#(when you watch the episode you can see that *none* of the og ninja are even remotely surprised)
elite-kunoichi · 7 years
Naruto Tag
Wasn’t tagged, but saw this and really wanted to fill this out!
Female Character(s): Sakura Haruno, Kushina Uzumaki, Tsunade, Ino Yamanaka, Temari, and TenTen (I feel like she’s really underappreciated), Konan
Male Character(s):  Sasuke Uchiha, Kakashi Hatake (He’s tired of everyone’s shit), Naruto Uzumaki, Obito Uchiha, Itachi Uchiha, Madara Uchiha (Fucking Uchiha Clan), Minato Namikaze, Shikamaru Nara, Neji Hyuga, Gaara, Kankuro
Least Favorite Female Character(s): Ughhh This is tough... It’s not that I don’t like them, it’s just they have certain qualities that make me like them less than my favorites if that makes any sense. Because I like Karin as an independent character, and Hinata had so much potential (as did half of the females in this series), but they’re not my favorites. 
Least Favorite Male Character(s): Danzo fuck you danzo i h8 u, Kisame (I’m sorry, fanart and fanfics I read when I was like 10 just made me uncomfortable xD), Kakazu (He creeped me out, ok) i hate video game Deidara, spamming piece of shit
Sensei: Kakashi, stick with the OG Naruto, but besides him, I’d have to go with The Legendary Sannin, they did really well with training NaruSakuSauce.
Team: Team 7, always and forever, and Team Minato, because, parallels.
Clan: Uchiha
Hokage: OBITO UCHIHA FOR HOKAGE Hashirama (//distant screeching from Madara) and my bby Naruto Uzumaki because he reached his dream.
Kage: Fuck me up, Mizukage, and ofc Gaara
Village: Konoha
Akatsuki: Konan, “Tobi”, Uchiha Itachi, Pein, Sasori
Jutsu: Yin Seal Release, Strength of a Hundred Seal, Ninja Art Creation Rebirth, Sage Mode, Susanoo, Summoning Jutsu, Amaterasu, Tailed Beast Bomb, Kushina’s Chains, so much more
Chapters: Oh boy, I don’t remember the specific chapters but: When Zabuza realizes how important Haku was, Orochimaru gives Sasuke the curse mark, Sakura protects Sasuke and Naruto in the FoD, Sasuke wakes up with the curse mark, Sakura and Ino’s fight, Neji and Hinata’s fight, Gaara and Lee’s fight, Neji and Naruto’s fight, Gaara and Sasuke’s fight, Sakura protects Sasuke from Gaara, Sasuke admits how precious Sakura (and Naruto) are to him, Itachi vs Sasuke (pre), Rooftop scene, Sakura’s confession (pre), Sasuke Retrieval Arc, Naruto and Sasuke’s fight (pre), Team 7 spar, Chiyo and Sakura vs Sasori, Chiyo giving her life to Gaara, Team 7 Reunion, Nine Tails vs Orochimaru, Naruto meets Kushina, Sasuke vs Itachi, Sasuke vs Team 7, Five Kage Summit, Madara reveals himself, Obito’s backstory, Jiraya’s death, Hokage are summoned, Sakura unlocks her seal, Team 7 Reunion (good), Sakura and Obito save Sasuke, Team 7 destroys Kaguya, Sasuke vs Naruto (final battle), Team 7 together again
Fight Scene: Naruto and Sasuke vs Haku, Both Naruto vs Sasuke fights, Kakashi vs Obito, Sasuke vs Itachi
Story Arc: Land of Waves Arc, Chunin Exam Arc, Destruction of the Hidden Leaf, Sasuke Retrieval Arc, Shinobi War Arc 
Filler: In pre-Shippuden, I liked the one filler where Team 7 tries to find out what is under Kakashi’s mask. That’s literally it, the fillers are absolute trash.
