#(this didn't) (a real struggle to find a decent moment to gif and this wasn't it but I was trying for so long so I settled)
arabela25 1 year
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Non-qualifiers of semi-final 1
Dance (Our Own Party), The Busker - Malta 馃嚥馃嚬
Aij膩, Sudden Lights - Latvia 馃嚤馃嚮
We Are One, Wild Youth - Ireland 馃嚠馃嚜
Tell Me, TuralTuranX - Azerbaijan 馃嚘馃嚳
Burning Daylight, Mia Nicolai & Dion Cooper - The Netherlands 馃嚦馃嚤
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one-boring-person 4 years
I Trust You.
Marko (The Lost Boys) x Chiraptophobic!reader
Warnings: very vague mention of abuse, but they do not apply to the reader necessarily.
Context: The reader suffers from chiraptophobia (the fear of physical human contact/touch) and has somehow found themself in a friendship with Marko, who has somehow managed to understand how to not constantly need to touch his friend to show affection, until they take a ride on the Ferris wheel.
A/N: This was interesting to write, so j hope it's turned out alright. I guess I took a little inspiration from Death Stranding's Sam, but I thought it would be fun to do which it was. I hope it's enjoyable!馃槉馃挍
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It took Marko weeks to finally figure out why I always shied away from his advances, why I'd stared uncomfortably at his offered hand until he withdrew it when he'd tried to shake mine in greeting, why I always wore gloves even in the suffocatingly hot summer air (despite him doing the same), and why I wouldn't go near people I don't know personally, often doing my hardest to steer clear of others in general. Rather than ask, he tried to work it out for himself, observing my behaviour and mannerisms for hours on end, though he still couldn't get what was up with my actions. He'd had to ask for some help from the others, though only David and Dwayne could offer any plausible reasons as to why: maybe I'd been abused in my past and was now averse to unfamiliar human contact, or maybe I was a germophobe. When the young vampire had asked me about both, I'd quickly denied them, thinking that it is unlikely he'd understand the real reason for my odd behaviour. It was only when he saw another person try to shake my hand that he finally noticed the emotion passing through my eyes at the prospect, at which point it all clicked into place. I was afraid of the contact.
Explaining to him what chiraptophobia is was surprisingly easy, though he was a little disappointed by this fact, being a very touch-driven person when around others, even when not in a relationship, though he did manage to take it in his stride, taking time to inform the boys of this as well, in case one of them accidentally made me uncomfortable. He'd nearly ripped Paul's head off when the taller vampire tried to wrap his arm around my shoulders, only letting up when I told him it was alright, that there was no harm done, despite how uneasy I felt afterwards. Since then, Marko has become almost like a bodyguard for me, making sure no one ever comes into my personal space, all while keeping his distance, too, respecting my limits.
We became fast friends, so much so that he eventually told me his secret, revealing his true self to me on one of the nights we chose to hang out together, alone, on the beach, a night I'd never forget. Naturally, I'd been shaken by this revelation, but soon grew used to the idea, knowing that my friend would never hurt me, not intentionally. After a few months, I finally felt comfortable enough to let him touch my gloved hand, though it still made me feel a little uneasy, the sensation of another person's fingers on mine unfamiliar and disturbing to me, but it made the vampire unbelievably happy, a bright smile plastering itself across his face for the rest of the night. He tells me he had to fight off the urge to hug me, for which I'm very grateful - touching a covered hand is very different to being enveloped in an embrace. Since then, he's taken any chance he can get to hold or touch my hand, always beaming like a beacon when he does so, my discomfort in the contact fading a little over time, though I'd soon found that it was only with the curly haired blonde that my body reacted like this, having asked Dwayne to try at some point, to see if it improved overall. Having come up negative in this test, I gave contact one last try with David, who never seems to take off his gloves, only to find that his touch made me uneasy as much as Dwayne's had, despite the two layers of cloth between our respective fingertips. The memory still sets me on edge, though I am well aware it has nothing to do with either David or Dwayne, rather my own mentality.
A shiver goes up my spine as I feel a hand slip into mine, though I quickly recognise the young vampire stepping in beside me, my stance relaxing again when my body realises whose touch it is, though my arm still remains a little tense, out of habit. Reassuringly, Marko swipes a thumb over the back of my glove, glad that I haven't rejected the contact yet, meaning I'm doing better than normal.
"Hey Stranger." He greets, grinning widely at me.
"Hey Blondie." I reply, smiling back at him in return, before casting a quick glance around for the others, "What'd you do with the other three?"
"They're around. Not sure where." The young vampire shrugs, dismissing the question quickly, "How was your day?"
"Not too bad. I didn't get much work done though, I was too preoccupied."
"Preoccupied? With what?" Marko inquires, raising an eyebrow at me in confusion, though his lips are still quirked up into an amused curve.
