#(oh my god just literally tell him you're at an applebee's)
aforrestofstuff · 2 years
Forrest's Expert Chapter Reviews (166): The Super-Duper Crying in the Bathtub Special Edition!!
Murata released a chapter today. People died.
(BTW there are webcomic spoilers in here so read at your own risk. Thanks! Please enjoy. You're required to by law.)
I just want everyone to know this chapter came out at like 9am (Yeehaw Standard Time) this morning; I was just getting through my routine, sitting down for breakfast. I heard the Discord notification on my phone. I got excited, looking to read this delightful manga with my Frosted Flakes, then I open to this fucking shit on the first page and I put my spoon down and had to sit there for ten fucking minutes to fight these demons.
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Hey dawg what the fuck haha
Okay sure, the adults can get a billion tumors in ten minutes and fall over and die but when it happens to the kids??? I dont like that!! I mean this in an affectionate "you broke my heart" sort of way, by the by. I like that the fandom-appointed dads were the first to drop down and help. I like that Zombieman canonically has stubby fucking hands. I like that we get this interaction between him and Isamu. It was painful to look at but I don't hate that it happened. Yep.
I'm gonna be real honest and admit my media illiteracy here, I thought the reason Saitama had a nosebleed in the last chapter was because Garou clocked his shit, and the reason Badd got his nosebleed was that, through a series of complex equations and reaches, Batarou is canon. However, none of those are true, and turns out they're all just getting super-duper radiation poisoning and I'm not sure Saitama's 3 years of working out made him immune to cancer but we'll see about that.
Side note: Badd is one of the only ones who felt the effects of the radiation before everyone else did. Badd also has "dynamic vision" and superb reflexes. You know that scene in Infinity War where, after the snap, Peter Parker can feel it long before he actually disappears due to his spider-sense? Where am I going with this.
Badd has spider sense babeyyy kachow !
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Side side note: You know who else felt the effects of the radiation before Saitama and Badd? That's right baby!
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"I can feel it in my skin" dawg that's the cancer LMAOOO
Side side side note: Now that we're on the topic of Zombieman (again), it makes sense that he's not immune to the radiation because it's probably killing his cells faster than he can regenerate. That, and he's fucking exhausted at this point. Still though... I'll bet he was the last one standing as all his coworkers collapsed around him. Reminds me of after-work parties at Applebee's haha kachow
I was right when I said Blast would come beat Garou's ass... but at what cost.
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Also, I thought he'd bring the Justice League but I guess they've got better fucking shit to do??? Than fight GOD??? LITERAL GOD?? Okay.
Also Bang telling God to give Garou back haha this is not a tear falling down my cheek it's just... spinal fluid...
So, Garou is definitely not being 100% controlled by God but he is being influenced in some capacity, so I can see this kinda growing into an intense fear/trauma of being manipulated/controlled in post-arc Garou. Especially during the neo-heroes arc when Suiryu attempts to capture him.
When Garou sobers after being beaten by Saitama and he sees what he’s done, it’s a mixed bag of emotions. We know he isolates himself post-arc--he already is in the manga with Tareo because he thinks the closer he gets to those he cares for, the more he’ll hurt them. With that being said, will he self-isolate in the manga because he becomes scared of himself? With all his introspection and meditating under waterfalls, will he come to think that all he does is hurt those he cares about? Will he think he doesn’t deserve to love anyone? Find out next time on Forrest Learns How to Read!
I love the idea of Garou spiraling into a self-loathing cocoon because seeing him in pain brings me joy and--yes, he's one of my favorite characters. Why do you ask?
. ok
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um. anyways.
haha cool
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oh. he's holding Genos' heart. 👍
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I'm on my knees praying for christ to strike me down right now.
Ok I'm done with this bit lmao I kinda wanted to build comedic suspense but I can't commit. I'm gonna write an essay on Genos' "death" now.
Really hard to believe he's actually dead and that's ONE's damn fault for faking us out at least twice before (Mumen Rider, Tanktop Master) so I'm not really feeling the suspense to this. ("durrrr but there's not gonna be suspense!! tHat'S wHaT sAiTaMA is FOr!!!" you Redditors are fucking dorks and I hate you.)
