#* . °◞ ❤ headcanon | saizo.
camuslittlesister · 3 years
SLBP Hotaru review
And the award for worst blogger of 2021 goes to...me...
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I've been sitting on this draft of a review for months now. As I'm now seeking to become more active on here again it seems like a good time to actually post it. It's not spoiler-free but it also gives away very little of note, still proceed with caution if you haven't read it yet.
First of all, how is that family even real by otome standards let alone human ones?
In fact no, that was not my first thought, my first thoughts in this route were as follows:
Major Kaede hair envy
Kyoichiro WTH?!
I knew Hotaru was going to be adorable from his ES but I never thought he would be that adorable. I’m not even that old and he has triggered every single inch of cougar in me. COME HERE BBZ LET ME TAKE CARE OF YOU
And then Saizo appeared, reminding us all that he is indeed related to the squishy baby with cat 乂❤‿❤乂 and the woman I never know if I want to be or be with (Yuki). Kyoichiro and Kaede are my new headcanon canon ship. Sorry, not sorry. And yes, I am aware I am walking a fine line here, I knew about it even before a pointed comment in the past ES. Still ship them. I don’t know whether I should be worried that I knew she’d walk her way into a red light district without knowing anything about it (´꒳`) but, again, Kyoichiro, WTH. Get some of that foreign sugar on your tongue and learn how to speak to a woman (Spoiler alert: I read his route after this one and hated it less than Manjunari).
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Also, that woman is the worst spy since the MC in HLITF (yes, I will die holding onto this grudge, it's carved into my very soul), I bet she’s like her great x whatever grandmother. For once, Kyoichiro’s comment is spot on. “Are you some kind of idiot?” well, yes, she is. I am actually impressed she picked up on Kyoichiro’s skills at this point. I love how the letter triggered at the end of the first half warns her to stay out of trouble like he still hopes she can avoid attracting it like the smell of flowers and bees.
{Random appearance by Yoshichi and Kageie (*≧∀≦*) although lol at Kakki being a better spy than her...}
I do like the MC having some backbone and standing up to Kaede about the plan. I refuse to be a spectator in my own destiny or whatever she said to that extent, great quote. I should put it on Instagram (Author's note: I did). I had also gathered the premise of this story from the ES but it’s just so good to see an otome MC (and a Voltage MC while at that!) going into a route deliberately using and manipulating the LI. Has it happened any time other than Kiss of Revenge? Masquerade Kiss S1 too, I guess, but still not enough. I’m so here for gray moral areas and borderline villainesses falling in love (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))
{Daddy Kanetsugu going full demon thooooo (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤}
I don’t know if I can love Kenshin any more than I already do but he is just so good and every time I read something he’s in I melt all over again. I don’t think I would have liked this story just as much if Hotaru had wound up somewhere else. It's not like Hotaru is a bad LI, I guess he is if you like your men domineering all of the time but if you want a cinnamon roll that sneaks up on you with something really grown up every once in a while he's perfect, but the environment he was in allowed for that to shine through.
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