"That's for me to know, and for you to figure out." I chuckle, tapping the side of my nose secretively.
"Challenge accepted." He smirks, eyes lighting up at the prospect.
I smile at him as we walk, knowing he'll figure it out eventually, the answer being a little closer to home than he thinks.
"Anyway, how'd you sleep?" I question him, eyeing the Ferris wheel off to the side of the Boardwalk.
"Better than usual, actually."
"Oh yeah? How come?"
"Paul didn't snore so much for once, and David wasn't muttering in his sleep either, so it was pretty quiet, altogether." He explains, smiling when I laugh at the mention of David.
"Wait, David talks in his sleep?"
"Yeah, but you can't tell anyone! And especially don't tell him that I told you, or I'll have my ass kicked to the moon and back." Marko grins, biting his thumb as if nervous, though I'm aware that this is one of his signature mannerisms.
"That's a lot of ass-kicking. Probably quite impressive to watch. " I muse, noticing his arm lift slightly, as if to give me a playful slap on the arm, as he normally would've done with someone else, only to briefly squeeze my hand instead, shaking his head in mock exasperation. I grin at him, before turning my gaze back towards the Ferris wheel, admiring the glittering lights in the black night sky, wondering what the view is like up there.
"Wanna take a ride?" Marko interrupts my thoughts, eyebrow raised in amusement.
"Huh?" I blurt out, not having heard his question, quickly snapping my eyes back to his.
"Do you wanna go on the wheel with me?" He repeats, gesturing with a nod of the head to the great circular structure a little way away.
"I would love to, but I don't have any money on me tonight. I forgot my change." I say, somewhat remorsefully, using my free hand to pat my pockets to check for any loose coins, though I'm well aware I have none, having spent it all on food earlier in the evening.
"Who said anything about you paying? Come on, it'll be fun!" The blonde vampire promises, pulling me into the crowd, which parts around us thanks to his reputation (and choice of company), meaning no one comes into touching distance. At one point, my arm brushes past some surfer's bare bicep, which sends uncomfortable shivers and goosebumps through my body, the bitter, irrational fear that comes with it soon biting at the back of my mind, my pulse picking up slightly in response, my muscles turning rigid under my clothes. Marko notices this, briefly stopping to make sure I'm ok, before turning to memorize the surfer's face, most likely intending to take it up with him later, before we continue on, swiftly reaching the shortening queue for the Ferris wheel. Beside me, Marko fidgets and shifts in place, clearly eager to get on the rotating structure, his thumb between his teeth as usual, doe eyes focused on the ticket booth.
"Calm down, Blondie. The wheel isn't going anywhere." I laugh, watching the people around us as they amble to and fro, inching out of the way as a group of made-up girls push past, wincing as I brush against Marko, only to feel surprised when I don't feel the usual discomfort rising up in me from the contact, setting a train of thought into motion. I barely notice as the queue diminishes, only really returning to the present when we reach the booth, at which point Marko buys two tickets and leads me into one of the seats. An attendant comes over to help us secure ourselves, but Marko quickly stares him down, doing the job himself with efficiency.
Not too long after, we've reached a decent way off from the ground, our feet swinging gently in the air as we watch the Boardwalk from above, grinning and joking with each other as we take it in turns pointing out random individuals, making comments about them until the other laughs. At one point, the young vampire manages to spot David, Dwayne and Paul, making some sort of remark about how the leader's hair "looks like a pineapple from the top", before comparing the latter's to a mop. I do my best to hold back my laughter, but it only results in me nearly choking as he starts pointing out more and more likenesses between his friends and everyday objects, tears threatening to spill as I struggle to contain myself. It is only in this moment, that I realise one thing, but it takes me a couple more minutes to act on the thought that has sprung to mind.
Slowly, I pull off my left glove, teasing each finger out of their designated space with a deliberate hesitation, wriggling them a bit once I've exposed them to the air, enjoying the sensation of the light breeze around my heated digits. Marko makes a point of ignoring this, turning his gaze up to the star-strewn sky instead, only to snap his eyes back to mine when he feels a single finger touch the skin of his hand. Gingerly, I trace it over his knuckle, expecting to feel a rush of discomfort, my movements careful and calculated, knowing this is the first time in years that I've had deliberate contact with another person's skin. From my fingertip, it feels as if an electric shock has travelled through me, butterflies suddenly appearing in my stomach. Biting my lip when nothing bad happens, I continue this movement with the rest of my fingers, cautiously slipping my hand into his, enjoying the feeling of his icy cold palm against my warmed one, my eyes finding his shocked ones as our fingers intertwine. In them, I find a tonne of questioning, though he makes no move to actually ask, instead remaining quiet, carefully tightening his grip around my hand as he tries his best to feel as much of my soft skin as he can, the calluses from the handlebars of his bike rubbing slightly.