BUT. I could be wrong and if I am, feel free to send a dark web hitman my way and strike me down for good!
Regardless, if (when) Genos comes back, he's not gonna be the same. He shouldn't be the same because then what the fuck was all that for?? Anywho, I'm kinda feeling an amnesia storyline? Is he even going to remember this? Is he even going to--gasp--remember Saitama?
Half his fucking brain is gone. As far as we know, having his entire conscience saved to the cloud requires at LEAST 20$ of iCloud per month and we know Kuseno's cheap ass ain't gonna pay for that so, what's he gonna do? Make do, baby!
ONE loves his opposites, loves his narrative foils. Genos has been wanting to get closer to Saitama the entire manga and if the tables turn to Saitama wanting to get closer to Genos during his recovery, out of guilt, maybe, then I think that'll be really interesting. Genos and Garou have been mirroring each other in a lot of ways; I think they're going to have a similar "finding oneself" post-arc.
Either that or Genos is going to be like every upper-middle-class white guy's mystery Mercedes: perpetually "in the shop" until the end of time, dead but dreaming.
So, aside from that: Garou purposefully ripped Genos' heart out because he knew it would make Saitama get serious. Saitama then holds Genos' heart in one hand and beats Garou with the other........... Saigenos Fans please spare Batarou Nation some crumbs PLEASE we haven't eaten for WEEKS (good for you though).
In conclusion:
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I should've never learned how to fucking read.
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unsleepingtales · 4 months
Ok I did not have a chance to watch the ep last night and I’m mildly hungover today but woo! FHJY party time!
17’s not bad!
A goddess with one cleric, one follower, and a shrimp allergy
KrisFIG Applebees
Oh Cassandra is in literal physical shards? Great. Fantastic.
Everyone here... makes steel. And I think that's wonderful. (Still one of the best moments I've ever seen)
You're doing a better job 😭
She LOST money
Very fucked up white russian
This is what they drink in the jungle!
They're so silly I love them so much
'I don't do this to you' zac started playing it out and beardsley immediately felt so guilty
Oooh love a full moon dice cleanse!
Ohh he's the church guy
It's filled with water 😡
I'm glad at least one of them also feels weird about tricking someone who really doesn't want to drink into drinking.
"You gotta go right to their house and tell the Applebees house and tell them that their daughter's good"
"He must have repented an-" "Oh nooooo"
You should go to hell sometime! It's really fun!!
It must actually be so lovely for Kristen to hear her friends talk about her with so much love <3
Hellhound!Hangman!!!! <3<3<3 So cute I love him
I love the idea that instead of advisories or anything the yearbooks are grouped by party
Really idiosyncratic high fives. Incredible.
A Gardener's Dozen!!
What is this guy's vibe. I can't clock the vibe.
This blue dragonborn is hot I haven't even seen art
OH THERE'S THE ART yep he's hot.
The energy, the conjuration glyph tattoos.......
Hi Skrank!
Riiiiight dragonborn. Hoards. Etc
I love Siobhan's collar pins so much. I need more collar pins.
That's SO cool.
Adaine. Fig's not infectious Oisin is distracted by you.
That 'I'm so tired' came from Brennan's soul
What the FUCK are you two TALKING about
ohhh I've been bested :|
y'all Kalina is currently discorporated
Watching Brennan's physicality change through that speech was great
ok but guys. Ragh taking a cleric level would not be the worst thing
AWWWWW 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
I love them SO much
I love friends that steal each other's clothes it is true and real
The High 5 Heroes! Ok!
Ok what happened to Lucy Frostblade
We're not in the library you can't rip pages out!
Are they still in the party? They weren't wearing pins right? Are they so intense because they already had to go pass/fail for a year when some of them left the party??
Kristen I love you to the ends of the earth. But why do you love the steelworkers plant so much.
What are you DOING
Ohoho spreading the message. For a second I was convinced they were gonna say spreading the gospel. And that would have been weird.
Isn't Max a senior?
Girl what if she's DEAD????
Someone tagged his house :((
He has to live here tomorrow :((
Babe are you sure you want to be the party house?
