#(unrelated but i'll definitively re design hanako later)
mari-lair · 1 year
i just wnated to say i LOVE ur au’s to death omg. (especially wonderland)
and if you’ve figured it out, i’d love to know where the rest of the cast is! (in wonderland) if you don’t know yet, that’s okay! i just love this au and wanted to say so :) (also i’m sorry i accidentally reposted but have removed and deleted!)
Thank you so much! I’m happy you like my aus!! And wonderland have a very special spot in my heart :D
I am not sure who you mean by 'the rest o the cast' so I'll assume characters besides Aoi and Akane.
I got vague ideas for every character, and most don't cross paths with Akane and Aoi (The Queen Hearts make it hard to have a talk with either her or the White Rabbit without risk of death) but here is a sprinkle of info on the characters whose role in the story I am 100% sure of and will not change:
Hanako is the Cheshire Cat, he used to be a guide for humans, but was taken off duty and exiled from most kingdoms after a human mysteriously died in his care, starting the madness in Wonderland.  He stays in the White Queen castle or the outskirts of the forest, where most humans tend to fall when they reach Wonderland.
He is the only one that breaks ‘fundamental rules’ of Wonderland, and might introduce himself with a fake title (even if it hurts when he does it), or give others a title despite not having the power to do so, something that would greatly offend another inhabitant of Wonderland, but that fallen humans don’t question much.
Wonderland’s madness affects his greed, which is one of the most common aspects to be corrupted by this sickness. He will get extremely possessive over anything he likes, if is an object, he’ll lose himself trying to find more like it, making sure he does not lose it, if is a person he’ll go to extreme lengths for their attention/ be loved. He is aware of it and makes a great effort not to be close to anyone or get attached to anything. He gave his favorite rock (a rock from the human world! So cool!!) to The Caterpillar before he got too attached to it and isolated himself from everyone, something that almost wasn’t a choice, considering he is widely hated for starting the madness plague. He did get attached to the White Queen on accident, as she was the only one openly kind to him, and it fed into his madness.
Kou is the mad hatter. He is a fallen human that stays for a long time in wonderland, taking the mission to ‘save Wonderland from it madness’ very seriously, and while he had been secretly happy so many people relied on him at first, he has grown more and more depressed the more the situation sank in, growing unsure who he could trust and if he was competent enough to be of any help.
The Minamoto family have a strange resistance to Wonderland’s madness so any signs of Kou acting strange would be from the stress of the situation, not the plague.
He can’t be recognized as a human, for the Queen of Hearts sent out an order to kill any fallen human on sight and if she learn a human was spared she will hunt whoever disobeyed her orders too, so Hanako give him the title of Mad Hatter and make his swear to never introduce himself by name, for a human name attract attention, but the only sane person in the land of lunatic fit the title of ‘mad’ perfectly.
Hanako gets attached to him so he subtly sabotages Kou and drags out any of his lessons about wonderland so Kou never ends his mission, and never leaves his side.
He is currently mostly in the white castle with the White Queen and Hanako, but he will eventually find Akane and form a.... strange... team up... of sorts...
Nene is the White Queen, she is the queen that gives Kou a place to stay and offers him cover from Aoi.
Her madness is ‘optimism’, which used to be a charming aspect of her but has grown to the point of self-delusion. No matter how many people go insane, she genuinely does not believe there is a plague in Wonderland, she does not believe the Queen of Hearts is dangerous, she does not believe the Cheshire Cat killed a person, in fact, she cannot accept death, if it happens they just 'went on a vocation'. She is oblivious to anyone's suffering, including her own, and no one can snap her out of it for more than 1 day.
If Hanako didn’t get attached to her she would have died a long time ago.
Tsuchigamori is the Caterpillar, he used to be sought for knowledge, but after the new Queen of Hearts (Aoi) got into power he hid, very few know where he is right now.
His madness is also greed: He has always been a very curious creature, but he has grown less and less likely to share what he learns, keeping it all to himself. Rumors have it he knows how to heal Wonderland’s madness but no one can be sure, as the rumor was spread by Yako when she had already clearly lost her mind.
Yako is the old Queen of Hearts, I talked about her: Here
Teru is no longer in wonderland, but he had somewhat of an ‘Alice’ role, I talk about him here: Here
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