#(making that comparison bc I love logan. to be clear)
ri-ahhh · 4 years
i swear the only thing the twins talk about lately is that they are vegan. like I respect if someone is vegetarian, vegan or eats meat whatever but it become a weird obsession that a lot of people aren’t interested in. I used to like their pod when they talked about music and stories and stuff but now it’s really not it :(
Oh my god. Okay.
I’m not sure if this is the same anon who always sends me something when twins talk about veganism on THEIR podcast, or if there’s more than one, but I really don’t know wtf any of you want me to say to this. I feel like you just want to start shit and so I usually ignore it but I’ll finally give in to it this one time.
Let’s get the obvious wtf factor out of the way — I’m vegan and I have been for over six years. That’s not a secret and if you took the time to send me this ask, then you definitely know it bc it’s literally in my bio. Im never going to shit on them for talking about it; I love it. I think it’s awesome that the twins use THEIR podcast to talk about it. It’s something they’re also passionate about, and they’re more than entitled to make it a focal point of topics that they want to showcase on THEIR podcast.
Whether you like the comparison or not, the twins are going through a transition very similar to that of Logan Paul’s when he started his podcast. They’re moving away from childish bs and making career moves into discussing things that interest and motivate them as adults. They’ve made it abundantly clear that the podcast is the new direction of their content, and they’ve explicitly listed topics that they want to focus on, veganism being one of them. If you have such a problem with accepting that, then no one is making you watch or listen to it. There are literally millions of other podcasts taking about the things you say you want to hear.
Which also brings up a couple of points that really irritate me about this. One being, not every episode has been about veganism and not every episode will be about it. Literally all you have to do is not listen to the episodes that it is a main topic of. It’s really that easy. Way easier than forcing yourself to listen to it just so you can come on here and act butthurt about it, I promise.
The other — if your whole takeaway from this episode in particular was that you’re annoyed they talked about veganism, might I suggest you get your head out of your ass and re-listen to it. How is that your issue when they discussed much more serious topics like toxic masculinity and systemic misogyny, especially in western armed forces; the realities for women living it truly patriarchal societies in which they can be raped and have the child from that rape given to the rapist’s parents, not be allowed jobs, etc; the ruthless poaching of endangered species? While veganism was a focal point, it wasn’t the only one and they said in the first minute of the show that it would come up. So you definitely could have peaced out, or taken the vegan comments with a grain of salt. That’s what I do when they spout off Joe Biden stuff like he’s god’s savior sent to America.
My closing statement is as follows: stop watching or listening to their podcast if you can’t keep an open mind about the fact that not everything the twins are interested in or passionate about is something you will be too. They’re grown ass men living their best lives and making the content they want.
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literatigifs · 4 years
Anonymous asked: We really don't see Logan go from I want to party with my friends and hookup to I love this girl, nor do I get when he goes so hard in pursuing her (the LDB stunts etc) and then tells her he won't ask her our bc he's not a relationship guy. One thing I've always loved about lit's relationship is that we get to see Jess talking about Rory with Luke and I've always found those convos super illuminating and obviously just great scenes bc they have a great dynamic in general
I agree. I feel like throughout the entirety of Logan's relationship with Rory, we never even get one scene I think where we see him talk about his feelings about Rory with someone else. All we ever get about him is usually through Rory, even scenes that are him arguing with his father are somewhat connected to her. And this isn't an issue necessarily, it's just that to me it makes it hard to emotionally connect with his character or to even understand why he sometimes does the things he does, like suddenly agreeing to date Rory or going from loves job his father gives him -> has an issue in said job -> bails on everything and goes partying again -> decides to quit said job and branch out from his father's work. And as far as I know his fans only love saying that he did those things, but it doesn't matter what the details are even if we practically never get them. In comparison, so much of Jess's reactions or feelings towards Rory/Luke/Liz are made clear to us by various scenes that sometimes include Rory, but not always. I do think that Jess's connection to Luke is what helps us see more of him as an individual character and not just as Rory's boyfriend, but I also feel like we also just get to see more of how he feels about Rory even just from the scenes they share together. I guess maybe it's because it took a longer time for them to get together after meeting for the first time, but everything about Jess's behavior is obvious and in a lot of moments, it visibly mirrors Rory's (their jealousy/anger towards each other in the Dance marathon, their shyness and awkwardness afterwards).
Basically all of Logan's scope as a character is mainly limited to his relationship with Rory, and as the show goes on it becomes clear that some aspects of his character or development don't even matter that much to the writers because his relationship is the sole thing that is important. I guess at the end of the day this of course doesn't stop people from loving Logan, which is their thing and I can understand that, but to me there's always going to be more weight to Jess's feelings and actions mainly because we get to see him do these things even when he's not with Rory.
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