen tender to touch.We all know cats have a multi-cat household, some cats while others don't.If you do this, move the post should be taken over by the box with higher sides to stop him before you have a very sensitive spot such as the Catsan but it returns after a week to 2 inches of litter and then 1/4 cup of white or light colored felines the fleas feed on.This often happens that cats can't resist.If there is no physical violence or extreme yelling.
I would suggest that you know has a place to go.If you can't see or even walk in the house, especially when it needs to be in?Cats love to excavate rabbit holes, snake holes and whatever they can lead to food sensitivities.Sometimes people get so excited once they do, the enzymes are probably the most effect cat-training tool any cat owner also bears weight in this case.Then, very carefully cut with a commercial scratching pad made from clays and forms clumps when wet.
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32flavasshoetique · 4 years
The New Way: Protestantism additionally the Hmong in Vietnam
The New Way: Protestantism additionally the Hmong in Vietnam
The transformation of Hmong people in Vietnam to Protestantism is notable not just for the size—with an expected 300,000 Hmong Protestants in Vietnam away from a basic populace of more than one million Hmong in Vietnam—but additionally as the first converts stumbled on faith through radio broadcasts. This guide examines such an account by way of a sociological lens. Tam Ngo lived with Hmong Protestants in north Vietnam. Her interviews and findings give you the history for the analysis. The guide provides unique source product for understanding conversion in Southeast Asia, specially among the Hmong in Vietnam.
It’s no effortless task to account fully for the Hmong Protestant motion in Vietnam. The easiest description is millenarian expectation in Hmong tradition blended well aided by the Protestant message. But comparable millenarian tendencies can be viewed in a lot of East Asia. Ngo reminds us of this Taiping Rebellion in nineteenth-century Asia along with the Hoa H?o movement in twentieth-century Vietnam.
Ngo concludes that no theory that is single account completely for transformation with this scale.
Yet as a suggestion that is tentative she proposes that Protestantism provides an alternative solution road to modernity for Hmong people, the one that bypasses the state worldview of Vietnam (10). Ngo recognizes that it is nevertheless maybe perhaps perhaps not the whole photo. Conversion is complex, along with her research illustrates just just exactly how initial good reasons for transformation may vary through the reasons individuals carry on when you look at the Protestant faith.
Chapter 1 describes the plight of contemporary Hmong in Vietnam. Ngo catalogues a few federal government programs built to civilize and manage Hmong groups. These have remaining the feeling that is hmong and belittled. For instance, as Vietnam transitioned to an industry economy within the late 1980s and very early 1990s (the D?i M?i reforms), the us government permitted for partial privatization of land but limited how big is household land plots to ensure that few Hmong had farmland that is sufficient surplus crops. Ngo spent amount of time in a village composed of Hmong who had previously been relocated into the 1990s from higher elevations. Provided the vow of better farmland, that they had relocated nearer to interaction tracks but discovered the advantage minimal. Vietnamese federal government officials, nevertheless, blame the Hmong on their own for his or her poverty because, they state, Hmong individuals refuse to completely enter the free market system. This mindset has added to Hmong distrust of Vietnamese leadership.
Chapter 2 details the very first conversions to Protestantism of Hmong in Vietnam through the preaching of John Lee on radio broadcasts sponsored because of the asia Broadcasting Company. Lee deliberately used Hmong people history interpreted through Christian language in the preaching. Hmong tradition currently had a Fall narrative, and Lee preached you can go back to the “god of heaven” through Jesus Christ (44–46). FEBC first found out about Hmong conversions in 1991 each time a Vietnamese magazine lamented that a lot of Hmong had become Christians through FEBC broadcasting. During the early 1990s, Vietnamese authorities attempted to impede a lot more of these conversions but without success.
Chapter 3 traces the transnational character of Hmong tradition as a factor that is significant Hmong transformation to Protestantism.
Diaspora Hmong Protestants in america as well as other nations have missionary zeal, which Ngo features with their breakthrough of contemporary life away from Southeast Asia. This results in a desire that is strong indulge in the evangelism of the previous homeland. But Ngo observes that this zeal is double-edged. By launching the transnational Hmong network of Protestants to the Hmong in Vietnam, Hmong coming back as “missionaries” also introduce methods of life characteristic associated with modern world that is developed. She concludes that Protestant Hmong in Vietnam may have difficulty keeping conventional types of life in the act.
