#(suck at buttonholes but at least i'm done for now)
lacomandante · 7 months
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GAH sorry for being AWOL I promise I'm still here I've just got lots of exciting news!!
Assumpta asked me to stay for a month with her to help finish organizing and scanning her archive!!! I'll be there from late March-late April
After buying my ticket Assumpta then asked me to stay longer bc she wants to take me to Gerona with her!!!!! Thank god I bought a flexible ticket but girl could you not have planned that before
Jason Salkey and I have been talking and in the near future I may very well be meeting up with and helping him with his Sharpe archive (SCREAMING)
If I do end up staying longer in Spain, there's a huge reenactment ball for the Victory of 1812 (when Madrid was liberated). I've been invited to go but have nothing to wear and have been frantically sewing this past week for something to at least wear on the off chance I do get to go
Also I have a ton of Sharpe artwork I've been working on but all this news effectively made me pause, at least until I get some sewing done LOL
Thank you for bearing with me ilu all and I will try and be more active on the dash I am just frantically trying to get as much done as possible!!
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