#(no it's not glkjdfhgihdfh)
voloswag · 2 years
some worldbuilding snippets continuing off the last post im sorry this barely even feels like a pokemon blog anymore but here I am. for every word I add to this post I am having to remind myself that cringe is dead, cringe is dead, I am actually sooooo sexy and powerful for putting my silly brain creations out for the world to see! and volo is there so it’s still relevant anyway, it’s fiiiine
but anyway yes. some worldbuilding, specifically about the ‘deities’ of the setting (which isn’t strictly the ironsworn setting cus I’m also throwing in tons of salvaged bits of my old dead headworld)
cue incoherent ramblings after the cut!
this setting’s equivalent to gods would be the celestial bodies, which from strongest to weakest are suns > moons > stars. real world astronomy has no power here, don’t worry about it
every celestial body is/was a very powerful living, sentient being with a life cycle and everything. the planet the characters live on is a horrific mishmash of ‘stars’ that have been so tightly jam packed and fused together by the moons that over time the biggest, oldest of these stars have lost their consciousness and become nothing more than forces of nature; the earth, the ocean, the air/atmosphere... yknow, the basic elements
however there is One ye olden god that is very desperately clinging to what trace of individuality and consciousness it has left, and as it weaves in and out of consciousness it can influence the dreams of its descendants and it is trying to manipulate them into doing its bidding with the end goal of gaining a new body, as right now it’s basically just....... haunting the blood of its descendants. all of their blood. it’s in there snoozing!
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