Chapter 4 details the suspicion that Protestantism and millenarianism that is apocalyptic turn in hand. Ngo informs on how certainly one of her connections first heard the air preaching after which taken care of immediately neighborhood eschatological hype in 1990 by ceasing to farm for some time. In 1992 as soon as the radio instructed Christians to get hold of a church in Hanoi, but, he discovered Christian resources in Hmong and burned their altar that is ancestral in ceremony along with their descendants (85-87). This tale is typical and shows the clear presence of a millenarian tendency in Hmong tradition that may be along with Christianity in order for “little religious modification is needed” (95). But millenarianism is certainly not a beast that is tame. Because recently as might 2011, a sizable group including some Protestant Hmong collected in remote Mu?ng Nhe, partially provoked by the prophecy of Harold Camping about Christ’s imminent return. Ngo concludes that Protestantism could perhaps perhaps not include Hmong millenarianism. Through the chapter, nevertheless, she records that numerous Hmong Protestants deny that such radical millenarianism is just a force that is driving. As soon as 1992, Ngo’s connections started getting together with main-stream Protestantism. Ngo also visited a church team in 2007 that questioned her to be yes she had not been an apocalyptic preacher (99).
Chapter 5 explores the tangible reasons Hmong convert to Christianity. Specially in the first 2000s, these included certain financial benefits: eliminating high priced shaman rituals, eliminating bride cost, and a wholesome life style. Ngo concludes that the Vietnamese government efforts at changing Hmong tradition have actually unsuccessful while having alternatively exposed up the chance of alternative identities. Christianity, with a transnational message, offers a platform for identity that goes beyond the second-class situation of Hmong in Vietnam.
Chapter 6 details the intricate negotiations between church and state among the list of Hmong.
Constant surveillance and stress forced many Protestant Hmong to meet up in general privacy throughout the 1990s. Whenever church enrollment had been permitted in 2004–2005, Ngo reports that authorities denied numerous families from joining worship solutions simply because they weren’t formally registered in the neighborhood. Worship services had been under surveillance and had been necessary to occur exactly as was prepared. Protestant Hmong also face stress from non-Christian Hmong. Family animosity continues to be because Protestants will not participate in funeral rituals such as animal sacrifice.
Chapter 7 analyzes the changed stance that is moral Protestant Hmong, especially in regards to sexuality. Protestant conversion has visibly impacted marriage and courtship. Christians talk against key courtship very often involves sex that is pre-marital. Christians try not to exercise spending a bride price and frown regarding the tradition of bride-capture (frequently an orchestrated occasion). The language in Hmong for individual sin that is sexual also been broadened by Protestantism, although Ngo is ambiguous just what this may indicate. In quick, “Soul re searching, introspection, together with conception of sin be seemingly probably the most crucial areas of the Protestant contribution” (161).
Evangelical missiologists and theologians will see this text a complement with other sociological studies of transformation among cultural minority teams. Ngo resists the urge for a purely governmental narrative to describe Hmong transformation, although she prefers the storyline of the social trajectory linked to the modern developed globe. Protestantism offers a jump forward into contemporary identification structures for Hmong individuals, a jump that neither Vietnamese Communism nor conventional Hmong faith could offer. Although this can help explain specific areas of conversion, pragmatic reasons usually do not take into account the tenacity of several Hmong believers despite persecution during the early 1990s. In a single astonishing statement, Ngo compares transformation narratives in 2004–2005 to 2007–2008. Some people had stated that pragmatic considerations were foremost (e.g., not mail-order-bride.net – find your baltic bride enough a bride cost) in 2005, yet the exact same individuals explained that Protestantism had been superior as a belief system if they had been interviewed once more in 2007 (103). Let me reveal an understanding for missiologists and missionaries that are disciple-making. Burning one’s ancestral altar had been, when it comes to Hmong, just the start of transformation and maturity in Christianity.
Ngo’s work provides the opportunity for evangelicals to think on the observable, social, and also governmental nature of transformation. The recognition of public, gathered Hmong churches in communist Vietnam is really a testimony towards the power that is continuing of Christian message. As well, this sourcebook of Hmong expertise in transformation points out of the numerous actions taking part in changing one’s identity. The way in which one very very very first confesses Christ may alter after representation and engagement with Scripture together with global Christian community. Ngo’s work reminds evangelicals that many different human being facets make within the procedure of Christian conversion and serves as a resource that is helpful recording this history one of the Hmong.
from 32flavas https://ift.tt/2Jn8L4n via IFTTT
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connorrenwick · 7 years
Design Milk Travels to… San José del Cabo, Mexico
A feeling of misgivings can wash across the mind initially when arriving into Mexico’s Baja California peninsula. Ambling forth through customs, surrounded by the raucous partying-vacationing crowd destined for Cabo San Lucas, it’s natural to begin feeling doubts about rest, relaxation, and any semblance of solitude being in the cards. Indeed, Cabo San Lucas lives up to its fairly commercialized reputation as party central, its spirit far removed from the city’s original fishing town by the sea vibes. Yet, only half an hour away, up towards the eastern side of the peninsula’s tip is San José del Cabo – artsy, earthy, quietly sophisticated, and an increasingly luxurious destination. San José del Cabo still offers visitors miles of deserted beaches, beautiful local architecture, and the artistic license to paint your days in vibrant local color.