What is your…
OTP (explain why): SasuSaku; I’ve watched this series since I was like 6-7 years old (19 now). Sakura was my absolute favorite character, probably because I was obsessed with the color pink and I just thought she was absolutely beautiful. The FoD episodes are what solidified my love for Sasuke and Sakura together, seeing the concern he had for who harmed her and how she stopped his curse mark, and it just continued from there. I would get on YouTube and watch countless numbers of AMV’s between the two of them, one I can remember perfectly was an Everytime We Touch AMV with them and it had the FoD scene and I just absolutely adored it xD. From then on out I would google (or go to ask.com and Photobucket) and look up photos of them and watch AMV and Naruto chatrooms xD kill me.
NOTP(be nice): SasuKarin, I prefer Karin with Suigetsu tbh BROTP: NaruSaku, SasuNaru, InoSaku, KarinSaku FRIENDSHIP FOR ALL OT3: NaruSakuSasu and InoSakuTem Crossover Ship: Literally none. Now if we’re talking crack ships... ಠ‿ಠ I’m a slut for MadaSaku (lowkey hinting at marriage to @madara-fate), ObiSaku, KibaHina, InoShika
Do you have any headcanons: Just that Sasuke is a complete dork around Sarada and Sakura and they play cute family games like Monopoly and Uno and they’re just a wholesome family now that Sasuke is back from his mission.
Are you happy with the ending? What would you have done differently?: Sigh. Yes and no. During the whole run of Shippuden, it was referenced, even by Naruto himself, that he and Sasuke would die during their final battle. Do I wish they would’ve? No, because then Naruto’s efforts to become Hokage would’ve been futile, and that would’ve been a huge dick move lol. Sure, have Naruto say that in order to build suspense, but I mean, come on. I also wish more people knew the true reason behind Itachi’s actions, but that’s just a personal feeling. Also, more Team 7, I love those fuckers.  How do you feel about the new generation?  If it’s anything like the Naruto fillers, we’re going to have problems lol. But, I find them adorable, spinning images of their parents and a good personality mixture of both spouses. Except, Shikadai, he is all Shikamaru personality wise.
Say something about your favorite character. Good and bad: Female: Sakura Haruno. God Bless, I would go to war for her. Once I saw her in episode 3 of Naruto when it aired on Toonami, I was immediately drawn to her. As I mentioned earlier, I thought she was absolutely beautiful, and she rocked my favorite color. Honestly, she became my role model and helped me become who I am today (as dumb as that sounds). I admired how intelligent she is and how strong she has become, all without a limitless chakra supply or kekkei genkai. She’s a relatable character, for me, and is proof of what hard work and determination can achieve. She is always there for her friends and spent years trying to help rescue Sasuke from darkness, alongside Naruto. I only wish Kishi would’ve made her more than a support character in the first series, as she would’ve been perfect with genjutsu and more ninjutsu. Also, SS is my otp, but tone it down a bit in the first series.
Male: Sasuke Uchiha. Ya boy went through too much shit when he was a kid and it fucked him up. He wanted to live a normal life with Team 7, but Michael Jackson’s twin had to come and fuck everything up. I think he was a perfect rival for Naruto, because ya know, fucking bonds, but dammit Sasuke you should’ve sent a letter every now and again, even if its just a drawing of you flipping off Naruto. Your revenge having ass got old every now and then, but you are still a precious child.
What would a child between your OTP look like?: 
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Say something genuinely nice about your NoTP: She cared for him and helped him, also helped deliver his child.
Say something negative about your OTP: Sasuke was lil bitch at times and Sakura was too focused on him at times.
Is there any way you could be convinced to ship your NoTP?: Nah fam, SuiKarin all the way. If I did ship them, it would be in a more Brotp. What would make you change your mind about the pairing? Literally nothing. They are good as friends. What makes you mad about the series? Studio Pierrot. Too many fillers, too many unexplained power-ups like wtf, and tbh Anko should’ve been more important to the series. If you could see anything happen in the series, what would it be? Asuma and Kurenai’s relationship, Choji and Kauri because what, Sarada find out more about her clan, Kakashi’s retirement lol What would you say to Kishimoto if given the chance?  Thank you for everything! As much as I wanted to throw my phone across the room at the fandom and some chapters, I honestly couldn’t imagine a life without it. Thank you for making that aspect of my childhood well worth it!
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