"What does this mean?" He eventually queries, elated that he can finally hold my hand without a glove being in the way.
"It means that I trust you. I've had no reaction to your contact, and I think it's because I enjoy being with you, and also because you've increased my confidence levels a lot since we first met. I've been trying to figure out why I'm ok with you touching me and no one else all day, which is why I was too preoccupied to work, but I finally worked it out." I inform him, telling him part of the truth - in reality, my trust goes a lot further than wanting a platonic friendship.
Marko is quiet for a moment, as if not quite understanding what I've told him.
"You trust me?" His voice is laced with disbelief, eyes fixing on mine again.
"I do."
Eyes widening again, he smiles, his other hand coming up, as if to try and wrap me in a hug, but the awkward positioning of the barrier, as well as the reminder of my usual discomfort, stop him in his tracks, his hand tightening around mine instead .
"I'm really glad you feel that way, (Y/n). Not many people do." He chuckles, referring to the naturally predatory air he gives off, being a vampire and all, still surprised that I let him touch me.
"I feel safe around you because I know you're my friend, but not many people can have the same claim." I point out, watching the view a little, enjoying the sight of the many glittering lights sprawled out before me, admiring the tiny orange specks of fires on the beach, as well as the rapidly moving headlights of a train passing through the outskirts of Santa Carla, most likely heading out towards the Bridge.
"Fair point." Marko agrees, still staring at our joined hands, which he continues to do until we reach the bottom of the wheel again, at which point he has to let go in order to remove the barrier from our laps. As soon as we're back on the Boardwalk, however, I slip my hand back into his, a small feeling of warmth welling up in me as I see the bright smile splitting his face, clearly happy that I've willingly made contact with him again.
A whistle behind us draws our attention, the sound belonging to a grinning Paul, who approaches us, along with David and Dwayne, who are both smiling at the sight of us, the latter more so than the former, though both seem glad to see their friend happy. As they come closer, I make eye contact with Dwayne, who lifts an eyebrow in questioning, a smirk making its way onto his face when I silently give him a nod, knowing he understands what it means.
I've fallen hard for the blonde vampire who's helped me get over my fear.
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Unexpected Arrival - 3
Pairing: Eventual Bucky x Reader, Possible Steve x Reader
Summary: As if working with the Avengers wasn't exciting enough.... an unexpected visitor is about to change your life forever.
A/N: Just a bit of filler chapter while i work on the next part.
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After taking a shower i dressed in聽 sweatpants and an old tshirt that Nat had packed for me.... she'd even packed my slippers! Once i was done we had a slow walk back to my room, my arm hooked in Nat's for extra support.
"My god it hurts to walk Nat!" I moaned with each little step i took.
"Well you did just squeeze a baby out of you, that ain't gonna tickle"
"Your鈥檙e right about that! I thought i was being torn apart. After everything we've been through.... giving birth is by far the scariest and most painful thing i have ever felt in my life!" I told her truthfully "i'd take a bullet over doing that again"
"You鈥檙e up! How you doing?" Steve asked appearing from around the corner.
"Im up.... struggling to make it back to my room" i replied rolling my eyes.
Steve walked over and gently picked me up "problem solved" he smiled down at me and walked the rest of the way.
"I could've made it you know?" I had to point out, even if it would have taken me a while!
"I know but this was quicker" he said opening the door to my room and placing me in the bed.
"Are you okay!?" Bucky asked looking panicked when Steve came in carrying me.
"Im fine. Was just taking me a while to walk back so Steve decided to carry me"
"Why.... are you in pain still?"
"Just a bit delicate after pushing a baby out of me you know" i shrugged before getting back in the bed.
"I should probably feed her"
"Right thats our cue" Nat got up "you call if you need anything okay?"
"I will, hey could you ask Bruce when i can go back to my room? I hate it in here"
"Sure sweetie"
"I'll check in later" Steve said before kissing the top of my head and following Nat out. Bucky stood up and carefully handed the baby to me "i'll give you some privacy...."
"You can stay Buck its okay" i shrugged as i got the baby into position and waited for her to latch on to my breast. I used the blanket she was wrapped in to cover myself so i wasn't exposed to anyone who might walk in.
"So, i was thinking we could name her after my mom?" I said looking down at my tiny baby girl.
"Okay..... what was your moms name?"
"Evelyn, i know thats a bit out dated so i was thinking Evie? They used to call my mom Evie" i explained with a shrug "she would have loved to meet her"
"I think thats perfect Doll, Evie it is"
"Our little Evie Barnes"
"You鈥檙e giving her my name?" Bucky asked sounding surprised.
"Of course.... she's your daughter Bucky. Did you not want that?...."
"No i do! I just...." he stopped and shook his head "it means a lot to me Y/N" Bucky looked up at me with teary eyes but the biggest smile plastered on his face.