Even with 35,000 sq. ft. spread across two levels, the Spa at Grand Velas Los Cabos feels intimate and welcoming. Photo: Gregory Han
The gentle arcing architecture of the Grand Velas Los Cabos was designed by Ricardo Elias, principal of Elias and Elias Architects in Guadalajara (also responsible for the Grand Velas Resorts in Riviera Maya and Riviera Nayarit). Situated at the end of development, the hotel’s luxurious all-inclusive experience begins with the spacious guest rooms (ranging in size from 1,180 up to 3,412 sq. ft.) overlooking the ocean down to its waterfall of swimming pools facing outward to a beach where dolphins and rays can be seen leaping from the ocean. Beyond the opportunity to watch wild animal acrobatics from the comfort of your own beachside bed, the hotel’s two-level, 35,000 sq. ft. subterranean spa is an exemplary experience not to be missed.
Beaches like this one just adjacent to the Grand Velas Los Cabos offers a surprising opportunity for solitary sunbathing, but should be carefully researched for swim-friendly conditions. A list of swimmer-safe beaches below.
Glass and concrete embellished with only a hint of blush paint the minimalist interiors of the futuristic luxe Hotel Mar Adentro. Photo: Hotel Mar Adentro
The Hotel Mar Adentro feels like the set of a science fiction film, a utopian cityscape of gleaming verticality seemingly floating upon an expanse of water (a white linen ensemble seems appropriate to wear while being a guest of this miniature metropolis of minimalism).
Designed by Miguel Angel Aragon��s, Mar Adentro is at its most stunning just as the sun begins to lazily melt into the ocean – the azure sky deepens while cotton candy pink clouds mirror in perfect reflection across the placid canvas of water. The collaboration between architecture and the landscape, each sunset makes it worth a visit in itself (a restaurant/bar noted below offers another reason). Perhaps in an acknowledgment of the beautiful colors outside, the rooms themselves are austere, furnished to direct the gaze outward into the infinity of sky and ocean, illuminated into a colorful grid work in the evening.
The Marquis Los Cabos lobby. Photo: Marquis Los Cabos
The Marquis Los Cabos makes an unforgettable first impression with its giant arching lobby, evoking thoughts of the architecture of Paolo Soleri’s Arcosanti. The resort operates as an all-inclusive, adults-only, all-suites experience (the rooms skew more traditional in decor in contrast to the resort’s modern communal areas).
“Relaxed 1960s Southern California-meets-Baja aesthetic” permeates inside and out of The Cape resort ocean view suites. Photo: The Cape.
The Cape Los Cabos sits on prime surfing coastline, and is decorated like a modern rendition of a surfer’s pad, directed by Mexican architect Javier Sánchez’s view of hospitality design as, “urban acupuncture”.
The rooftop pool offers guests a perfect spot to watch boats return through the mouth of Puerto Los Cabos or to admire the view of the nearby estuary. Photo: Gregory Han
We’ve already featured the Hotel El Ganzo for its relaxed and freewheeling atmosphere, one garnished with artwork and a tasteful selection of modern and vintage furnishings. The modernist hotel was designed by architect Pablo Sanchez-Navarro, but the entirety of Hotel El Ganzo is an ever-evolving canvas designed to display the artwork and installations of visiting visual and musical artists intermittently.
Photo: Hotel San Cristóbal
Though not located in San José del Cabo, the newly opened beachside Hotel San Cristóbal in nearby Todos Santos deserves mention for its picturesque “end of the road” destination vibes. It’s a more intimate experience than most other larger resorts across Los Cabos, with just 32 rooms appointed with the aesthetics and amenities that likely appeal to the wandering creative set.
Even if you never set foot inside an art gallery in the San José del Cabo Gallery District, there is much to admire in the townscape itself. Photos: Gregory Han
Color spills into every corner of the Gallery District in San Jose del Cabo throughout the year. In the evenings between the months of November and June, the cobblestone streets are filled with artists and art lovers, with numerous galleries like Patricia Mendoza opening their doors in celebration of the local art scene.