One last time?? What are you gonna do to the page?
So glad I'm not the only one who had the what if she's dead thought
'I am compartmentalizing in a way that makes me think I will be doing this the rest of my life' OUCH. You can't just say that man c'mon.
Fabian had a signed copy of catcher in the rye????
Reliable Talent is so neat
Yeah it's a utopia
You could make a really campy entrance oh my GOD
That's the ice muffets drunk adaine you have my heart
Fuck yeah Fig
Mazey is so cool.
With tears in her eyessss
Mazey is a cig figs fan!!! Love that for her!
I love some exploration of bardic power. It's so delightful. Art resonates with the universe!!
Love Gorgug running some interference
Ok so just bc they're not wearing the pins doesn't mean they're not still in the party.
Oh god what did they do
Put it in the hangvan make it a plane
Are we not allowed to take drugs?? We murder people!
Adaine is actually sleeping!!! Oh I just read a great fic about elves and sleeping vs trancing.
Gertie Bladeshield is so pretty
Hell yeah Gertie
If we get the bees on our side we'll be unstoppable 😭
Oh shit she can't cast right now?? I mean yeah that makes sense but oh god.
Jawbone is her UNCLE. BABE.
Oh noooooo
Adaine Abernant I love you so much <3
HAVE A GREAT LIFE?????? You live in the same HOUSE
Aelwyn what are you up to
Oh damn ok so it might not be a pass/fail issue
Is it?? is it perfectly put??
A real dark night of the soul :(
Emily with her legs curled up at the table she's just like me fr
Ohhhh no ok
Oh fun have downtime rules changed?
oh GOD the red gems are back
fun episode gang :)
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intervieweird · 3 years
He had known that call, hooking itself into his mind like a long white finger: crooking, come. 
So he does - or he searches - mortal faces blurring into a smear of color, and Daniel pushes past them, through them, chasing the ancient resonant voice behind his eyes as much as he had ever learned to run from it. He laughs suddenly, in the crowd, at the thought of it - and the crowd parts around him, fins flashing, scales of jewelry catching the light - and surges together again once they pass. Oh, but it’s so fucking funny, because he finally gets the punchline.
And he’d come, hadn’t he, whenever he’d felt that old, persistent tug? Because Daniel had learned to love him, because he could draw the flat, subtle shape of Marius’ mouth when he worried, because he’d felt the debt burning holes in his pockets. 
He shuffles through the riot of seething, human heat around him, shoulders shrugged up against his ears. This is what Armand had done, hadn’t he? Rifling through hundreds of teeming minds as carelessly as a tape-deck, his beringed fingers crawling over the smudged, half-glimpsed images of himself, a composite cobbled from a dozen different eyes. Funny, how he’d broken into fractals of himself, pieced back clumsily together with modeling glue and the scrape of a brush. And yet he doubts Marius had ever actually liked cubism. 
The swell of thought maddens Daniel. The chattering crush floods him, turning, turning, turning. He’s blinded by flashbulb impressions of white-blonde hair and the crooning murmur of a man that lived, and lived, and lived and the red below it and the red in his blood and the red strokes of paint and he had remembered a conversation once about how the red he knew was not the red that had been, and Daniel had dreamed of beetles in scarlet shimmering carapaces crawling under his skin because he had been red and raw and red  —  and he finds him. Marius, the Roman, blood of his blood, the ancient one, lingering in this upscale Manhattan bar full of the low hum of conversation. Of all the gin joints in all the towns in the world... And somehow, somehow Daniel still wonders if he’s wearing red. He opens the door.
His eyes flash, refracting the low light and glinting too brightly as he churns forward in wolfish, loping strides. Someone else has dressed him, someone else who loved him and would not let him wither away in fraying, filthy band tees and worn acid wash jeans. His pelvis abuts the bar, his narrow, high hips in black, expensive denim. It looks brand new. There’s a faint smell of aftershave clinging to the square points of his jaw, and the coiling smoke of menthol behind his teeth. His mouth quirks, hovering on the edge of something. 
“Hey, good-lookin’.” 
You could’ve given me the name.
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