#(this is all for shits n giggles lmao if you vote for the rock it's alr xD)
twomp-tournaments · 5 months
I REFUSE to believe that yall actually like the rock that much to the point of it making it to the final round, and sweeping the said poll rn. Like it's literally beaten paperbag puppet, Mr flower, Millie, and now Tom, all who have their own fan base who are like obsessed with them . And you're telling me you guys like this rock more than them? More than the ones who actually has a personality and most who have a backstory?? What's so special about this rock that compells you to vote for him, make him win. Is it out of spite, huh? Is that it? Is it the fact that the rock enrages me which you find amusing? The rock has never even been talked about before! No one fucking cares about it! I think I've seen like one fanart containing it, and like one poll about what people think happened 2 it. Hell, even in canon it only appears in like two episodes where it plays a very minor role and is never seen again. But then this tournament happens and suddently it's sweeping every single poll. So pray tell me, why do you like it so much? Why do you desire its victory? Why do you desire my suffering?
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