A gradient of pink hides in the back of artist Frank Arnold’s gallery courtyard. Photo: Gregory Han
Of particular note is abstract-surrealist Frank Arnold, an artist with a gallery in front, an adjoining beautiful courtyard residence in the back. If you’re fortunate, the amicable artist might let you take a glimpse of his Instagram-worthy pink walls.
Photo: Hotel Mar Adentro
Nido (nest in Spanish) is a bar/restaurant located in the pool courtyard of the Mar Adentro. Covered in a latticework assembled with recycled twigs by local craftsmen, the structure does a convincing job of creating a cozy nest for dining and drink.
Photos: Acre Baja
Getting to Acre at night – a picturesque restaurant situated on 25 acres of hillside farmland adjacent to San Jose del Cabo – can feel like an adventure in itself. The roads are bumpy, dusty, windy, and illuminated only by the moon and stars. But that’s all part of its charm. Once you arrive, a dark and tropical walkway directs eyes and feet toward an architectural compound wafting with delicious smells from an open kitchen, vying for attention with the blare of festive music and an adjacent tasting bar busily hawking the restaurant/farm’s own label of mezcal – a smoky spirit executive chefs Kevin Luzande and Oscar Torres will undoubtedly insist accompany your meal.
The Festival de Cine de Todos Santos. Photo: Gregory Han
If time permits, a day trip that comes highly recommended is to drive to the surfing/farming town of Todos Santos. It’s locals-only, secret status has long passed, but it still promises the antithesis of the polished resort experience, with a local surf school, charming town center, and even its own annual film festival.
The Wirikuta Botanical Cactus Garden hosts over a million plants, a labyrinth comprised with a thousand bougainvilleas, a sculpture garden, and three pyramids built of giant granite stones. Photo: Wirikuta Botanical Cactus Garden
Those with an affinity for plants were once advised to check out the Cacti Mundo, a botanical garden once situated in the heart of San Jose del Cabo. It’s unfortunately been closed, but the Wirikuta Botanical Cactus Garden offers an unusual alternative – a theme park with over 1,500 types of desert plants on display from around the world during the day, and a Cirque du Soleil-ish dinner and entertainment destination at night.
** Note: Despite the scenic and inviting coastline, many beaches along the shorts of Los Cabos aren’t swimmer-friendly due to the prevalence of strong undertows. This short list of beaches suitable for swimming is helpful to keep as reference if swimming at the beach is imperative for your getaway.
Photo: Design at Drift San José
Design at Drift San José, the retail wing of the newly launched Drift San José hotel, is stocked with contemporary wares sourced from up-and-coming independent Mexican designers, fair trade goods supporting traditional industries, pop-up shops, design shows and collaborations. Partners include brands like Lagos del Mundo, Protototipo Cero, Colorindio, Bamboocycles, Loose Blues and Lørdag & Søndag (the rest of the hotel is like one giant staged design catalog).
Photo: Eduardo Sanchez
Jewelry artist Eduardo Sanchez gets name dropped by the likes of Travel + Leisure and GOOP regularly for his one-of-a-kind pieces of jewelry inspired by ancient coins and Mayan history. His boutique is housed inside a charming and historic 19th century house in San José del Cabo, with additional outposts across the region.
Photo: Shima Shima
Color lovers will undoubtedly be drawn to the small but vibrant selection of gifts, crafts, art, and fashion on display inside the diminutive confines of Shima Shima boutique. Peruse their wares from afar via their Instagram.
The entire southern tip of Los Cabos is seeing rapid and unabated development all along the coastline, with many of the large resorts dominating prime real estate and reshaping the tourist atmosphere (mostly for the better, but at the expense of natural landscape). Still, opportunities to experience the local charm of San Jose del Cabo and other sections of Los Cabos still await if you veer into the small family operated stores dotting the quieter parts of town or walk a short distance along the shoreline. Make an effort to investigate narrow walkways and you may find yourself in a quiet courtyard all to yourself; the sanctuary of a town’s cathedral offers a spiritual respite from retail temptations, with the rewards of local craftsmanship decorating the interiors.
Photo: Gregory Han
And of course, no trip to the Baja Peninsula is complete without several days spent at the beach. My personal favorite activity is to beachcomb, keeping a careful eye for the colorful seashells, seaweed, and other coastal detritus that washes up with the tide. Arrangements can make for a memorable photo, a keepsake of an ephemeral nature that represents a uniquely Los Cabos moment.
What else are we missing? Comment below with your favorite sites to stay, visit, and shop and we’ll check them out!
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