#(nix pulling an gun like i know this is also stupid but i'm going to empty this whole clip to try feeling better now)
godzexperiment · 1 year
nix 100% could fill multiple notebooks with both fully formed and completly not even half formed ideas to kill his maker (especially in verses/moods where it's like 'so help me if that piece of shit goes back on it and returns i'm going to be real furious' *cough* the ones where it was an especially horrific existence up in heaven especially *cough*)
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rebelwrites · 3 years
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Chapter Four: Red Put The Knife Down - Lola
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Falling For Red Masterlist
This Months Writing
“Maddox I swear on everything that is holy” I shouted “if you don’t get your fat ass off me I will shove the controller where the sun doesn’t shine and it won’t be pleasant”
“I don’t know Red, he might enjoy it” Nix smirked.
“Still not moving, she’s in my spot and she knows it” Maddox huffed. “It’s the best spot in the house”
“I don’t care, I'm not moving. I’m comfy now piss off” I smirked digging my elbow into his back making him growl.
My mood instantly dropped as Jacob strolled into the living room. The moment I saw his face I wanted to punch him, shoot him, stab him. He got under my skin and he fucking knew it. I think that’s why he was around so much because he was sick and twisted and more than likely got off to seeing me suffer.
“Blade what the fuck is your brother doing here?” I snapped, trying so hard not to reach for one of the many guns or knives hidden in this house.
“He is staying with us tonight” he said walking out the room.
“Did he just say what I think he said?” I asked, not to anyone in particular.
“I think he did Princess” Axel sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. He knew things would end in blood. It always did.
“Maddox get off me” I snapped, shoving him off me, causing him to land on the floor with a thud. He knew what was good for him so he stayed silent.
“Why do you do this to me Blade?” I growled following him into the kitchen. Yes take him to the places with all the knives
“You know I don’t like him” I spat trying to remain calm.
“You used to be nicer Lola” Jacob sighed.
The boys could hear everything from the living room. But they were talking so loud I could hear them.
“Please tell me I just didn’t hear him call her Lola?” Maddox said, his eyes were proballybudging out of his head right now and Axel and Phoenix were already on their feet. Either way this was the distraction I needed to grab a large and extremely sharp butchers knife from the block.
“She is so gonna kill him” Axel sighed as they ran into the kitchen.
“Red put the knife down” Phoenix roared. “I don’t wanna have to clean blood out of the grout again”
I didn’t say anything, I just smirked just taking a step forward, twirling the knife in my hand.
“Fuck it” Axel mumbled as his body slammed me into the ground. “Princess, give me the knife god damn it”
“No” I snapped “why should I?” Just let me stab him!
“Because you are gonna stab him” Axel snapped.
Well duh!
“Damn right I am” I snarled, thrashing about under his body weight, but he was twice my weight so it was a struggle, however I didn’t stop, I knew I could overthrow his power, especially when I was this angry.
“Guys, a bit of help here” Axel shouted over his shoulder.
I knew Axel was strong but when I was enraged this much it alway took at least three of them to restrain me.
Within minutes I was being pinned down, by Axel, Nix and Maddox as they prised the knife out of my grip.
“Now Princess if we get off you, you promise not to do anything stupid” Axel whispered brushing his knuckles across my cheek, trying to calm me down. Normally it would work but not today.
“Define stupid?”
“Nix grab her” Maddox nodded as he got off me.
The moment I wasn’t being pinned down, Nix threw me over his shoulder.
“Put me down asshole” I screamed as he carried me through the house and to my room. I didn’t stop thumping his back, and I knew I would be leaving bruises, not that you would ever see it through the amount of ink he had. It wasn’t until I was thrown onto her bed Istopped screaming.
“Right get changed” Nix growled, throwing some clothes at me.
“Just do as I say and I won’t punch you” he said biting his tongue. “Please” he whispered.
“Fine where are we going?” I asked quickly, changing into the clothes he tossed in my face.
“To blow off some steam in a way other than sex” Nix said more calmly tossing my running trainers at my face.
“So a run then” I said, shoving my feet into the shoes without untying the laces.
“Yuup” Nix nodded “don’t worry I won’t get you up at five am tomorrow”
Without saying a word I stormed out of the room, and stomped downstairs, growling with each step I took, they all needed to know how pissed off I was.
“He best not fucking be here when I get back” I shouted pulling the front door open “if he is you will have a body to dispose of”
The front door slammed behind me, leaving the house in a deathly silence.
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As soon as I got home, I stormed downstairs to the basement. I was still extremely pissed off and needed to punch someone or something. So I did the next best thing and was going to beat the shit out of a punch bag.
“Fucking piece of shit”
“No one calls me Lola”
“Lola was weak”
“Lola was pathetic”
“Lola is fucking dead”
“Princess” Axel whispered standing behind me.
“What” I growled, spinning around, narrowing my eyes at him.
“Brought you a drink” Axel smiled holding the bottle of water in the air.
“Thanks babe” I nodded, taking the bottle from him.
Axel didn’t say anything as he wrapped his arms around me placing a tender kiss on the top of my head.
“Stop it” he whispered “stop thinking of the past. It’s just gonna make you angrier”
“I can’t Ax” I mumbled resting her head against his shoulder. “It just reminds that I can’t run from the feeling of being weak and pathetic”
“We shall have less of that thank you” Axel said lifting my chin so he was looking into my green eyes. “You are far from weak and definitely not pathetic. Princess you are one of the best agents in this house and you give us all a run for our money”
“Nope, not listening” he smirked “now come on come back upstairs, you know it’s movie night”
“Is he still here?” I asked.
“No, he and Blade have gone out” Axel smiled.
“I don’t want to, I want to stay down here,” I nodded. I knew I was acting like a child that had just been told no, but I didn’t care. I didn’t want to leave the home gym. At least I could punch things down here.
“Not even if I’ve told you I’ve ordered a Chinese?” He smirked, raising his brow at me knowing full well I would never turn down a Chinese.
“Did you order that crispy shredded chicken I like?” I asked, dropping my guard, reconsidering my options.
“I ordered three boxes of it” he smirked. “So are you coming back upstairs?”
“Do I get cuddles?” I pouted making him laugh.
“Yes Princess you get cuddles” Axel smiled.
Axel couldn’t help but smirk as he threw his arm around my shoulder as they headed back upstairs.
Yes I am a trained killer, I was deadly and a complete badass. But I also lived for cuddles off my boys and only they got to see the softer side of their Red.
@chibsytelford @everyhowlmarksthedead @talicat713 @little-diable @band--psycho @mrsmarvelous1995
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