#(which was 20 square feet btw. biggest piece i've painted - let alone worked on - by and large)
cass-cc · 2 years
Not to be sappy on main, but I will literally never forget when I finished listening to The Magnus Archives for the first time back in mid July and then listened to the S5 Q&A where Jonathan Sims compared doing a podcast to doing a big painting.
Because I was literally in the middle of doing a big painting. I think hearing him say that is the closest I've come to doing an actual spit take.
Now I'm almost done with my second listen of all 200 episodes of TMA, last week I finally finished the big painting, and I'll be getting it delivered to the client sometime this week. As the 200+ hours of work I put into the painting came to an end, I know that I have never been more excited to be able to say "look at it - it's finished!" about anything else I've ever done.
If you're reading this, Jonny, thank you.
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