"Oh shit, can you stop them coming in here while i make myself decent!" I said quickly seeing Tony and Bruce heading our way. Bucky got up and opened the door "just give her a minute shes feeding Evie"
"Oh for the love of god, we've seen your most intimate lady parts already get over it! Its a boob" Tony rolled his eyes and carried on into the room.
"Don't remind me! Im embarrassed enough!" I muttered covering myself up and gently rubbing Evie's back.
"What are you still doing down here anyway? Didn't think baby's would be your kinda thing tin man" Tony said looking at Bucky with a raised eyebrow.
"Tony....." i said in a warning tone.
"Oh wait a dang minute.... don't tell me you the baby daddy?"
"Can i hit him?" Bucky asked me sitting on the bottom of my bed.
"No! you boys need to behave"
"Well look at you, you already sound like a mom" Tony teased "so i got a few things for our girl here, some clothes, diapers, stuff i have no clue what it is but i was assured we need it with a newborn" Tony held up the bags that he was carrying.
"Thank you so much Tony, at last we can put some clothes on you baby girl" i smiled down at her. The guys started going through the bags finding what we needed as i laid Evie on the bed in front of me unwrapping the yellow blanket.
Tony handed me a tiny diaper looking a little confused at how it went on.
While i was fixing the tabs on the diaper the guys were finding an outfit for her to be dressed in.
"Buck pass me one of those bodysuits would you?" I pointed to them sitting beside his leg. He passed it over and i carefully dressed Evie in that " oh my god i feel like I'm gonna break her, shes so tiny!"
"You鈥檙e doing fine doll" Bucky said smiling proudly "here this is cute" he added handing over a pink and white sleep suit and pink hat.
I carefully finished dressing Evie and settled her in my arms, she was soon sleeping soundly making the cutest little noises.
"She looks so cozy now" i said gently stroking her cheek "I still cant believe shes real.... we have a baby Buck!" I said quietly to him, he came and sat next to me on the bed draping his arm around my shoulders pulling me close and placing a kiss to my temple "thank you so much for giving me the perfect daughter" he said so only i would hear.
"Lets get a family photo while you鈥檙e together" Tony said pulling his phone out his pocket.
"Tony i look like crap cant this wait?" I moaned rolling my eyes.
"It has to be now it captures the moment!"
"Doll you look perfect" Bucky gave me his heart breaker smile and pulled me closer so Tony could take the photo.
"Thats perfect guys! Well i'll leave this stuff here for you and let you get some rest"
"Tony thank you for everything you did today. You'd make an awesome midwife if you ever fancy a career change"
"Thanks kid!" He chuckled coming over and placing a kiss on my forehead "i love you. Now get some sleep" he said then pressed a kiss to Evie's tiny head "sweet dreams baby girl. God i love that baby smell!" He said as he walked out.聽
"Get some rest you guys, Y/N you'll be able to go back to your room tomorrow. I just want to monitor you a bit longer" Bruce said before following Tony out of the room.
"I should go too...." Bucky started to say and got up from the bed but i found myself reaching for his hand.
"Will you stay with us? I don't wanna be alone right now Buck"
"Sure" he nodded and climbed back in beside me with his arm around me, Evie was fast asleep against my chest.
"You know, we still need to tell the rest of the team?" I said quietly.
"Don't remind me, Sam is going to be a nightmare when he finds out i got you pregnant"
"You know you鈥檙e the one thats telling them right? I told the others its your turn now" i said chuckling when a groan left his mouth.
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When i woke up the following morning i was cuddled up against Bucky's chest, his metal arm holding me close. I looked up at him and Evie was laying against his chest with his flesh hand gently on her back holding her in place, his eyes were closed and he looked so peaceful.
"Morning doll" he mumbled making me jump and let out a nervous giggle.
"Morning Buck. I thought you were sleeping"
"Nah, Just resting my eyes"
"Did she sleep okay?" I asked running my finger over her cheek.
"Yeah, takes after her mom apparently" he smirked. I did love my sleep.
"Thats good, lets hope it stays that way because I'm not gonna cope without my sleep Buck" i laughed at the thought, everyone knew how grumpy i could be when my sleep was interrupted.
"Its a good job i don't sleep much then isn't it" he teased.
"Im sure we'll cope together".
"Im sure we will doll, we've got this" he said placing a kiss on the top of my head.
"Can we go back to my room yet, i hate it in here"
"I'll go find Bruce and make sure its okay, here you take Evie..... i'll be right back".
Bucky stood up after placing Evie in my arms and stretched letting out a moan as his bones cracked in various places "that felt good" he laughed before walking out.
"Your daddy is gonna be the death of me baby girl i swear to god" i said quietly shaking my head, i had it bad for that man and he was clueless!
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